Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry

Results 15 issues of Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry

When trying to use [Azure's free tier of Cosmos DB for MongoDB (vCore)]( with MongoDB 6.0 API on PG 16 I ran into the following: ``` # CREATE EXTENSION mongo_fdw;...

The eBay link for Gold no longer works, but [there is an archive of it]( including a thumbnail montage (in the first saved revision). I think the existing link should...

When starting to install the 5.0 executable on 32-bit Windows Vista, I received the following error ``` Cannot expand "pf64" constant on this version of Windows. ``` [This behaviour is...

An access violation occurs immediately when using this tool with [VirtualBox 5.1 Beta 2]( VBoxHeadlessTray code appears to be calling an invalid function pointer. Most likely API structures have changed...

If you launch VBoxHeadlessTray with the same arguments, with the tray app already running, it will fail to open the log file (with "error 13") and pause execution until you...