Gu.Localization copied to clipboard
Setting "Explicit languages" does not work
Using the following code from the example.
<l:Language Culture="de-DE"
FlagSource="pack://application:,,,/Gu.Wpf.Localization;component/Flags/de.png" />
<l:Language Culture="en-GB"
FlagSource="pack://application:,,,/Gu.Wpf.Localization;component/Flags/gb.png" />
<l:Language Culture="sv-SE"
FlagSource="pack://application:,,,/Gu.Wpf.Localization;component/Flags/se.png" />
Throws the following errors in the XAML designer:
- XDG0023 The type "Language" does not include any accessible constructors.
- XLS0507 Type 'Language' is not usable as an object element because it is not public or does not define a public parameterless constructor or a type converter.
Broken by the commit on 28.6.2020 13:13-> by removing the parameterless constructor.