Lev Solntsev
Lev Solntsev
И выводить блок «не прочитано», потому что избранное надолго забывается через 5 минут.
Очень не хватает после того, как появилась возможность публиковаться в несколько хабов. Например, в «веб-разработку» спамят все кто решил, что хоть чуть-чуть касается темы, хотя по сути совершенный оффтоп. Многие...
Not quite. Main problem is that if paths have intersections they may substract, so you have to check at least for intersections. In svgo it's done through checking convex hulls...
> ## NB: Obsolete software right in the begginning of the readme. Never looked into it.
I guess, it can be. However, I think it's a rare case, so it will not give much profit in general. There is no same plugin. [mergePaths](https://github.com/svg/svgo/blob/a7f62d89846cc94542b75a7a9e1fbd2a4dd64fa4/plugins/mergePaths.js) concatenates sibling paths...
Yes, useless defs are being removed by `removeUselessDefs`. `cleanupIDs` removes unused IDs, so it removes defs without IDs. No guidance for that for now. Only `cleanupIDs` saves IDs for its...
What does it do? If you mean applying transforms to paths then SVGO already does that when it possible.
Well, SVGO does something of that.
It'd be more helpful if you provide such examples. Also, there was a bunch of bugs with incorrectly moved transforms, so one need to be careful with them.
I'm planning such an operation, but no updates yet.