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[1.5.0-17] Massive FPS Loss With Placed Inscription Table
Getting a huge FPS loss when I place the Inscription Table down.
72 FPS down to 8 FPS
90% of the blocks in the mod are causing fps issues, im aware of this
After a quick look through some of the tile entities, I can see why there would be FPS issues. Mainly from the fact that 90% of the tile entities call worldObj.markAndNotifyBlock(pos, worldObj.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos), worldObj.getBlockState(pos), worldObj.getBlockState(pos), 3);
every tick on both the server and client side in onUpdate(). This is really bad. They should only be calling it if there is a good reason, not every tick no matter what.
im aware of that, just haven't gotten around to fixing it yet lol, but yea, it makes sense
I was having this issue until I removed BetterFPS from my modpack.
This happens with every block form AM2 for me. but I see you know what it is. will wait for an update.
So still getting a bit of FPS drop with placed blocks from the mod. Weirdly enough the inscription table is not one of them. Things have improved but there is still issues with some of the placed normal blocks.
Inscription table should still be one of them, the mod hasn't updated.
That's really odd. Putting the inscription table down does nothing to the frame rate. Putting the oculus down has a small blip and some of the other tables make a bigger drop in FPS.
It'll depend which chunk you place it in, if you have a lot of complex models in the chunk it will slow things down quite a bit.
Ahh...I was secretly hoping this got stealth fixed.