Discord-Api-Endpoints copied to clipboard
A list of useful Discord API endpoints
Hello, how do i use the /auth/register endpoint to register a account? Congrats
POST: /users/@me/invites -> create user invite /users/@me/settings -> update custom status /guilds/:guildId/members/@me -> change guild username /channels/:channelId/typing -> typing in channel /channels/:channelId/messages -> send message in channel
Hello everyone. I need to be able to Add/Update a URI for authentication. I don't want to add it manually every time in: settings->OAuth2->Redirects. is there an API endpoint to...
Where can I find the payload for the endpoints?
Added a Postman collection. This file can be imported into Postman to use the URLs easier, as you then have a GUI to work with and don't have to look...
This has already been immensely useful, but if would be **amazing** if you could map everything else :D
gang yall only need this headers = { "authorization":token, "x-super-properties":"ewogICJvcyI6ICJXaW5kb3dzIiwKICAiY2xpZW50X2J1aWxkX251bWJlciI6IDI3NTIwOAp9" }
Hi Greg! Ok so i have Successfully generated fingerprint putted that in the /auth/register Solved captcha it gives a long ass string P1_eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.hKdwYXNza2V5xQdQggsS8PKiBSFprBs52OJrIRX2dmNISLKkN_J4Ag45orIVFGUi_4EMf_3hxxNf4jGcvZydabqBG54VQJ8iVLl0qSL-a5ONPfVBGoI52WVdTUSqLTnVYDn860nsHC48ccxGER52IujCRzGpa__S-PkhiwSVil-H9eSjeWHfUhfYAeIFC7JRMk6mlDSK959bCTioMOt6Mogyix0hu9G7vSO-...About 1000 more Char i putted that in...