react-file-reader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-file-reader copied to clipboard

remove `uuid` package

Open kambing86 opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

the uuid package can be avoided, it will add extra 700KB (including crypto polyfil for browser) to the bundle size when the component is built with webpack

created pull request for this issue

kambing86 avatar Jun 13 '18 05:06 kambing86

@kambing86 thanks for the commit, will get this merged and published sometime this week.. starting a new job, but will make time for it.

travisdmathis avatar Jun 18 '18 10:06 travisdmathis

Hi @travisdmathis any progress on this?

Harkindey avatar Jul 12 '18 06:07 Harkindey

@Harkindey not yet, apologies, I ended up taking a new job and it kind of derailed things. I will make time for it this week promise!

travisdmathis avatar Jul 12 '18 11:07 travisdmathis