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superDoit project should be an isolated git checkout in GsDevKit_home to eliminate the need to copy files between two projects

Open dalehenrich opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

in the last several months @JupiterJones, @jbrichau, and I have been working on using superDoit technology and topaz solo extents to replace the 32 bit Pharo image used in many of the bash commands in the tool kit. We have plans plans to completely replace the bash scripts with superDoit scripts as well, but that is not our immediate goal.

Up until now, we have housed the superDoit artifacts in a superDoit_devkit directory. Over time the directory structure in the superDoit_devkit directory has diverged from the directory structure of the superDoit project itself. We rely on copying some of the common artifacts back and forth between varrious directoried inGsDevKit_home/superDoit_devkit and superDoit itself ... this is at best error prone, so I think in the best solution would be to "embed" a superDoit checkout in GsDevKit_home .. the only copy we will need to maintain is between the tonel (used by Rowan) and filetree (needed by tODE) packages directories and if push comes to shove, we could settle on using filetree so that no copying at all would be needed ...

  • [x] filetree and tonel format packages need to be support
    • [x] separate tonel and filetree package dirs
    • [x] .solo script for copying back and forth to keep both sets of packages in sync
    • [x] separate specs for each
  • [x] ~may be prudent to just use filetree format packages at this point?~ GsDevKit/T2F2T-Conversion project makes copying between tonel and filetree pretty easy
  • [ ] separate GsDevKit project(?) for shared GsDevKit code
  • [ ] separate bin directory for _home scripts
  • [ ] separate tode directory for tode filesystem bootstrap files (support for GsDevKit project)

dalehenrich avatar Aug 10 '21 16:08 dalehenrich