Jonathan Allen
Jonathan Allen
Probably not going to happen. I'm using TravellerMap for a lot of the core functionality. I would have to reinvent a log to support this.
The first draft has been posted. Let me know what you think.
> Ah! the other request was to make the columns sortable. I'm not a programmer, I have no idea what language you are using, so I'm throwing spaghetti at the...
We'll want to duplicate this for `IReadOnlyList`
This would affect the Store feature.
Needs more research on the 3rd Imperium and what info TravellerMap returns to us.
Realistically you need a few NPCs per type of person at a starport. If the PCs don't go poking around the starport they might only have to deal with the...
That doesn't sound unreasonable, but it will probably have to wait for the great rewrite.
Do we still need this in MGT2?
Randomly choose a homeworld for the sake of background. Not needed for stats.