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KSP library and Gradle Plugin for generating ComposeUIViewController and UIViewControllerRepresentable files when using Compose Multiplatform for iOS



Android Weekly Featured in Kotlin Weekly - Issue #378 Featured in Kotlin Weekly - Issue #389 As Seen In - Newsletter Issue #188

KSP library for generating ComposeUIViewController and UIViewControllerRepresentable implementations when using Compose Multiplatform for iOS.


When employing Compose Multiplatform for iOS, if the goal is to effectively manage the UI state within the iOS app, it's essential to adopt the approach detailed here: Compose Multiplatform — Managing UI State on iOS.

As the project expands, the codebase required naturally grows, which can quickly become cumbersome and susceptible to errors. To mitigate this challenge, this library leverages Kotlin Symbol Processing to automatically generate the necessary code for you.

Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform are built upon the philosophy of incremental adoption and sharing only what you require. Consequently, the support for this specific use-case - in my opinion - is of paramount importance, especially in its capacity to entice iOS developers to embrace Compose Multiplatform.


Version Kotlin KSP K2 Compose Multiplatform Xcode
Maven Central 2.0.0 1.0.21 Yes 1.6.10 15.3.0

The suffix -ALPHA and -BETA will be added to reflect JetBrain's Compose Multiplatform iOS stability level, until it becomes STABLE.

It's important to note that this addresses the current Compose Multiplatform API design. Depending on JetBrains' future implementations, this may potentially become deprecated.


Step 1 - Setup code generation

KMP shared module


First we need to import the ksp plugin:

plugins {
    id("") version "${Kotlin}-${KSP}"

Then configure iosMain target to import kmp-composeuiviewcontroller-annotations:

kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        iosMain.dependencies {

and also the kmp-composeuiviewcontroller-ksp:

listOf(iosArm64(), iosSimulatorArm64(), iosX64()).forEach { target ->
    val targetName = { it.uppercaseChar() }
    dependencies.add("ksp$targetName", "com.github.guilhe.kmp:kmp-composeuiviewcontroller-ksp:${LASTEST_VERSION}")

Finish it by adding this task configuration in the end of the file:

  • If using XCFramework:
tasks.matching { == "embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode" }.configureEach { finalizedBy(":addFilesToXcodeproj") }
  • If using Cocoapods:
tasks.matching { == "syncFramework" }.configureEach { finalizedBy(":addFilesToXcodeproj") }

You can find a full setup example here.

Code generation

Now we can take advantage of two annotations:

  • @ComposeUIViewController: it will mark the @Composable as a desired ComposeUIViewController to be used by the iosApp;
  • @ComposeUIViewControllerState: it will specify the composable state variable.
Rules and considerations
  1. @ComposeUIViewController will always require a unique @ComposeUIViewControllerState;
  2. @ComposeUIViewController has a frameworkName parameter that must be used to specify the shared library framework's base name;
  3. @ComposeUIViewControllerState can only be applied once per @Composable;
  4. The state variable of your choosing must have default values in it's initialization;
  5. Only 1 @ComposeUIViewControllerState and * function parameters (excluding @Composable) are allowed in @ComposeUIViewController functions.

For more information consult the ProcessorTest.kt file from kmp-composeuiviewcontroller-ksp.

data class ViewState(val status: String = "default")

fun ComposeView(@ComposeUIViewControllerState viewState: ViewState, callback: () -> Unit) { }

will produce a ComposeViewUIViewController:

object ComposeViewUIViewController {
    private val viewState = mutableStateOf(ViewState())

    fun make(callback: () -> Unit): UIViewController {
        return ComposeUIViewController {
            ComposeView(viewState.value, callback)

    fun update(viewState: ViewState) {
        this.viewState.value = uiState

and also a ComposeViewRepresentable:

import SwiftUI
import SharedUI

public struct ComposeViewRepresentable: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    @Binding var viewState: ScreenState
    let callback: () -> Void
    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIViewController {
        ComposeViewUIViewController().make(callback: callback)
    func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIViewController, context: Context) {
        ComposeViewUIViewController().update(viewState: viewState)
Step 2 - Setup auto export to Xcode

Project root

Having all the files created by KSP, the next step is to make sure all the UIViewControllerRepresentable files are referenced in xcodeproj for the desire target:

  1. Make sure you have Xcodeproj installed;
  2. Copy the file to the project's root and run chmod +x ./
  3. Copy the following gradle task to the project's root build.gradle.kts:
tasks.register<Exec>("addFilesToXcodeproj") {
    commandLine("bash", "-c", "./")

note: if you change the default names of shared module, iosApp folder, iosApp.xcodeproj file and iosApp target, you'll have to adjust the accordingly (in # DEFAULT VALUES section).

Step 3 - Import and use UIViewControllerRepresentable files in iOSApp


Now that the UIViewControllerRepresentable files are included and referenced in the xcodeproj, they are ready to be used:

import SwiftUI
import SharedUI

struct SomeView: View {
    @State private var state: ViewState = ViewState(status: "default")        
    var body: some View {
        ComposeViewRepresentable(viewState: $state, callback: {})

Pretty simple right? 😊

For a working sample run iosApp by opening iosApp/iosApp.xcodeproj in Xcode and run standard configuration or use KMM plugin for Android Studio and choose iosApp in run configurations.


> Task :shared:kspKotlinIosSimulatorArm64
note: [ksp] loaded provider(s): [com.github.guilhe.kmp.composeuiviewcontroller.ksp.ProcessorProvider]
note: [ksp] GradientScreenUIViewController created!
note: [ksp] GradientScreenRepresentable created!

> Task :addFilesToXcodeproj
> Copying files to iosApp/SharedRepresentables/
> Checking for new references to be added to xcodeproj
> GradientScreenUIViewControllerRepresentable.swift added!
> Done

outputs It's an example of a happy path 🙌🏼 You can also find another working sample in Expressus App: Expressus


Operation Status
Android Studio Run 🟢
Xcode Run 🟢
Xcode Preview 🟢

Occasionally, if you experience iosApp/SharedRepresentables files not being updated after a successful build, try to run the following command manually:

./gradlew addFilesToXcodeproj

This could be due to gradle caches not being properly invalidated upon file updates.

If necessary, disable swift files automatically export to Xcode and instead include them manually, all while keeping the advantages of code generation. Simply comment the following line:

//...configureEach { finalizedBy(":addFilesToXcodeproj") }

You will find the generated files under {shared-module}/build/generated/ksp/.

Warning: avoid deleting iosApp/SharedRepresentables whithout first using Xcode to Remove references.


Copyright (c) 2023-present GuilhE

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.