Nicolas Ronvel
Nicolas Ronvel
When selecting / loading a template, there should be a link to the URL required to load by default this template.
Some ideas for multiple styles : The font of the basic card could be changed. The first version of the card is nearly complete, to be added to the...
The new Edition Mode, with the JSON validation Schema, needs to be documented.
Kind of like Magic Set Editor, it could be useful to have some card fields (HP, Name, Description, ...) that can be edited directly on the card (right part), and...
Some group of fields (see #16) could be used as an Array. For exemple, a table of weapons, with each the same values / fields (Range, Power, Name, Special rules)....
See #5 for comments on a better list UI. The need here is to get a true DataGrid to display the cards in the upper part of the page. Column...
For some **Numeric input**, a Range control, with min / max / step values will be a good idea. For example, to set the opacity of an element.
In order to get lighter template, maybe compressing the dataurl used for the fonts and images could be a good idea ? The decompression will be automatically done in the...
An editor for the templates (fields & Canvas) need to be done. It should allow the user to edit a canvas like the Kitchensink page of fabricjs :
Currently, the Label on the Editable Fields are put above the Editable field. It follows a general CSS-Rule. Sometimes, to gain space, or because the field doesn't need a full...