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Acute ischemic stroke dataset
Hi Griffin, 非常感谢你和团队将数据无私地分享给大伙。我看了你的文章,有两个问题想请教下: 1. 文章Result 部分有提到 symmetry based alignment network 速度极快(0.46s per patient on average). 这是基于整个3D volume的结果,还是某一层?是否可以提供个demo试用下效果? 2. 标注部分,参照的标准时24小时内的核磁dwi。是否有考虑过,dwi上的高亮信号不一定是全是梗死的因素(我看到你们的网络结果,dice已经最好了,但是可能离实际应用还是有些距离,所以怀疑标注这块是否可能存在误差)。
Hi, @GriffinLiang, your work is quite interesting! But I am confused about how you compute the Dice value. I try some simple baselines but the results are quite different from...
Hi Griffin, Thank you very much for sharing this valuable dataset. I would like to use your dataset for automated ASPECTS scoring. Can you give the clinical information sheet including...
First of all, thank you very much for releasing the data. I've noticed that there're multiple labels (1-5) in the mask. What is the meaning of each labels?
Thank you for releasing the data from your paper. I noticed the number of slices ranges from 11 to 63 among the cases. Is the slice thickness 5mm for every...
May I ask how Vis. png was obtained? I downloaded your dataset, but my MRI and CT slices do not clearly correspond. I want them to compare each other in...
Dear kongming: Thanks for your great work and datasets. I am a master of Central South University. Your discussion about symmetry has greatly stimulated my research interest. I am working...
Hey, Thanks so much for your share. I'm afraid there is a missing file in "dicom-0/0073366/CT". BTW, you said different labels are used to reduce the uncertainty of annotations, so...
Sorry, I still don't understand the difference between 1,2,3 and 5 in the label. (1)Is this labeled by a different person? However, according to the paper, only one doctor marks...
May I ask whether the dice evaluation index of the paper is dice per case or global dice