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Weakly-/Semi-Supervised Learning in Computer vision
Weakly-/Semi-Supervised Learning in Computer Vision
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Included tasks: 1) Object Detection, 2) Semantic Segmentation, 3) Instance Segmentaion, 4) Saliency Detection and 5) Action Localization
1. Object Detection
1.1 Class Label Supervision
Weakly supervised object detection with convex clustering, CVPR 2015.
Weakly Supervised Deep Detection Networks, CVPR 2016. [code]
- Perform simultaneously region selection and classification
- Region score
Multiple Instance Detection Network with Online Instance Classifier Refinement, CVPR 2017.
Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Multi-fold Multiple Instance Learning, PAMI 2017.
W2F: A Weakly-Supervised to Fully-Supervised Framework for Object Detection, CVPR 2018.
- Using generated pseudo ground-truth to train fully-supervised RPN
Min-Entropy Latent Model for Weakly Supervised Object Detection, CVPR 2018.
- Min-entropy is used as a metric to measure the randomness of object localization during learning, as well as serving as a model to learn object locations.
Weakly Supervised Region Proposal Network and Object Detection, ECCV 2018.
- Stage 1: Evaluating bjectness score of sliding windows based on low-level features;
- Stage 2: Proposal refinement based on classifier;
- Shared convolutional computations.
TS2C: Tight Box Mining with Surrounding Segmentation Context for Weakly Supervised Object Detection, ECCV 2018.
- Semantic Segmentation Confidence Map.
- Compute objectness scores for the regions inside and outside the box.
Dissimilarity Coefficient based Weakly Supervised Object Detection, CVPR 2019.
WSOD2: Learning Bottom-up and Top-down Objectness Distillation for Weakly-supervised Object Detection, arXiv 1909.
Towards Precise End-to-end Weakly Supervised Object Detection Network, ICCV 2019.
1.2 Class and Count Labels as Supervision
C-WSL: Count-guided Weakly Supervised Localization, ECCV 2018.
- per-class object count
- count-based region selection algorithm
1.3 Applications
2. Object Localization
Attention Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Localization, BMVC 2016.
- computes an attention score on each candidate region in the image.
- candidate regions are combined together with their attention scores to form a whole-image feature vector. This feature vector is used for classifying the image.
ContextLocNet: Context-Aware Deep Network Models for Weakly Supervised Localization, ECCV 2016.
- Leverage their surrounding context regions to improve localization.
Self-produced Guidance for Weakly-supervised Object Localization, ECCV 2018. [code]
Self-Erasing Network for Integral Object Attention, NeurIPS 2018.
Attention-based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization, CVPR 2019(Oral).[code]
Integral Object Mining via Online Attention Accumulation, ICCV 2019.
Dual-attention Focused Module for Weakly Supervised Object Localization, arXiv 1909.
3. Semantic Segmentation
3.1 Class Label Supervision
Seed, Expand and Constrain: Three Principles for Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation, ECCV 2016.
Object Region Mining with Adversarial Erasing: A Simple Classification to Semantic Segmentation Approach, CVPR 2017.
Exploiting saliency for object segmentation from image level labels, CVPR 2017. [code]
Two-Phase Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization, ICCV 2017.
Self-Supervised Difference Detection for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, ICCV 2019.
Causal Intervention for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, NeurIPS 2020.
3.2 Scribble Supervision
ScribbleSup: Scribble-Supervised Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2016.
On Regularized Losses for Weakly-supervised CNN Segmentation, ECCV 2018.
3.3 Semi-supervised Learning
Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2017. [code]
Revisiting CycleGAN for semi-supervised segmentation, arXiv 1908.
Exploiting Temporality for Semi-Supervised Video Segmentation, arXiv 1908.
Semi-Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation with Self-correcting Networks, CVPR 2020.
4. Instance Segmentation
PRM: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation using Class Peak Response, CVPR 2018.[code]
IRN: Weakly Supervised Learning of Instance Segmentation with Inter-pixel Relations, CVPR 2019(Oral).[code]
Object Counting and Instance Segmentation with Image-level Supervision, CVPR 2019.
- Instance level segmentation using peak response and count knowledge
- Only per-class counts in subitizing range are provided
- Baseline: PRM
Where are the Masks: Instance Segmentation with Image-level Supervision, BMVC 2019.
- Baseline: IRN
Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation by Deep Multi-Task Community Learning, arXiv 2001.
4. Salient Object Detection
4.1 Image
Learning to Detect Salient Objects with Image-level Supervision, CVPR 2017. [code]
Weakly-supervised Salient Object detection using Image Labels, AAAI 2018.
Multi-source Weak Supervision for saliencly detection, CVPR 2019. [code]
Joint learning of saliency detection and weakly supervised semantic segmentation, ICCV 2019.
4.2 Video
Semi-Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Using Pseudo-Labels, ICCV 2019.
- Generating pixel-wsie pseudo-labels from sparsely annotated frames by using spatial and temporal information.
5. Salient Instance Detection
- Weakly-supervised Salient Instance Detection, BMVC 2020 (Oral, Best student paper runner-up).
6. Action Localization
Weakly Supervised Energy-Based Learning for Action Segmentation, ICCV 2019 (Oral).
3C-Net: Category Count and Center Loss for Weakly-Supervised Action Localization, arXiv 1908.
7. Derain
8. Useful Slides/Blogs for Comprehensive Reading
Weakly Supervised Object Localization, by Zongwei Zhou, 2019.
Towards Weakly Supervised Object Segmentation & Scene Parsing, by Yunchao Wei, Valse Workshop, 2019.
Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, by Yunchao Wei, Valse Tutorial, 2019.
Weakly Supervised Object Detection, Localization, and instance segmentation, by Qixiang Ye, 2019.