Actually, it seems it has, last build was a day ago. But still: `Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service must first be installed...
Hopefully the file is called server_cfg.ini on your server, not server_cfg.txt
Just for giggles I tried importing your config on a new server on Windows (cut and pasted the content). Imported 23 entries, but had to refresh the browser for them...
> It's also not importing the entry list either, I tried deleting the stock entry list and putting my own in it's place through the AMP Ui and once I...
What version of AMP are you on? Including AMP Instance Manager (type `ampinstmgr version` in command prompt)
I'm aware that it does, however there is no good way to do it in AMP other than have a big text box where you just paste in text. And...
When you say "AMP UI", I assume you mean the File Manager? Because there is no UI setting for the entry list
Possibly. Have you updated your templates on both controller and target, and then updated the instance?
I will have a look at this when I get a chance. Can you confirm tho that each of these settings is in the default Game.ini that AMP supplies and...
Ark is tricky, particularly SE as it has a habit of removing settings itself, at least from GUS.ini. The holy grail is AMP writing stuff in itself when it is...