Yeah me and @kcgen knew this would come bite our asses hence we've postponed upgrading from macOS 11. Already planned to moving to MacPorts to avoid this but lets figure...
Have you tried `config -set cputype=pentium_slow`?
With this kind of performance available on Apple silicon there should be at least configurable option to enable quadruple precision (128-bit) on those systems that can handle it without issues:
I'm talking about something crazy like when IEEE 754 Extended Precision formats are used, make that calculation on software and use that value instead. These things got insane amount of...
This MAY or MAY NOT be an FPU extended precision issue. The only way to find out is to do a CPU instructions level analysis of this.
Can you tell the exact model of the monitor. It's probably something older if it doesn't self protect against tuning out of the supported sync ranges. Panasonic PanaSync S70 owners...
That would be Sony GDM-500PS. Owners manual here:
> However! If I try to exit from the game, Staging will crash and hangs in the middle of changing resolutions. Monitor makes bad high-pitched squeal which is probably bad...
Try setting: `vga_8dot_font = true` and try again.
I think the graphics card has more problems dialing in that resolution than the high-end Sony monitor has problems to syncing to it at this point. If that monitor has...