GoogleTranslateFreeApi copied to clipboard
Api for free text translation using Google translate
Api for free text translation using Google translate.
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Target Framework | |
Nuget | |
License |
Main features:
- [x] Text corrections
- [x] Language corrections
- [x] Language auto detection
- [x] Transcriptions (original text, translated text)
- [x] Synonyms
- [x] Definitions + Examples
- [x] Extra translations
- [x] Proxy (Useful when getting a ban for a while)
Feature | TranslateLiteAsync | TranslateAsync |
Text corrections | + | + |
Language corrections | + | + |
Language auto detection | + | + |
Transcriptions | + | + |
Synonyms | - | + |
Definitions + Examples | - | + |
Extra translations | - | + |
See Also | - | + |
Translation, transcription and text/language corrections
var translator = new GoogleTranslator();
Language from = Language.Auto;
Language to = GoogleTranslator.GetLanguageByName("Japanese");
TranslationResult result = await translator.TranslateLiteAsync("Hello. How are you?", from, to);
//The result is separated by the suggestions and the '\n' symbols
string[] resultSeparated = result.FragmentedTranslation;
//You can get all text using MergedTranslation property
string resultMerged = result.MergedTranslation;
//There is also original text transcription
string transcription = result.TranslatedTextTranscription; // Kon'nichiwa! Ogenkidesuka?
Language auto detection and correction
var result2 = await translator.TranslateLiteAsync("Drones", Language.Auto, Language.Czech);
foreach(LanguageDetection languageDetection in result2.LanguageDetections)
// The output will be next. Double in brackets is confidence
// Spanish (0.61010)
// English (0.34365)
Language spanish = new Language("Spanish", "es"); // For the method, only the second parameter is important (ISO639)
result2 = await translator.TranslateLiteAsync("world", spanish, Language.Czech);
Console.WriteLine(result2.LanguageDetections.First()); // English (0.98828)
Console.WriteLine(result2.MergedTranslation) // мир
Text corrections
string misspellingsText = "The quik brown fox jumps ovver the lazy dog"
var english = new Language("English language", "en");
// you could also get language from Language static properties
// for example: Language.English or Language.Korean
// check language is valid for GoogleTranslator class
var result3 = await translator.TranslateLiteAsync(misspellingsText, english, GoogleTranslator.GetLanguageByISO("ru"));
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", result3.Corrections.CorrectedWords); // "quick", "over"
Console.WriteLine(result3.MergedTranslation) // "Быстрая коричневая лиса прыгает через ленивую собаку"
Synonyms, extra translations, definitions and so on.
GoogleTranslator translator = new GoogleTranslator();
var result4 = await translator.TranslateAsync("книга", Language.Russian, Language.English);
if(result.ExtraTranslations != null)
Console.WriteLine(result.ExtraTranslations.ToString()); // ToString returns friendly for reading string
Example of ToString output:
book: книга, книжка, журнал, книжечка, том, текст
volume: объем, том, громкость, книга, емкость, масса
bk: книга, назад, обратно
You can also get any part of the speech indently
foreach(ExtraTranslation item in result4.ExtraTranslations)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Phrase}: {String.Join(", ", item.PhraseTranslations)}");
// just like item.ToString()
There are other translate information getting by the same principe
- Definitions
- Synonyms
- See also
Google Translate can ban IP that sends too many requests at the same time. Ban lasts about a few hours, but you can use a Proxy
var proxy = new WebProxy(uri); // You also can use GoogleTranslateFreeApi.Proxy class for this
translator.Proxy = proxy;
Released under the MIT License.
This repository сontains part of the code from the library google-translate-token