os-issue-tracker copied to clipboard
Error in System UI, not responding. Several times within an hour.
type: ANR
osVersion: google/husky/husky:14/AP1A.240405.002/2024040900:user/release-keys
package: com.android.systemui:34
process: com.android.systemui
activity: null
cause: ANR Input dispatching timed out (6681494 NotificationShade (server) is not responding. Waited 5003ms for MotionEvent).
info: ANR in com.android.systemui
PID: 22451
Reason: Input dispatching timed out (6681494 NotificationShade (server) is not responding. Waited 5003ms for MotionEvent).
ErrorId: af4c2d43-af90-4d48-a3b0-f01e395e5190
Frozen: false
Load: 5.03 / 4.37 / 3.83
----- Output from /proc/pressure/memory -----
some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=27080821
full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=23390559
----- End output from /proc/pressure/memory -----
----- Output from /proc/pressure/cpu -----
some avg10=3.93 avg60=4.65 avg300=2.95 total=3221691220
full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=0
----- End output from /proc/pressure/cpu -----
----- Output from /proc/pressure/io -----
some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.02 avg300=0.00 total=36022784
full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=26716505
----- End output from /proc/pressure/io -----
CPU usage from 1ms to 23131ms later (2024-04-16 21:57:29.070 to 2024-04-16 21:57:52.199):
122% 1477/system_server: 109% user + 12% kernel / faults: 45938 minor 2 major
114% 30525/com.futo.platformplayer: 114% user + 0% kernel / faults: 56256 minor 3 major
7.2% 578/surfaceflinger: 2.5% user + 4.6% kernel / faults: 238 minor
6.3% 25923/com.keeptruckin.android: 3.3% user + 2.9% kernel / faults: 102 minor
4.2% 17648/kworker/u18:4-async_vote_wq: 0% user + 4.2% kernel
2.5% 17822/chat.simplex.app: 2.5% user + 0% kernel / faults: 13 minor
2.3% 1080/media.swcodec: 0.8% user + 1.5% kernel / faults: 7571 minor
2% 586/android.hardware.composer.hwc3-service.pixel: 0.9% user + 1.1% kernel
1.6% 3498/com.google.android.gms: 0.7% user + 0.9% kernel / faults: 106 minor 93 major
1.6% 19382/kworker/u18:1-async_vote_wq: 0% user + 1.6% kernel
33% TOTAL: 26% user + 5.5% kernel + 0% iowait + 0.6% irq + 0.2% softirq
CPU usage from 75ms to 1079ms later (2024-04-16 21:57:29.143 to 2024-04-16 21:57:30.148):
226% 1477/system_server: 160% user + 65% kernel / faults: 9024 minor 2 major
100% 2011/NetworkStats: 100% user + 0% kernel
83% 1580/Signal Catcher: 43% user + 40% kernel
31% 22958/AnrAuxiliaryTas: 11% user + 20% kernel
3.3% 22956/AnrConsumer: 1.1% user + 2.2% kernel
1.1% 1588/binder:1477_1: 1.1% user + 0% kernel
1.1% 1654/android.fg: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
1.1% 2040/DeviceStorageMo: 1.1% user + 0% kernel
1.1% 2046/AS.SfxWorker: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
1.1% 2173/EmergencyAfford: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
1.1% 12612/binder:1477_19: 1.1% user + 0% kernel
1.1% 14265/AsyncQueryWorke: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
97% 30525/com.futo.platformplayer: 97% user + 0% kernel
97% 30577/Thread-1: 97% user + 0% kernel
7.3% 578/surfaceflinger: 3.1% user + 4.1% kernel
4.1% 708/app: 2% user + 2% kernel
2% 703/TimerDispatch: 1% user + 1% kernel
1% 2335/binder:578_4: 0% user + 1% kernel
2% 511/logd: 1% user + 1% kernel
2% 586/android.hardware.composer.hwc3-service.pixel: 1% user + 1% kernel
1% 637/drm-event-liste: 1% user + 0% kernel
1% 3136/binder:586_7: 0% user + 1% kernel
2.2% 1819/android.hardware.thermal-service.pixel: 1.1% user + 1.1% kernel
2.2% 1826/FileWatcherThre: 1.1% user + 1.1% kernel
5.8% 22365/kworker/u18:2-async_vote_wq: 0% user + 5.8% kernel
6.6% 25923/com.keeptruckin.android: 6.6% user + 0% kernel
3.3% 25923/truckin.android: 3.3% user + 0% kernel
0.9% 14/rcu_preempt: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
0.9% 65/rcuop/5: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
1% 73/rcuog/6: 0% user + 1% kernel
1% 82/rcuop/7: 0% user + 1% kernel
1% 90/rcuop/8: 0% user + 1% kernel
1% 357/sched_pmu_wq: 0% user + 1% kernel
1% 513/servicemanager: 0% user + 1% kernel / faults: 12 minor
1% 890/android.hardware.sensors-service.multihal: 0% user + 1% kernel
2.1% 1754/DisplayInfo: 0% user + 2.1% kernel
1.1% 1065/gpsd: 1.1% user + 0% kernel
1.1% 1282/com.google.usf.: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
41% TOTAL: 31% user + 9.8% kernel + 0.6% irq + 0.3% softirq
type: logcat
osVersion: google/husky/husky:14/AP1A.240405.002/2024040900:user/release-keys
packageName: com.android.systemui:34
buffers: main,system,crash,events
level: verbose
1713329649.837 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@36c78
1713329650.295 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#575) android.os.BinderProxy@e3eef8f@0
1713329650.309 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329650.309 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329651.964 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,panel_open,802,1]
1713329651.964 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329651964429s,Elapsed Time Ns=56894479049.956s,Uptime Ns=56894479050.647s,Tag=Expand]
1713329651.964 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,1328,758,4,1326,14,1327,0,1329,0]
1713329652.011 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329652009830s,Elapsed Time Ns=56894524449.655s,Uptime Ns=56894524450.021s,Tag=Collapse]
1713329652.791 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329652791702s,Elapsed Time Ns=56895306321.033s,Uptime Time Ns=56895306321.522s]
--------- switch to system
1713329712.591 1726 2546 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
1713329732.646 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#576): android.os.BinderProxy@3143650 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1746 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.facebook.orca/.auth.StartScreenActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity} origActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.orca.auth.StartScreenActivity} realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=31932296 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@a07b049} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{e727d4e com.facebook.orca.auth.StartScreenActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@8cd1242] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@1414e6f, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 576 }
1713329732.646 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#576) android.os.BinderProxy@3143650: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@1414e6f, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }
1713329732.651 1726 1804 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}
1713329733.171 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#576) android.os.BinderProxy@3143650: {id=576 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@8c5a6d6} m=TO_FRONT f=MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1746)/@0x8f1047b sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@4816d57} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1750)/@0x1e9298 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329733.171 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#576) android.os.BinderProxy@3143650@0
1713329733.171 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@14c9619
1713329733.171 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#576) to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@1414e6f, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }
1713329733.174 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
--------- switch to events
1713329733.176 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=16,Unix Time Ns=1713329733176735s,Elapsed Time Ns=56975691354.561s,Uptime Ns=56975691354.886s,]
1713329733.440 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713329733440269s,Elapsed Time Ns=56975954888.822s,Uptime Ns=56975954888.985s,]
--------- switch to system
1713329733.682 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#576) android.os.BinderProxy@3143650@0
--------- switch to events
1713329733.682 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=16,Unix Time Ns=1713329733682179s,Elapsed Time Ns=56976196798.531s,Uptime Time Ns=56976196798.693s]
--------- switch to system
1713329733.686 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329733.686 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329733.716 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713329733716629s,Elapsed Time Ns=56976231252.225s,Uptime Time Ns=56976231252.714s]
--------- switch to system
1713329741.907 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#577): android.os.BinderProxy@51a1de1 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1757 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=com.facebook.rtc.fbwebrtc.intent.action.HOSTED_FRAGMENT_SHOW_UI flg=0x10010000 cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.rtc.incall.activity.InCallActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.rtc.incall.activity.InCallActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.rtc.incall.activity.InCallActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.rtc.incall.activity.InCallActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=56984420 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=2 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e3f7706} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{bedb1c7 com.facebook.messaging.rtc.incall.activity.InCallActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 577 }
1713329741.960 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#577) android.os.BinderProxy@51a1de1: {id=577 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6261bdb} m=OPEN f=NO_ANIMATION leash=Surface(name=Task=1757)/@0xd2d5d8c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@118c678} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1746)/@0x519acd5 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329741.960 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#577) android.os.BinderProxy@51a1de1@0
1713329741.960 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@14c9619
1713329741.960 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@3adb6de
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@c62b0bf
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@a99a38c
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@d877ad5
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@fda62ea
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@51b99db
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=577 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6261bdb} m=OPEN f=NO_ANIMATION leash=Surface(name=Task=1757)/@0xd2d5d8c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@118c678} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1746)/@0x519acd5 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@4a0e93a, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@c6f29eb, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#577) to null
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@36c78
1713329741.961 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=577 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6261bdb} m=OPEN f=NO_ANIMATION leash=Surface(name=Task=1757)/@0xd2d5d8c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@118c678} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1746)/@0x519acd5 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329741.962 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#577) android.os.BinderProxy@51a1de1@0
1713329741.975 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329741.975 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713329741.975 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@36c78
1713329741.975 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329741.975 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329741.989 1726 1726 I sysui_keyguard: [isOccluded=1,animate=0]
1713329741.989 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=23,Unix Time Ns=1713329741989747s,Elapsed Time Ns=56984504365.551s,Uptime Time Ns=56984504365.714s]
1713329741.991 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,196,758,2,759,1]
1713329741.991 1726 1726 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=0,keyguardShowing=0,keyguardOccluded=1,bouncerShowing=0,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=0]
1713329742.367 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713329742367424s,Elapsed Time Ns=56984882042.472s,Uptime Ns=56984882042.635s,]
1713329742.643 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713329742643398s,Elapsed Time Ns=56985158018.709s,Uptime Time Ns=56985158018.831s]
1713329747.462 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,panel_open,802,1]
1713329747.463 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329747462788s,Elapsed Time Ns=56989977409.296s,Uptime Ns=56989977409.866s,Tag=Expand]
1713329747.463 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,1328,758,4,1326,20,1327,0,1329,0]
1713329747.515 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329747515440s,Elapsed Time Ns=56990030060.378s,Uptime Ns=56990030060.948s,Tag=Collapse]
1713329748.266 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329748266736s,Elapsed Time Ns=56990781355.707s,Uptime Time Ns=56990781355.911s]
1713329749.020 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,925,758,4,759,113,927,1,928,1,1592,0,1593,0]
1713329749.025 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=58,Unix Time Ns=1713329749025321s,Elapsed Time Ns=56991539941.157s,Uptime Ns=56991539941.889s,Tag=bluetooth_tile_dialog]
1713329749.602 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=58,Unix Time Ns=1713329749602137s,Elapsed Time Ns=56992116758.784s,Uptime Time Ns=56992116758.947s]
1713329757.688 1726 1991 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,210,758,4,759,0]
1713329757.696 1726 1991 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,211,758,4,759,0]
1713329757.763 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329757.763 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329757.776 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=55,Unix Time Ns=1713329757776560s,Elapsed Time Ns=57000291180.745s,Uptime Ns=57000291181.274s,Tag=show]
1713329758.071 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=55,Unix Time Ns=1713329758071391s,Elapsed Time Ns=57000586016.031s,Uptime Time Ns=57000586016.642s]
1713329758.078 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329758.078 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329758.132 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329758.132 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329758.184 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329758.184 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329758.228 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329758.228 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329758.291 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329758.291 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329758.331 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329758.331 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329758.381 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,1]
1713329758.381 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,804,799,volume_from_keyguard,801,0,802,1]
1713329761.383 1726 1726 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,207,758,2]
1713329761.386 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=55,Unix Time Ns=1713329761386067s,Elapsed Time Ns=57003900694.052s,Uptime Ns=57003900694.622s,Tag=dismiss]
1713329761.638 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=55,Unix Time Ns=1713329761638279s,Elapsed Time Ns=57004152905.6s,Uptime Time Ns=57004152906.007s]
1713329761.689 1726 1991 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,210,758,4,759,-1]
--------- switch to system
1713329766.284 1726 1804 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.rtc.incall.activity.InCallActivity}
--------- switch to events
1713329766.289 1726 1726 I sysui_keyguard: [isOccluded=1,animate=0]
1713329766.289 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=23,Unix Time Ns=1713329766289532s,Elapsed Time Ns=57008804152.957s,Uptime Time Ns=57008804153.283s]
1713329766.407 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329766407542s,Elapsed Time Ns=57008922163.659s,Uptime Ns=57008922164.188s,Tag=Collapse]
1713329767.005 1726 1806 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329767004871s,Elapsed Time Ns=57009519490.36s,Uptime Time Ns=57009519490.645s]
1713329770.307 1726 1991 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,210,758,4,759,0]
1713329770.311 1726 1991 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,211,758,4,759,0]
--------- switch to system
1713329773.288 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startRecentsTransition
1713329773.289 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Directly starting a new transition type=3 wct=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } handler=com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@fda62ea
1713329773.314 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.setTransition: id=android.os.BinderProxy@7c14162
1713329773.338 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#579) android.os.BinderProxy@7c14162: {id=579 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@5bcbb4f} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x300e2f3 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@8802dc} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1757)/@0x778dbb0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{93262ca token=android.os.Binder@e020e35})/@0xb855a29 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329773.339 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#579) android.os.BinderProxy@7c14162@0
1713329773.339 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@fda62ea
1713329773.339 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.start
1713329773.340 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: adding pausing leaf taskId=1757 at layer=8
1713329773.343 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.start: calling onAnimationStart
1713329773.344 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
1713329773.374 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.setInputConsumerEnabled: set focus to recents
1713329773.466 1726 2263 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.detachNavigationBarFromApp
1713329773.472 1726 1804 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
1713329774.070 1726 4100 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=1757
1713329774.080 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=true userLeave=true willFinishToHome=true state=0
1713329774.080 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: normal finish
1713329774.080 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.cleanup
1713329774.081 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#579) android.os.BinderProxy@7c14162@0
1713329774.085 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329774.085 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713329774.085 1726 1804 V ShellRecents: [244148269] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback
1713329790.687 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#580): android.os.BinderProxy@f3d2561 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1699 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=chat.simplex.app/.MainActivity_default } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity} origActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity_default} realActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=51981962 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@872a886} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{5cec547 chat.simplex.app.MainActivity_default} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@50fd174] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@d45b69d, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@ec0c712, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 580 }
1713329790.687 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#580) android.os.BinderProxy@f3d2561: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@d45b69d, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@ec0c712, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
1713329790.689 1726 1804 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity}
1713329790.697 1726 1804 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=false, height=234
1713329790.707 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#580) android.os.BinderProxy@f3d2561: {id=580 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@5b61c55} m=TO_FRONT f=MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0xa60425e sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@9ea266a} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x1e9163f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329790.707 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#580) android.os.BinderProxy@f3d2561@0
1713329790.707 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@14c9619
1713329790.707 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#580) to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@d45b69d, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@ec0c712, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
1713329790.709 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
1713329791.276 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#580) android.os.BinderProxy@f3d2561@0
1713329791.282 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329791.282 1726 1804 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329803.040 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22500): avc: denied { read } for comm="ndroid.systemui" name="u:object_r:odsign_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=279 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:odsign_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.048 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22501): avc: denied { getattr } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/apex/apex-info-list.xml" dev="tmpfs" ino=85 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:apex_info_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.072 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22502): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1324 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.076 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22503): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1258 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.080 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22504): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-okhttp.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1306 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.080 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22505): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-bouncycastle.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1246 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.080 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22506): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-apache-xml.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1240 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.080 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22507): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1294 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.112 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22508): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-graphics.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1276 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.112 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22509): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-location.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1282 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.112 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22510): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-nfc.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1288 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.112 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22511): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1264 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.112 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22512): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-telephony-common.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1312 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.116 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22513): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-voip-common.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1318 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.116 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22514): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-ims-common.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1300 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.116 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22515): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-icu4j.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1252 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.136 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22516): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-adservices.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1270 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.308 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22517): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.308 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22518): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.308 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22519): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.308 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22520): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.308 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22521): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.404 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22522): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:22451_2" name="u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=302 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329803.404 22451 22451 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22523): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:22451_2" name="u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=302 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
--------- switch to system
1713329803.554 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayChangeController
1713329803.555 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayController
1713329803.555 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayInsetsController
1713329803.555 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayImeController
1713329803.556 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ShellController
1713329803.558 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DragAndDropController
1713329803.568 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for CompatUIController
1713329803.573 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RecentTasksController
1713329803.578 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ShellTaskOrganizer
1713329803.603 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for OneHandedController
1713329803.605 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RootTaskDisplayAreaOrganizer
1713329803.617 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DefaultTransitionHandler
1713329803.617 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: Default
1713329803.618 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: Remote
1713329803.618 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for Transitions
1713329803.627 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for BubbleController
1713329803.629 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RecentsTransitionHandler
1713329803.630 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for SplitScreenController
1713329803.630 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for FullscreenTaskListener
1713329803.638 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for FreeformTaskTransitionHandler
1713329803.640 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ActivityEmbeddingController
1713329803.645 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for StartingWindowController
1713329803.645 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ProtoLogController
1713329803.652 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTransition
1713329803.653 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTransition
1713329803.653 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for KeyguardTransitionHandler
1713329803.653 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DefaultMixedHandler
1713329803.656 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTouchHandler
1713329803.656 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DevicePostureController
1713329803.656 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for TabletopModeController
1713329803.657 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipController
1713329803.657 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RootDisplayAreaOrganizer
1713329803.662 22451 22451 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for BackAnimationController
1713329803.664 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Initializing Shell Components: 31
1713329803.666 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayChangeController init took 3ms
1713329803.671 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayController init took 5ms
1713329803.673 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayInsetsController init took 1ms
1713329803.673 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayImeController init took 1ms
1713329803.673 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for ShellController
1713329803.673 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: ShellController init took 0ms
1713329803.674 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from DragAndDropController with key extra_shell_drag_and_drop
1713329803.674 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for DragAndDropController
1713329803.674 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DragAndDropController init took 0ms
1713329803.674 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class compatui for CompatUIShellCommandHandler
1713329803.674 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: CompatUIController init took 1ms
1713329803.674 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from RecentTasksController with key extra_shell_recent_tasks
1713329803.674 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for RecentTasksController
1713329803.676 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: RecentTasksController init took 1ms
1713329803.676 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for ShellTaskOrganizer
1713329803.684 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: ShellTaskOrganizer init took 9ms
1713329803.685 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for OneHandedController
1713329803.713 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from OneHandedController with key extra_shell_one_handed
1713329803.713 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: OneHandedController init took 29ms
1713329803.720 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: RootTaskDisplayAreaOrganizer init took 7ms
1713329803.728 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DefaultTransitionHandler init took 8ms
1713329803.729 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from Transitions with key extra_shell_shell_transitions
1713329803.734 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class transitions for Transitions
1713329803.734 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for Transitions
1713329803.734 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transitions init took 6ms
1713329803.738 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from BubbleController with key extra_shell_bubbles
1713329803.738 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for BubbleController
1713329803.738 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: BubbleController init took 4ms
1713329803.738 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: RecentsTransitionHandler
1713329803.738 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: RecentsTransitionHandler init took 0ms
1713329803.739 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for SplitScreenController
1713329803.739 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class splitscreen for SplitScreenController
1713329803.739 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from SplitScreenController with key extra_shell_split_screen
1713329803.753 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: StageCoordinator
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: SplitScreenController init took 15ms
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: FullscreenTaskListener init took 1ms
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: FreeformTaskTransitionHandler init took 0ms
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: ActivityEmbeddingController
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: ActivityEmbeddingController init took 0ms
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from StartingWindowController with key extra_shell_starting_window
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: StartingWindowController init took 0ms
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class protolog for ProtoLogController
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: ProtoLogController init took 0ms
1713329803.754 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: PipTransition
1713329803.755 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: PipTransition init took 0ms
1713329803.755 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: PipTransition init took 0ms
1713329803.755 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: KeyguardTransitionHandler
1713329803.755 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: KeyguardTransitionHandler init took 0ms
1713329803.755 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: DefaultMixedHandler
1713329803.755 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DefaultMixedHandler init took 0ms
1713329803.775 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: PipTouchHandler init took 19ms
1713329803.775 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: DevicePostureController init took 0ms
1713329803.775 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: TabletopModeController init took 0ms
1713329803.776 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for PipController
1713329803.780 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from PipController with key extra_shell_pip
1713329803.780 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: PipController init took 5ms
1713329803.782 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: RootDisplayAreaOrganizer init took 2ms
1713329803.785 22451 22497 D ShellBackPreview: Back animation enabled=false
1713329803.785 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from BackAnimationController with key extra_shell_back_animation
1713329803.785 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: BackAnimationController init took 3ms
1713329803.785 22451 22497 V ShellDragAndDrop: Display added: 0
--------- switch to events
1713329805.179 22451 22596 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,213,758,4,759,-1]
--------- switch to system
1713329805.264 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#584): android.os.BinderProxy@25565fc TransitionRequestInfo { type = CHANGE, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 584 }
1713329805.290 22451 22497 V ShellDragAndDrop: Display changed: 0
1713329805.301 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#584) android.os.BinderProxy@25565fc: {id=584 t=CHANGE f=0x40 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@141883} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0xc827894 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 snapshot=Surface(name=transition snapshot: Display{#0 state=ON size=1008x2244 ROTATION_0})/@0xac29f3d}]}
1713329805.301 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#584) android.os.BinderProxy@25565fc@0
1713329805.301 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@588a00
1713329805.301 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@bbef239
1713329805.301 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@f30b07e
1713329805.301 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@cf5b9df
1713329805.302 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@4bc462c
1713329805.302 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@39378f5
1713329805.302 22451 22497 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713329805.302 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@723568a
1713329805.302 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329805.302 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=584 t=CHANGE f=0x40 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@141883} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0xc827894 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 snapshot=Surface(name=transition snapshot: Display{#0 state=ON size=1008x2244 ROTATION_0})/@0xac29f3d}]}
1713329805.302 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Display is changing, resolve the animation hint.
1713329805.305 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329805.429 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#584) android.os.BinderProxy@25565fc@0
1713329805.432 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329805.432 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329806.346 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,1]
1713329806.347 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,120,758,1,759,120,927,0,928,1,1593,0]
1713329806.347 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,113,758,1,759,113,927,1,928,0,1593,0]
1713329806.347 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,268,758,1,759,268,806,com.android.settings,871,com.android.settings.development.qstile.DevelopmentTiles$SensorsOff,927,2,928,0,1593,0]
1713329806.347 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,112,758,1,759,112,927,3,928,0,1593,0]
1713329806.355 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,196,758,1,759,1]
1713329806.355 22451 22451 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=1,keyguardShowing=1,keyguardOccluded=0,bouncerShowing=0,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=0]
1713329806.778 22451 22451 I sysui_heads_up_status: [key=0|st.brothas.mtgoxwidget|56|null|10163,visible=1]
1713329806.993 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329806993012s,Elapsed Time Ns=57049507636.416s,Uptime Ns=57049507636.701s,]
1713329806.993 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329806993242s,Elapsed Time Ns=57049507861.066s,Uptime Ns=57049507861.433s,]
1713329807.125 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329807125588s,Elapsed Time Ns=57049640208.235s,Uptime Ns=57049640208.397s,]
1713329807.242 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329807242456s,Elapsed Time Ns=57049757076.846s,Uptime Ns=57049757077.66s,]
1713329807.468 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329807467706s,Elapsed Time Ns=57049982341.535s,Uptime Time Ns=57049982343.529s]
1713329807.468 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329807468481s,Elapsed Time Ns=57049983104.394s,Uptime Time Ns=57049983106.062s]
1713329807.600 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329807600694s,Elapsed Time Ns=57050115324.446s,Uptime Time Ns=57050115325.463s]
1713329807.717 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329807717496s,Elapsed Time Ns=57050232126.773s,Uptime Time Ns=57050232127.506s]
1713329814.857 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329814857574s,Elapsed Time Ns=57057372195.055s,Uptime Ns=57057372195.543s,Tag=Collapse]
1713329814.870 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329814870445s,Elapsed Time Ns=57057385064.521s,Uptime Ns=57057385064.968s,Tag=Collapse]
1713329814.924 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,186,758,4,826,153,827,4473]
1713329814.924 22451 22451 I sysui_lockscreen_gesture: [type=1,lengthDp=153,velocityDp=4473]
1713329814.925 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329814925303s,Elapsed Time Ns=57057439924.181s,Uptime Ns=57057439924.303s,Tag=Collapse]
1713329814.971 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=19,Unix Time Ns=1713329814971626s,Elapsed Time Ns=57057486269.233s,Uptime Ns=57057486270.942s,]
1713329815.057 22451 22451 I sysui_heads_up_status: [key=0|st.brothas.mtgoxwidget|56|null|10163,visible=0]
1713329815.059 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,197,758,1,759,1]
1713329815.059 22451 22451 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=1,keyguardShowing=1,keyguardOccluded=0,bouncerShowing=1,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=0]
1713329815.061 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329815060936s,Elapsed Time Ns=57057575558.295s,Uptime Time Ns=57057575558.743s]
1713329815.628 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=19,Unix Time Ns=1713329815628048s,Elapsed Time Ns=57058142679.145s,Uptime Time Ns=57058142679.959s]
1713329817.722 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,197,758,10]
1713329817.722 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,197,758,5,759,1]
1713329817.732 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=22,Unix Time Ns=1713329817732608s,Elapsed Time Ns=57060247227.934s,Uptime Ns=57060247228.625s,]
--------- switch to system
1713329817.934 22451 22451 D FingerprintManager: Cancel fingerprint authentication requested for: 24
--------- switch to events
1713329817.942 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=22,Unix Time Ns=1713329817942136s,Elapsed Time Ns=57060456759.509s,Uptime Time Ns=57060456759.713s]
--------- switch to system
1713329817.948 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#585): android.os.BinderProxy@c14776f TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_BACK, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 260, debugId = 585 }
1713329818.010 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#585) android.os.BinderProxy@c14776f: {id=585 t=TO_BACK f=0x104 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2ca3f14} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ccd23bd} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x7020081 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@569fdb2} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xcc7b526 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329818.011 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#585) android.os.BinderProxy@c14776f@0
1713329818.011 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@588a00
1713329818.011 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@bbef239
1713329818.011 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: start keyguard going-away transition, info = {id=585 t=TO_BACK f=0x104 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2ca3f14} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ccd23bd} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x7020081 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@569fdb2} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xcc7b526 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329818.013 22451 22497 D KeyguardService: Starts IRemoteAnimationRunner: info={id=585 t=TO_BACK f=0x104 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2ca3f14} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ccd23bd} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x7020081 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@569fdb2} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0xcc7b526 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329818.015 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@bbef239
--------- switch to events
1713329818.015 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=23,Unix Time Ns=1713329818015646s,Elapsed Time Ns=57060530266.793s,Uptime Time Ns=57060530267.159s]
1713329818.018 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=29,Unix Time Ns=1713329818017910s,Elapsed Time Ns=57060532530.79s,Uptime Ns=57060532531.319s,Tag=DismissPanel]
1713329818.298 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=29,Unix Time Ns=1713329818298459s,Elapsed Time Ns=57060813078.927s,Uptime Time Ns=57060813079.09s]
1713329818.328 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,2]
1713329818.331 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,196,758,2,759,1]
1713329818.331 22451 22451 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=0,keyguardShowing=0,keyguardOccluded=0,bouncerShowing=0,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=0]
--------- switch to system
1713329818.333 22451 22451 D KeyguardService: Finish IRemoteAnimationRunner.
1713329818.333 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#585) android.os.BinderProxy@c14776f@0
1713329818.337 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329818.337 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329818.386 22451 22451 I sysui_keyguard: [isOccluded=0,animate=0]
1713329818.387 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=23,Unix Time Ns=1713329818386603s,Elapsed Time Ns=57060901224.964s,Uptime Time Ns=57060901225.208s]
1713329828.359 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,1697,758,15,759,0,1741,5]
--------- switch to system
1713329829.253 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#586): android.os.BinderProxy@833e37d TransitionRequestInfo { type = CHANGE, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = DisplayChange { displayId = 0, startAbsBounds = null, endAbsBounds = null, startRotation = 0, endRotation = 1, physicalDisplayChanged = false }, flags = 0, debugId = 586 }
1713329829.325 22451 22497 V ShellDragAndDrop: Display changed: 0
1713329829.549 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#586) android.os.BinderProxy@833e37d: {id=586 t=CHANGE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@184129b} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@1c95638} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0xf2de9e sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) d=0 r=0->1:0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@24ef611} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@cbe2376} leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x3711d7f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) d=0 r=0->1:-1},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f073d77} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0xd60714c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) d=0 r=0->1:-1 snapshot=Surface(name=RotationLayer)/@0x15d9595}]}
1713329829.549 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#586) android.os.BinderProxy@833e37d@0
1713329829.549 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@588a00
1713329829.549 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@bbef239
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@f30b07e
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@cf5b9df
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@4bc462c
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@39378f5
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@723568a
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=586 t=CHANGE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@184129b} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@1c95638} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0xf2de9e sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) d=0 r=0->1:0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@24ef611} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@cbe2376} leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x3711d7f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) d=0 r=0->1:-1},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f073d77} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0xd60714c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) d=0 r=0->1:-1 snapshot=Surface(name=RotationLayer)/@0x15d9595}]}
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Display is changing, resolve the animation hint.
1713329829.550 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: task 1699 isn't requesting seamless, so not seamless.
1713329829.555 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
--------- switch to events
1713329829.638 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329829636270s,Elapsed Time Ns=57072150889.968s,Uptime Ns=57072150890.537s,Tag=show]
--------- switch to system
1713329829.847 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#586) android.os.BinderProxy@833e37d@0
1713329829.850 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329829.850 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329829.892 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329829892744s,Elapsed Time Ns=57072407363.723s,Uptime Time Ns=57072407363.845s]
--------- switch to system
1713329832.576 22451 22872 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
1713329832.594 22451 22873 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
1713329840.900 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#587): android.os.BinderProxy@2c3919b TransitionRequestInfo { type = CHANGE, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = DisplayChange { displayId = 0, startAbsBounds = null, endAbsBounds = null, startRotation = 1, endRotation = 0, physicalDisplayChanged = false }, flags = 0, debugId = 587 }
1713329840.987 22451 22497 V ShellDragAndDrop: Display changed: 0
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#587) android.os.BinderProxy@2c3919b: {id=587 t=CHANGE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@71d42bc} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@b32e245} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x30d4053 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 r=1->0:0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@bf98d9a} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@18266cb} leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x96fdd90 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 r=1->0:-1},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@bd9cea8} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0x7836689 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 r=1->0:-1 snapshot=Surface(name=RotationLayer)/@0x326968e}]}
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#587) android.os.BinderProxy@2c3919b@0
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@588a00
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@bbef239
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@f30b07e
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@cf5b9df
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@4bc462c
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@39378f5
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@723568a
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=587 t=CHANGE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@71d42bc} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@b32e245} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x30d4053 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 r=1->0:0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@bf98d9a} m=CHANGE f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@18266cb} leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x96fdd90 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 r=1->0:-1},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@bd9cea8} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0x7836689 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 2244, 1008) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 r=1->0:-1 snapshot=Surface(name=RotationLayer)/@0x326968e}]}
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Display is changing, resolve the animation hint.
1713329841.179 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: task 1699 isn't requesting seamless, so not seamless.
1713329841.188 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329841.480 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#587) android.os.BinderProxy@2c3919b@0
1713329841.486 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329841.486 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329842.646 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329842646450s,Elapsed Time Ns=57085161071.614s,Uptime Ns=57085161072.143s,Tag=dismiss]
1713329842.997 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329842997699s,Elapsed Time Ns=57085512319.295s,Uptime Time Ns=57085512319.58s]
1713329843.084 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,panel_open,802,1]
1713329843.085 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329843085001s,Elapsed Time Ns=57085599620.443s,Uptime Ns=57085599620.768s,Tag=Expand]
1713329843.085 22451 22451 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,1328,758,4,1326,16,1327,0,1329,0]
1713329843.222 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329843222424s,Elapsed Time Ns=57085737043.213s,Uptime Ns=57085737043.376s,Tag=Collapse]
1713329843.897 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713329843897711s,Elapsed Time Ns=57086412330.323s,Uptime Time Ns=57086412330.73s]
--------- switch to system
1713329876.472 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#588): android.os.BinderProxy@f25ca7f TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1761 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.APP_ERROR flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.ErrorReportActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57118985 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@88a8a95} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{d7497aa app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 588 }
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#588) android.os.BinderProxy@f25ca7f: {id=588 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f36958b} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xde8ae7c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@503668} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x1244305 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#588) android.os.BinderProxy@f25ca7f@0
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@588a00
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@bbef239
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@f30b07e
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@cf5b9df
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@4bc462c
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@39378f5
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713329876.507 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@723568a
1713329876.508 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=588 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f36958b} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xde8ae7c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@503668} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x1244305 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329876.508 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@f2b0a81, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@34cf726, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713329876.508 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#588) to null
1713329876.508 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329876.508 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=588 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f36958b} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xde8ae7c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@503668} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x1244305 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329876.509 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@c015fb2 animAttr=0x9 type=OPEN isEntrance=false
1713329876.509 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@2d88b9 animAttr=0x8 type=OPEN isEntrance=true
1713329876.511 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
--------- switch to events
1713329876.988 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713329876988731s,Elapsed Time Ns=57119503352.474s,Uptime Ns=57119503353.085s,]
--------- switch to system
1713329877.019 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#588) android.os.BinderProxy@f25ca7f@0
1713329877.022 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329877.022 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329877.352 22451 22499 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713329877352193s,Elapsed Time Ns=57119866820.37s,Uptime Time Ns=57119866820.777s]
--------- switch to system
1713329908.130 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#589): android.os.BinderProxy@13bdaf3 TransitionRequestInfo { type = NONE, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 589 }
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#589) android.os.BinderProxy@13bdaf3: {id=589 t=NONE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2551adc} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e93a7e5} leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xae51229 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@22472ba} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x3c769ae sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#589) android.os.BinderProxy@13bdaf3@0
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@588a00
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@bbef239
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@f30b07e
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@cf5b9df
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@4bc462c
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@39378f5
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@723568a
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=589 t=NONE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2551adc} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e93a7e5} leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xae51229 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@22472ba} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x3c769ae sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@f2b0a81, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@34cf726, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#589) to null
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=589 t=NONE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2551adc} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e93a7e5} leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xae51229 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@22472ba} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x3c769ae sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329908.198 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=null animAttr=0x0 type=NONE isEntrance=true
1713329908.199 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#589) android.os.BinderProxy@13bdaf3@0
1713329908.202 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329908.202 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713329908.202 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@72614fb
1713329908.202 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329908.202 22451 22497 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329911.400 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22583): avc: denied { read } for comm="ndroid.systemui" name="u:object_r:odsign_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=279 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:odsign_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.404 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22584): avc: denied { getattr } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/apex/apex-info-list.xml" dev="tmpfs" ino=85 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:apex_info_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.420 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22585): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1324 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.428 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22586): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1258 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.428 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22587): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-okhttp.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1306 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.428 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22588): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-bouncycastle.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1246 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.428 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22589): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-apache-xml.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1240 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.428 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22590): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1294 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.448 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22591): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-graphics.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1276 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.448 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22592): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-location.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1282 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.448 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22593): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-nfc.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1288 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.448 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22594): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1264 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.448 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22595): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-telephony-common.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1312 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.452 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22596): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-voip-common.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1318 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.452 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22597): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-ims-common.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1300 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.452 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22598): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-core-icu4j.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1252 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.464 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22599): avc: denied { lock } for comm="ndroid.systemui" path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework-adservices.art" dev="dm-12" ino=1270 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.580 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22600): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.580 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22601): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.580 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22602): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.580 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22603): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.580 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22604): avc: denied { read } for comm="main" name="u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=111 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:build_attestation_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.648 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22605): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:23262_2" name="u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=302 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
1713329911.648 23262 23262 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:22606): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:23262_2" name="u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=302 scontext=u:r:systemui_app:s0:c113,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.android.systemui
--------- switch to system
1713329911.747 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayChangeController
1713329911.747 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayController
1713329911.747 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayInsetsController
1713329911.747 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DisplayImeController
1713329911.747 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ShellController
1713329911.749 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DragAndDropController
1713329911.757 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for CompatUIController
1713329911.760 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RecentTasksController
1713329911.763 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ShellTaskOrganizer
1713329911.777 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for OneHandedController
1713329911.779 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RootTaskDisplayAreaOrganizer
1713329911.783 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DefaultTransitionHandler
1713329911.783 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: Default
1713329911.784 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: Remote
1713329911.784 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for Transitions
1713329911.787 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for BubbleController
1713329911.788 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RecentsTransitionHandler
1713329911.789 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for SplitScreenController
1713329911.789 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for FullscreenTaskListener
1713329911.794 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for FreeformTaskTransitionHandler
1713329911.795 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ActivityEmbeddingController
1713329911.799 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for StartingWindowController
1713329911.799 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for ProtoLogController
1713329911.804 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTransition
1713329911.804 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTransition
1713329911.805 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for KeyguardTransitionHandler
1713329911.805 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DefaultMixedHandler
1713329911.806 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipTouchHandler
1713329911.807 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for DevicePostureController
1713329911.807 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for TabletopModeController
1713329911.807 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for PipController
1713329911.808 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for RootDisplayAreaOrganizer
1713329911.811 23262 23262 V WindowManagerShell: Adding init callback for BackAnimationController
1713329911.813 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Initializing Shell Components: 31
1713329911.814 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayChangeController init took 1ms
1713329911.815 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayController init took 1ms
1713329911.817 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayInsetsController init took 2ms
1713329911.817 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DisplayImeController init took 0ms
1713329911.817 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for ShellController
1713329911.817 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: ShellController init took 0ms
1713329911.818 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from DragAndDropController with key extra_shell_drag_and_drop
1713329911.818 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for DragAndDropController
1713329911.818 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DragAndDropController init took 0ms
1713329911.818 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class compatui for CompatUIShellCommandHandler
1713329911.818 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: CompatUIController init took 1ms
1713329911.818 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from RecentTasksController with key extra_shell_recent_tasks
1713329911.818 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for RecentTasksController
1713329911.819 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RecentTasksController init took 1ms
1713329911.819 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for ShellTaskOrganizer
1713329911.828 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: ShellTaskOrganizer init took 8ms
1713329911.828 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for OneHandedController
1713329911.836 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from OneHandedController with key extra_shell_one_handed
1713329911.836 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: OneHandedController init took 7ms
1713329911.839 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RootTaskDisplayAreaOrganizer init took 4ms
1713329911.843 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DefaultTransitionHandler init took 4ms
1713329911.844 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from Transitions with key extra_shell_shell_transitions
1713329911.847 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class transitions for Transitions
1713329911.847 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for Transitions
1713329911.847 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transitions init took 4ms
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from BubbleController with key extra_shell_bubbles
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for BubbleController
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: BubbleController init took 2ms
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: RecentsTransitionHandler
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RecentsTransitionHandler init took 0ms
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for SplitScreenController
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class splitscreen for SplitScreenController
1713329911.850 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from SplitScreenController with key extra_shell_split_screen
1713329911.858 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: StageCoordinator
1713329911.858 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: SplitScreenController init took 9ms
1713329911.858 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: FullscreenTaskListener init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: FreeformTaskTransitionHandler init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: ActivityEmbeddingController
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: ActivityEmbeddingController init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from StartingWindowController with key extra_shell_starting_window
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: StartingWindowController init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding command class protolog for ProtoLogController
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: ProtoLogController init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: PipTransition
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: PipTransition init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: PipTransition init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: KeyguardTransitionHandler
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: KeyguardTransitionHandler init took 0ms
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: addHandler: DefaultMixedHandler
1713329911.859 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DefaultMixedHandler init took 0ms
1713329911.872 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: PipTouchHandler init took 14ms
1713329911.872 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: DevicePostureController init took 0ms
1713329911.872 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: TabletopModeController init took 0ms
1713329911.873 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding dump callback for PipController
1713329911.875 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from PipController with key extra_shell_pip
1713329911.875 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: PipController init took 3ms
1713329911.877 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RootDisplayAreaOrganizer init took 1ms
1713329911.878 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Back animation enabled=false
1713329911.879 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Adding external interface from BackAnimationController with key extra_shell_back_animation
1713329911.879 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: BackAnimationController init took 2ms
1713329911.879 23262 23292 V ShellDragAndDrop: Display added: 0
--------- switch to events
1713329912.853 23262 23412 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,213,758,4,759,-1]
--------- switch to system
1713329912.917 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#593): android.os.BinderProxy@a5d9268 TransitionRequestInfo { type = CHANGE, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 593 }
1713329912.946 23262 23292 V ShellDragAndDrop: Display changed: 0
1713329912.961 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#593) android.os.BinderProxy@a5d9268: {id=593 t=CHANGE f=0x40 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@3156375} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0x17e4680 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 snapshot=Surface(name=transition snapshot: Display{#0 state=ON size=1008x2244 ROTATION_0})/@0x33f34b9}]}
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#593) android.os.BinderProxy@a5d9268@0
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=593 t=CHANGE f=0x40 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@3156375} m=CHANGE f=IS_DISPLAY leash=Surface(name=WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0x17e4680 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0 snapshot=Surface(name=transition snapshot: Display{#0 state=ON size=1008x2244 ROTATION_0})/@0x33f34b9}]}
1713329912.962 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Display is changing, resolve the animation hint.
1713329912.965 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713329913.085 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#593) android.os.BinderProxy@a5d9268@0
1713329913.093 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329913.093 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329913.779 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,1]
1713329913.779 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,120,758,1,759,120,927,0,928,1,1593,0]
1713329913.779 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,113,758,1,759,113,927,1,928,0,1593,0]
1713329913.779 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,268,758,1,759,268,806,com.android.settings,871,com.android.settings.development.qstile.DevelopmentTiles$SensorsOff,927,2,928,0,1593,0]
1713329913.780 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,112,758,1,759,112,927,3,928,0,1593,0]
1713329913.789 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,196,758,1,759,1]
1713329913.789 23262 23262 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=1,keyguardShowing=1,keyguardOccluded=0,bouncerShowing=0,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=0]
1713329914.372 23262 23262 I sysui_heads_up_status: [key=0|st.brothas.mtgoxwidget|56|null|10163,visible=1]
1713329914.565 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329914565299s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157079921.707s,Uptime Ns=57157079922.032s,]
1713329914.590 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329914590143s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157104763.91s,Uptime Ns=57157104764.073s,]
1713329914.782 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329914782252s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157296873.57s,Uptime Ns=57157296873.936s,]
1713329914.865 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329914865198s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157379824.457s,Uptime Ns=57157379824.702s,]
1713329915.040 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329915040507s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157555138.504s,Uptime Time Ns=57157555140.091s]
1713329915.065 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329915065741s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157580369.176s,Uptime Time Ns=57157580370.071s]
1713329915.257 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329915257256s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157771886.713s,Uptime Time Ns=57157771887.731s]
1713329915.341 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=14,Unix Time Ns=1713329915341003s,Elapsed Time Ns=57157855639.277s,Uptime Time Ns=57157855640.131s]
1713329918.355 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,2]
1713329918.357 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,407,758,4,759,1]
1713329923.186 23262 23262 I view_enqueue_input_event: [eventType=Motion - Cancel,action=NotificationShade]
--------- switch to system
1713329923.340 23262 23262 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 8, 0
--------- switch to events
1713329923.387 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,197,758,1,759,1]
1713329923.387 23262 23262 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=2,keyguardShowing=1,keyguardOccluded=0,bouncerShowing=1,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=1]
1713329923.388 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,1697,758,10,759,0]
--------- switch to system
1713329923.408 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#594): android.os.BinderProxy@8136303 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1699 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=chat.simplex.app/.MainActivity_default } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity} origActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity_default} realActivity=ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57165921 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@fbe4280} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{b4580b9 chat.simplex.app.MainActivity_default} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@887135e] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=true locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 594 }
1713329923.421 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{chat.simplex.app/chat.simplex.app.MainActivity}
1713329923.425 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#594) android.os.BinderProxy@8136303: {id=594 t=OPEN f=0x40 trk=0 r=[] c=[]}
1713329923.425 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: No transition roots in (#594) android.os.BinderProxy@8136303@0 so abort
1713329923.425 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=true), notifying core (#594) android.os.BinderProxy@8136303@0
--------- switch to events
1713329923.428 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,196,758,1,759,1]
1713329923.428 23262 23262 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=2,keyguardShowing=1,keyguardOccluded=0,bouncerShowing=0,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=0]
--------- switch to system
1713329923.434 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329923.435 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713329923.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#595): android.os.BinderProxy@751eb4f TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_BACK, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 260, debugId = 595 }
1713329923.502 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#595) android.os.BinderProxy@751eb4f: {id=595 t=TO_BACK f=0x104 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c6bed6b} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@80ce0c8} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x1ad72dc sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ca8d561} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x2011fe5 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329923.503 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#595) android.os.BinderProxy@751eb4f@0
1713329923.503 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713329923.503 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713329923.506 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start keyguard going-away transition, info = {id=595 t=TO_BACK f=0x104 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c6bed6b} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@80ce0c8} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x1ad72dc sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ca8d561} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x2011fe5 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329923.507 23262 23292 D KeyguardService: Starts IRemoteAnimationRunner: info={id=595 t=TO_BACK f=0x104 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c6bed6b} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE p=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@80ce0c8} leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0x1ad72dc sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ca8d561} m=TO_FRONT f=NONE leash=Surface(name=DefaultTaskDisplayArea)/@0x2011fe5 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329923.516 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
--------- switch to events
1713329923.517 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=23,Unix Time Ns=1713329923516689s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166031308.104s,Uptime Time Ns=57166031308.43s]
1713329923.518 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=29,Unix Time Ns=1713329923518225s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166032844.603s,Uptime Ns=57166032844.888s,Tag=RunRemoteAnimation]
1713329923.519 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=16,Unix Time Ns=1713329923519581s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166034200.031s,Uptime Ns=57166034200.235s,]
--------- switch to system
1713329923.538 23262 23297 W ShellStartingWindow: Failed to add snapshot starting window res=-5
--------- switch to events
1713329923.611 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329923611714s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166126333.007s,Uptime Ns=57166126333.454s,Tag=show]
1713329923.863 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329923863477s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166378096.15s,Uptime Time Ns=57166378096.312s]
--------- switch to system
1713329924.021 23262 23262 D KeyguardService: Finish IRemoteAnimationRunner.
1713329924.021 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#595) android.os.BinderProxy@751eb4f@0
1713329924.025 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329924.025 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713329924.046 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,196,758,2,759,1]
1713329924.046 23262 23262 I sysui_status_bar_state: [state=0,keyguardShowing=0,keyguardOccluded=0,bouncerShowing=0,secure=1,currentlyInsecure=0]
1713329924.048 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=29,Unix Time Ns=1713329924048041s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166562661.254s,Uptime Time Ns=57166562661.539s]
1713329924.048 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=16,Unix Time Ns=1713329924048071s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166562689.533s,Uptime Time Ns=57166562689.656s]
1713329924.050 23262 23262 I sysui_heads_up_status: [key=0|st.brothas.mtgoxwidget|56|null|10163,visible=0]
1713329924.060 23262 23262 I sysui_keyguard: [isOccluded=0,animate=0]
1713329924.060 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=23,Unix Time Ns=1713329924060663s,Elapsed Time Ns=57166575284.301s,Uptime Time Ns=57166575284.545s]
1713329925.489 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329925489255s,Elapsed Time Ns=57168003889.852s,Uptime Ns=57168003890.747s,Tag=dismiss]
1713329925.844 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=56,Unix Time Ns=1713329925843824s,Elapsed Time Ns=57168358443.237s,Uptime Time Ns=57168358443.4s]
--------- switch to system
1713329952.586 23262 23617 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
1713329994.897 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startRecentsTransition
1713329994.898 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Directly starting a new transition type=3 wct=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } handler=com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713329994.905 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.setTransition: id=android.os.BinderProxy@5ebca74
1713329994.994 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#596) android.os.BinderProxy@5ebca74: {id=596 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@df4735e} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xec3e812 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@4eff33f} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1699)/@0xa0b7be3 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{93262ca token=android.os.Binder@e020e35})/@0xb3519e0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713329994.994 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#596) android.os.BinderProxy@5ebca74@0
1713329994.994 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713329994.994 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.start
1713329994.995 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: adding pausing leaf taskId=1699 at layer=8
1713329994.997 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.start: calling onAnimationStart
1713329994.998 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
1713329994.999 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.setInputConsumerEnabled: set focus to recents
1713329995.011 23262 23424 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.detachNavigationBarFromApp
1713329995.014 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
--------- switch to events
1713329995.166 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=55,Unix Time Ns=1713329995165985s,Elapsed Time Ns=57237680606.601s,Uptime Time Ns=57237680607.252s]
--------- switch to system
1713329995.618 23262 23474 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=1699
1713329995.635 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=true userLeave=true willFinishToHome=true state=0
1713329995.635 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: normal finish
1713329995.635 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.cleanup
1713329995.635 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#596) android.os.BinderProxy@5ebca74@0
1713329995.641 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713329995.641 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713329995.641 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [187368007] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback
1713329997.477 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=false, height=234
1713329997.605 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
--------- switch to events
1713329997.742 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=55,Unix Time Ns=1713329997742074s,Elapsed Time Ns=57240256700.474s,Uptime Time Ns=57240256700.841s]
--------- switch to system
1713330005.427 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#597): android.os.BinderProxy@b1143a3 TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_FRONT, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1746 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.facebook.orca/.auth.StartScreenActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity} origActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.orca.auth.StartScreenActivity} realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=56984419 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c07a6a0} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{3c6e259 com.facebook.orca.auth.StartScreenActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@265940c] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e7bae1e, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@2ea76ff, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 597 }
1713330005.428 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#597) android.os.BinderProxy@b1143a3: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e7bae1e, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@2ea76ff, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
1713330005.432 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}
1713330005.432 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=false, height=234
--------- switch to events
1713330005.467 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=38,Unix Time Ns=1713330005467495s,Elapsed Time Ns=57247982115.029s,Uptime Ns=57247982115.232s,]
--------- switch to system
1713330005.919 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#597) android.os.BinderProxy@b1143a3: {id=597 t=TO_FRONT f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c885e1} m=TO_FRONT f=MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1746)/@0xb98493a sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@b31bf06} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x30309eb sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330005.919 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#597) android.os.BinderProxy@b1143a3@0
1713330005.919 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330005.920 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#597) to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e7bae1e, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@2ea76ff, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
1713330005.922 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
--------- switch to events
1713330006.117 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330006116728s,Elapsed Time Ns=57248631348.428s,Uptime Ns=57248631348.672s,]
--------- switch to system
1713330006.264 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#597) android.os.BinderProxy@b1143a3@0
1713330006.270 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330006.270 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713330006.481 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330006481524s,Elapsed Time Ns=57248996148.11s,Uptime Time Ns=57248996148.558s]
1713330006.492 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=38,Unix Time Ns=1713330006492356s,Elapsed Time Ns=57249006981.322s,Uptime Time Ns=57249006981.81s]
--------- switch to system
1713330012.600 23262 24343 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
1713330012.605 23262 24344 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
1713330014.905 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1422 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330015.974 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
1713330018.572 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1589 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330023.563 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1661 - 1008, 2316)}
1713330023.573 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1661 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330032.741 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
1713330032.928 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 2136 - 720, 2244)}
1713330032.942 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1422 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330033.951 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Received backNavigationInfo:BackNavigationInfo{mType=TYPE_CALLBACK (4), mOnBackNavigationDone=android.os.RemoteCallback@6f8ec64, mOnBackInvokedCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@95b4ecd, mPrepareRemoteAnimation=false, mAnimationCallback=false, mCustomizeAnimationInfo=null}
1713330034.040 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Finishing gesture with event action: 1
1713330034.040 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: onGestureFinished() mTriggerBack == false
1713330034.040 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Trigger back without dispatching to animator.
1713330034.040 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: BackAnimationController: finishBackNavigation()
1713330040.213 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Received backNavigationInfo:BackNavigationInfo{mType=TYPE_CALLBACK (4), mOnBackNavigationDone=android.os.RemoteCallback@d713382, mOnBackInvokedCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@f70ba93, mPrepareRemoteAnimation=false, mAnimationCallback=false, mCustomizeAnimationInfo=null}
1713330040.324 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Finishing gesture with event action: 1
1713330040.324 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: onGestureFinished() mTriggerBack == false
1713330040.324 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Trigger back without dispatching to animator.
1713330040.324 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: BackAnimationController: finishBackNavigation()
1713330040.512 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
--------- switch to events
1713330056.970 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,panel_open,802,1]
1713330056.971 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330056971123s,Elapsed Time Ns=57299485742.048s,Uptime Ns=57299485743.065s,Tag=Expand]
1713330056.971 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,1328,758,4,1326,27,1327,1,1329,0]
1713330057.056 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330057056537s,Elapsed Time Ns=57299571158.674s,Uptime Ns=57299571159.284s,Tag=Collapse]
1713330057.814 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330057814000s,Elapsed Time Ns=57300328626.814s,Uptime Time Ns=57300328627.872s]
1713330059.249 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=4,Unix Time Ns=1713330059249094s,Elapsed Time Ns=57301763716.414s,Uptime Ns=57301763717.065s,]
1713330059.285 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,notification_dismissed,802,1]
1713330059.416 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=4,Unix Time Ns=1713330059415971s,Elapsed Time Ns=57301930598.454s,Uptime Time Ns=57301930599.227s]
--------- switch to system
1713330072.171 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#598): android.os.BinderProxy@58818a9 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1765 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.google.android.gm.sapi/... typ=application/gmail-ls flg=0x1000c000 cmp=com.google.android.gm/.ui.MailActivityGmail } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57314679 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=2 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e2c2e2e} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{475ddcf com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@cdeb35c, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 598 }
1713330072.171 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#598) android.os.BinderProxy@58818a9: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@cdeb35c, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }
1713330072.225 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#598) android.os.BinderProxy@58818a9: {id=598 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@53bec95} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1765)/@0x3d5399e sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@cd751aa} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1746)/@0x78bdc7f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330072.225 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#598) android.os.BinderProxy@58818a9@0
1713330072.225 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330072.225 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#598) to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@cdeb35c, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }
1713330072.228 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
--------- switch to events
1713330072.229 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=16,Unix Time Ns=1713330072229765s,Elapsed Time Ns=57314744385.813s,Uptime Ns=57314744386.098s,]
--------- switch to system
1713330072.580 23262 24811 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
--------- switch to events
1713330072.732 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=16,Unix Time Ns=1713330072732042s,Elapsed Time Ns=57315246662.344s,Uptime Time Ns=57315246662.791s]
--------- switch to system
1713330072.732 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#598) android.os.BinderProxy@58818a9@0
1713330072.735 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330072.735 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713330074.096 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330074094100s,Elapsed Time Ns=57316608720.531s,Uptime Ns=57316608720.857s,]
1713330074.374 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330074374162s,Elapsed Time Ns=57316888785.554s,Uptime Time Ns=57316888785.961s]
--------- switch to system
1713330101.968 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Received backNavigationInfo:BackNavigationInfo{mType=TYPE_CALLBACK (4), mOnBackNavigationDone=android.os.RemoteCallback@2315bce, mOnBackInvokedCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@8510aef, mPrepareRemoteAnimation=false, mAnimationCallback=true, mCustomizeAnimationInfo=null}
1713330102.045 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Finishing gesture with event action: 1
1713330102.045 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: onGestureFinished() mTriggerBack == true
1713330102.045 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: Trigger back without dispatching to animator.
1713330102.046 23262 23292 D ShellBackPreview: BackAnimationController: finishBackNavigation()
1713330102.135 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#599): android.os.BinderProxy@74916a6 TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_BACK, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1765 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.google.android.gm.sapi/... typ=application/gmail-ls flg=0x1000c000 cmp=com.google.android.gm/.ui.MailActivityGmail } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gm/com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57316097 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=2 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@96968e7} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{9823c94 com.google.android.gm.ui.MailActivityGmail} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 599 }
1713330102.179 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#599) android.os.BinderProxy@74916a6: {id=599 t=TO_BACK f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@7d0a639} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x961133d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f92547e} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1765)/@0x5ff732 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{93262ca token=android.os.Binder@e020e35})/@0x8d9ac83 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#599) android.os.BinderProxy@74916a6@0
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713330102.185 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330102.186 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=599 t=TO_BACK f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@7d0a639} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x961133d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f92547e} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1765)/@0x5ff732 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{93262ca token=android.os.Binder@e020e35})/@0x8d9ac83 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330102.186 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330102.186 23262 23292 D RemoteTransitionHandler: Found filterPair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330102.187 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#599) to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }
1713330102.203 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330102.556 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#599) android.os.BinderProxy@74916a6@0
1713330102.565 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330102.565 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330111.953 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#600): android.os.BinderProxy@fef4b77 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1766 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS dat=package: flg=0x10008000 cmp=com.android.settings/.applications.InstalledAppDetails } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetailsTop} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetailsTop} origActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails} realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetailsTop} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57354466 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6eb93e4} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{fb5a04d com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 600 }
1713330111.960 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=false, height=234
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#600) android.os.BinderProxy@fef4b77: {id=600 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@d295c26} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1766)/@0x555868b sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@140067} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xeead368 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#600) android.os.BinderProxy@fef4b77@0
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=600 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@d295c26} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1766)/@0x555868b sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@140067} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xeead368 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#600) to null
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330111.999 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=600 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@d295c26} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1766)/@0x555868b sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@140067} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xeead368 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330112.001 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@8563c03 animAttr=0x13 type=OPEN isEntrance=false
1713330112.002 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@df6955f animAttr=0x12 type=OPEN isEntrance=true
1713330112.003 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330112.288 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#600) android.os.BinderProxy@fef4b77@0
1713330112.290 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330112.290 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330112.324 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#601): android.os.BinderProxy@e5daef1 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1766 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS dat=package: flg=0x10008000 cmp=com.android.settings/.applications.InstalledAppDetails } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetailsTop} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.spa.SpaActivity} origActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails} realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetailsTop} numActivities=2 lastActiveTime=57354837 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@8971ad6} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{a07d157 com.android.settings.spa.SpaActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 601 }
1713330112.340 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#601) android.os.BinderProxy@e5daef1: {id=601 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=STARTING_WINDOW_TRANSFER|FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{96a84b5 u0 com.android.settings/.spa.SpaActivity)/@0xbce2bf3 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=CLOSE f=FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{bb78663 u0 com.android.settings/.applications.InstalledAppDetails)/@0x91ef0b0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330112.340 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Non-visible anim so abort: (#601) android.os.BinderProxy@e5daef1@0
1713330112.341 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=true), notifying core (#601) android.os.BinderProxy@e5daef1@0
1713330112.344 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330112.344 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713330112.632 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330112632305s,Elapsed Time Ns=57355146923.878s,Uptime Ns=57355146924.082s,]
1713330112.994 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330112994318s,Elapsed Time Ns=57355508941.701s,Uptime Time Ns=57355508942.026s]
1713330114.364 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,panel_open,802,1]
1713330114.364 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330114364490s,Elapsed Time Ns=57356879117.035s,Uptime Ns=57356879117.849s,Tag=Expand]
1713330114.365 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,1328,758,4,1326,14,1327,0,1329,0]
1713330114.442 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330114442014s,Elapsed Time Ns=57356956634.207s,Uptime Ns=57356956634.695s,Tag=Collapse]
1713330114.808 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330114808218s,Elapsed Time Ns=57357322841.197s,Uptime Ns=57357322841.767s,]
1713330114.808 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330114808490s,Elapsed Time Ns=57357323108.328s,Uptime Time Ns=57357323108.613s]
1713330114.808 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330114808863s,Elapsed Time Ns=57357323481.822s,Uptime Ns=57357323482.229s,]
1713330114.809 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330114808979s,Elapsed Time Ns=57357323597.83s,Uptime Ns=57357323598.074s,Tag=Collapse]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,1]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,120,758,1,759,120,927,0,928,1,1593,1]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,113,758,1,759,113,927,1,928,0,1593,1]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,268,758,1,759,268,806,com.android.settings,871,com.android.settings.development.qstile.DevelopmentTiles$SensorsOff,927,2,928,0,1593,1]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,112,758,1,759,112,927,3,928,0,1593,1]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,122,758,1,759,122,927,4,928,1,1593,1]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,0,758,1,759,0,927,5,928,0,1593,1]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,0,758,1,759,0,927,6,928,1,1593,0]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,0,758,1,759,0,927,7,928,1,1593,0]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,0,758,1,759,0,927,8,928,0,1593,0]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,123,758,1,759,123,927,9,928,1,1593,0]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,118,758,1,759,118,927,10,928,0,1593,0]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,261,758,1,759,261,927,11,928,0,1593,0]
1713330114.817 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,119,758,1,759,119,927,12,928,0,1593,0]
1713330114.818 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,491,758,1,759,491,927,13,928,0,1311,-1,1593,0]
1713330114.818 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,1]
1713330114.818 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,120,758,1,759,120,927,0,928,1,1593,1]
1713330114.818 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,113,758,1,759,113,927,1,928,0,1593,1]
1713330114.818 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,268,758,1,759,268,806,com.android.settings,871,com.android.settings.development.qstile.DevelopmentTiles$SensorsOff,927,2,928,0,1593,1]
1713330114.818 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,112,758,1,759,112,927,3,928,0,1593,1]
1713330114.899 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,194,758,4,826,231,827,4426]
1713330114.899 23262 23262 I sysui_lockscreen_gesture: [type=9,lengthDp=231,velocityDp=4426]
1713330114.900 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330114900278s,Elapsed Time Ns=57357414899.791s,Uptime Time Ns=57357414900.361s]
1713330114.900 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330114900729s,Elapsed Time Ns=57357415348.155s,Uptime Time Ns=57357415348.359s]
1713330115.271 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330115270646s,Elapsed Time Ns=57357785270.153s,Uptime Time Ns=57357785270.722s]
1713330115.762 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,218,758,4,759,98]
1713330116.398 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330116397812s,Elapsed Time Ns=57358912431.082s,Uptime Ns=57358912431.734s,]
1713330116.741 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,2]
1713330116.741 23262 23262 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,111,758,2]
1713330117.065 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330117064971s,Elapsed Time Ns=57359579590.751s,Uptime Time Ns=57359579591.036s]
1713330118.136 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330118135926s,Elapsed Time Ns=57360650551.974s,Uptime Ns=57360650552.543s,]
1713330118.137 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330118137024s,Elapsed Time Ns=57360651646.863s,Uptime Ns=57360651647.514s,]
1713330118.137 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330118137494s,Elapsed Time Ns=57360652115.369s,Uptime Ns=57360652116.63s,Tag=Collapse]
1713330118.253 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=5,Unix Time Ns=1713330118253315s,Elapsed Time Ns=57360767933.972s,Uptime Time Ns=57360767934.379s]
1713330118.254 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330118254040s,Elapsed Time Ns=57360768658.989s,Uptime Ns=57360768659.802s,Tag=Collapse]
1713330118.481 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=0,Unix Time Ns=1713330118480931s,Elapsed Time Ns=57360995551.241s,Uptime Time Ns=57360995551.648s]
--------- switch to system
1713330119.735 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startRecentsTransition
1713330119.735 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Directly starting a new transition type=3 wct=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } handler=com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330119.744 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.setTransition: id=android.os.BinderProxy@877efb9
1713330119.779 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#602) android.os.BinderProxy@877efb9: {id=602 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@403be0a} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x8319ffe sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f3b267b} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1766)/@0x854b35f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{93262ca token=android.os.Binder@e020e35})/@0x53181ac sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330119.779 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#602) android.os.BinderProxy@877efb9@0
1713330119.779 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330119.779 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.start
1713330119.781 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: adding pausing leaf taskId=1766 at layer=8
1713330119.782 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.start: calling onAnimationStart
1713330119.784 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
1713330119.830 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.setInputConsumerEnabled: set focus to recents
1713330120.520 23262 23422 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=1766
1713330120.536 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
1713330120.549 23262 23427 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.detachNavigationBarFromApp
1713330122.788 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#603): android.os.BinderProxy@df05a44 TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_FRONT, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1761 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.APP_ERROR flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.ErrorReportActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57153187 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@f6f572d} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{8c60462 app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@771e9f3, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@5bad6b0, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 603 }
1713330122.788 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#603) android.os.BinderProxy@df05a44: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@771e9f3, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@5bad6b0, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
1713330122.794 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity}
1713330122.812 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#603) android.os.BinderProxy@df05a44: {id=603 t=TO_FRONT f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@30fbdba} m=TO_FRONT f=MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xdb7324f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@15ea46b} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1766)/@0x6eaddc sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330122.812 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition (#603) android.os.BinderProxy@df05a44@0 ready while (#602) android.os.BinderProxy@877efb9@0 is still animating. Notify the animating transition in case they can be merged
1713330122.812 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.merge
1713330122.813 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: closing pausing taskId=1766
1713330122.813 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: opening new leaf taskId=1761 wasClosing=false
1713330122.814 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.merge: empty pausing tasks
1713330122.815 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.merge: calling onTasksAppeared
1713330122.815 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition was merged: (#603) android.os.BinderProxy@df05a44@0 into (#602) android.os.BinderProxy@877efb9@0
1713330123.165 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=false userLeave=false willFinishToHome=false state=1
1713330123.165 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: normal finish
1713330123.166 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.cleanup
1713330123.166 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#602) android.os.BinderProxy@877efb9@0
1713330123.178 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330123.179 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330123.179 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [126422400] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback
1713330139.364 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startRecentsTransition
1713330139.364 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Directly starting a new transition type=3 wct=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } handler=com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330139.374 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.setTransition: id=android.os.BinderProxy@2494be0
1713330139.382 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=false, height=234
1713330139.404 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#604) android.os.BinderProxy@2494be0: {id=604 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@e58ab55} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xd93be99 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@8b3096a} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xf50f55e sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{93262ca token=android.os.Binder@e020e35})/@0x4ef4d3f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330139.405 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#604) android.os.BinderProxy@2494be0@0
1713330139.405 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330139.405 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.start
1713330139.406 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: adding pausing leaf taskId=1761 at layer=8
1713330139.407 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.start: calling onAnimationStart
1713330139.409 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
1713330139.459 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.setInputConsumerEnabled: set focus to recents
1713330139.499 23262 23422 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.detachNavigationBarFromApp
1713330139.504 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
1713330140.117 23262 24492 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=1761
1713330140.130 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=true userLeave=true willFinishToHome=true state=0
1713330140.130 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: normal finish
1713330140.130 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.cleanup
1713330140.131 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#604) android.os.BinderProxy@2494be0@0
1713330140.139 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330140.139 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330140.139 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [15283683] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback
1713330140.801 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#605): android.os.BinderProxy@4a3a537 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1767 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.github.android/.activities.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57383314 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@58e4aa4} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{72bf00d com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@7e75bc2] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@5835dd3, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@3b76d10, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 605 }
1713330140.801 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#605) android.os.BinderProxy@4a3a537: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@5835dd3, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@3b76d10, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
1713330140.807 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=false, height=234
1713330140.843 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#605) android.os.BinderProxy@4a3a537: {id=605 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@7483a40} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1767)/@0x5f67d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@9007d79} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x5523972 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330140.843 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#605) android.os.BinderProxy@4a3a537@0
1713330140.843 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330140.844 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#605) to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@5835dd3, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@3b76d10, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
1713330140.845 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
1713330141.360 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#605) android.os.BinderProxy@4a3a537@0
1713330141.364 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330141.364 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
--------- switch to events
1713330141.895 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330141894296s,Elapsed Time Ns=57384408914.941s,Uptime Ns=57384408915.185s,]
1713330142.251 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=39,Unix Time Ns=1713330142251228s,Elapsed Time Ns=57384765851.871s,Uptime Time Ns=57384765852.238s]
--------- beginning of main
1713330142.260 23262 23297 D VRI[android]: Not drawing due to not visible
1713330142.260 23262 23297 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11@693ce28
--------- switch to system
1713330151.137 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#606): android.os.BinderProxy@ae52396 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1767 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.github.android/.activities.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.repository.RepositoryActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} numActivities=2 lastActiveTime=57393649 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@6c0b17} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{42beb04 com.github.android.repository.RepositoryActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@7e75bc2] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 606 }
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#606) android.os.BinderProxy@ae52396: {id=606 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{150322f u0 com.github.android/.repository.RepositoryActivity)/@0x16678ed sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{c649895 u0 com.github.android/.activities.MainActivity)/@0x5c7e322 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#606) android.os.BinderProxy@ae52396@0
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330151.229 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=606 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{150322f u0 com.github.android/.repository.RepositoryActivity)/@0x16678ed sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{c649895 u0 com.github.android/.activities.MainActivity)/@0x5c7e322 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330151.230 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330151.230 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#606) to null
1713330151.230 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330151.230 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=606 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{150322f u0 com.github.android/.repository.RepositoryActivity)/@0x16678ed sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{c649895 u0 com.github.android/.activities.MainActivity)/@0x5c7e322 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330151.232 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@48f460f animAttr=0x5 type=OPEN isEntrance=false
1713330151.255 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@e04342b animAttr=0x4 type=OPEN isEntrance=true
1713330151.288 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330151.740 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#606) android.os.BinderProxy@ae52396@0
1713330151.747 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330151.747 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330156.310 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#607): android.os.BinderProxy@b621d34 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1767 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.github.android/.activities.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.github.android/com.github.android.activities.MainActivity} numActivities=3 lastActiveTime=57398822 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@7e4775d} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{79358d2 com.github.android.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@7e75bc2] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 607 }
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#607) android.os.BinderProxy@b621d34: {id=607 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{1a52284 u0 com.github.android/.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity)/@0x338fda3 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{150322f u0 com.github.android/.repository.RepositoryActivity)/@0xb9dd8a0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#607) android.os.BinderProxy@b621d34@0
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330156.473 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=607 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{1a52284 u0 com.github.android/.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity)/@0x338fda3 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{150322f u0 com.github.android/.repository.RepositoryActivity)/@0xb9dd8a0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330156.474 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330156.474 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#607) to null
1713330156.474 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330156.474 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=607 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{1a52284 u0 com.github.android/.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity)/@0x338fda3 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{150322f u0 com.github.android/.repository.RepositoryActivity)/@0xb9dd8a0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330156.476 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@3d43515 animAttr=0x5 type=OPEN isEntrance=false
1713330156.498 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@2500d91 animAttr=0x4 type=OPEN isEntrance=true
1713330156.529 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330156.594 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1512 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330156.647 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
1713330156.710 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1422 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330156.994 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#607) android.os.BinderProxy@b621d34@0
1713330157.000 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330157.000 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330158.772 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
1713330159.937 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1589 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330165.005 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1661 - 1008, 2316)}
1713330165.017 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1661 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330168.864 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1589 - 1008, 2172)}
1713330168.885 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1589 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330177.184 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1661 - 1008, 2316)}
1713330177.191 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1661 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330193.540 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
1713330193.928 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1422 - 1008, 2244)}
1713330255.390 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
1713330256.688 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#608): android.os.BinderProxy@1bf9a82 TransitionRequestInfo { type = CLOSE, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 608 }
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#608) android.os.BinderProxy@1bf9a82: {id=608 t=CLOSE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{76c380d u0 com.github.android/.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity)/@0x2349593 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=CLOSE f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{1a52284 u0 com.github.android/.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity)/@0x8a8a9d0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#608) android.os.BinderProxy@1bf9a82@0
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330256.829 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=608 t=CLOSE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{76c380d u0 com.github.android/.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity)/@0x2349593 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=CLOSE f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{1a52284 u0 com.github.android/.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity)/@0x8a8a9d0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330256.830 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330256.830 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#608) to null
1713330256.830 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330256.830 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=608 t=CLOSE f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{76c380d u0 com.github.android/.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity)/@0x2349593 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=CLOSE f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{1a52284 u0 com.github.android/.createissue.CreateIssueComposeActivity)/@0x8a8a9d0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330256.831 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@d88f7ef animAttr=0x7 type=CLOSE isEntrance=false
1713330256.853 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@117240b animAttr=0x6 type=CLOSE isEntrance=true
1713330256.878 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330257.340 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#608) android.os.BinderProxy@1bf9a82@0
1713330257.349 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330257.349 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330262.298 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startRecentsTransition
1713330262.298 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Directly starting a new transition type=3 wct=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } handler=com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330262.312 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.setTransition: id=android.os.BinderProxy@954e83d
1713330262.338 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#609) android.os.BinderProxy@954e83d: {id=609 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@594157e} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x417a832 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c0dbadf} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1767)/@0xbfe0983 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{93262ca token=android.os.Binder@e020e35})/@0x622700 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330262.338 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#609) android.os.BinderProxy@954e83d@0
1713330262.339 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330262.339 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.start
1713330262.340 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: adding pausing leaf taskId=1767 at layer=8
1713330262.342 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.start: calling onAnimationStart
1713330262.343 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler
1713330262.345 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.setInputConsumerEnabled: set focus to recents
1713330262.639 23262 23422 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=1767
1713330262.663 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#610): android.os.BinderProxy@4bdd618 TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_FRONT, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1761 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.APP_ERROR flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.ErrorReportActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57382648 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@a9fa871} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{3b35656 app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 610 }
1713330262.672 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.ErrorReportActivity}
--------- switch to main
1713330262.681 23262 23297 V SnapshotDrawerUtils: Drawing snapshot surface sizeMismatch=true
--------- switch to system
1713330262.697 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#610) android.os.BinderProxy@4bdd618: {id=610 t=TO_FRONT f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@1cd5030} m=TO_FRONT f=MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0x355aad sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@7f9f4a9} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1767)/@0x72681e2 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330262.697 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition (#610) android.os.BinderProxy@4bdd618@0 ready while (#609) android.os.BinderProxy@954e83d@0 is still animating. Notify the animating transition in case they can be merged
1713330262.697 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.merge
1713330262.698 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: closing pausing taskId=1767
1713330262.698 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: opening new leaf taskId=1761 wasClosing=false
1713330262.698 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.merge: empty pausing tasks
1713330262.699 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.merge: calling onTasksAppeared
1713330262.700 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition was merged: (#610) android.os.BinderProxy@4bdd618@0 into (#609) android.os.BinderProxy@954e83d@0
1713330262.709 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=false userLeave=false willFinishToHome=false state=1
1713330262.709 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: normal finish
1713330262.709 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.cleanup
1713330262.709 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#609) android.os.BinderProxy@954e83d@0
1713330262.723 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330262.723 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330262.723 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [104613268] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback
1713330267.558 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#611): android.os.BinderProxy@8543265 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1768 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57510071 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@2526b3a} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{29f83eb app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 611 }
1713330267.594 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#611) android.os.BinderProxy@8543265: {id=611 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@9af378c} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0xd5c5a19 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@4cf7ed5} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xc1c2ade sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#611) android.os.BinderProxy@8543265@0
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=611 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@9af378c} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0xd5c5a19 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@4cf7ed5} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xc1c2ade sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#611) to null
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330267.595 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=611 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@9af378c} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0xd5c5a19 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@4cf7ed5} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1761)/@0xc1c2ade sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330267.596 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@c0d3ddb animAttr=0x9 type=OPEN isEntrance=false
1713330267.598 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@9bcb7b6 animAttr=0x8 type=OPEN isEntrance=true
1713330267.600 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
type: logcat
osVersion: google/husky/husky:14/AP1A.240405.002/2024040900:user/release-keys
buffers: main,system,crash,events
level: verbose
1713330301.306 1000 578 628 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients:
1713330301.307 1000 578 627 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients:
1713330301.307 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[ClipboardOverlay]#28(BLAST Consumer)28: File name too long
1713330301.312 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[ClipboardOverlay]#28(BLAST Consumer)28: File name too long
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D GlobalActionsDialogLite: Service changed before actions created
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D GlobalActionsDialogLite: Service changed before actions created
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.315 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.316 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.316 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.316 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.316 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.318 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.318 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.319 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.319 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.319 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.319 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.319 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.319 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.320 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.320 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.320 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.321 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[ClipboardOverlay]#28(BLAST Consumer)28: File name too long
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.322 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.323 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.324 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.324 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.324 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
--------- switch to system
1713330301.324 1000 1477 12532 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330301.325 10113 23262 23304 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback
1713330301.326 10113 23262 23304 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback
1713330301.326 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.326 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.327 10113 23262 23262 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: volume_controller from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$7.onDismissRequested:3
1713330301.327 10113 23262 23262 D vol.VolumeDialogImpl: dismissH: skipping dismiss because isAnimatingDismiss is true and showingStateInconsistent is false
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.328 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.329 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
--------- switch to system
1713330301.330 1000 1477 12532 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.330 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.331 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.332 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.332 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.332 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.332 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.332 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.332 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.332 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.334 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[ClipboardOverlay]#28(BLAST Consumer)28: File name too long
1713330301.334 10113 23262 23304 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback
1713330301.335 1000 578 2335 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients:
1713330301.338 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.341 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.342 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330301.346 10112 27326 27326 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10112; state: ENABLED
1713330301.347 10112 27326 27326 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10112; state: ENABLED
1713330301.346 1000 1314 27360 D Vibrator: waitForComplete: Vibrator is already off
1713330301.349 10112 27326 27326 I Typeface: Preloading /system/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
1713330301.349 10112 27326 27326 I Typeface: Preloading /system/fonts/RobotoStatic-Regular.ttf
1713330301.356 10112 27326 27326 I SystemFonts: Loading font config from /system/etc/fonts.xml
--------- switch to system
1713330301.356 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.358 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330301.362 10112 27326 27326 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 247079863; UID 10112; state: ENABLED
--------- switch to system
1713330301.361 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.375 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.401 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.406 1000 1477 12520 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.407 1000 1477 12520 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.408 1000 1477 12520 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.410 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.414 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.415 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330301.421 1000 1477 1584 I system_server: Background concurrent mark compact GC freed 80MB AllocSpace bytes, 149(23MB) LOS objects, 53% free, 82MB/178MB, paused 3.502ms,5.996ms total 911.022ms
--------- switch to system
1713330301.432 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.440 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.441 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.449 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.450 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.451 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.454 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.456 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.458 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.459 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.463 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.464 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.467 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.471 1000 1477 12617 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.473 1000 1477 12520 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10112; state: ENABLED
1713330301.474 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.475 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.481 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.482 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330301.485 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330301.487 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x0, serialized output size 5
1713330301.487 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/5 bytes of payload)
1713330301.487 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330301.487 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
1713330301.515 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries:
1713330301.515 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: com_android_art: libnativehelper.so
1713330301.515 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: com_android_i18n: libicui18n.so:libicuuc.so:libicu.so
1713330301.515 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: com_android_neuralnetworks: libneuralnetworks.so
1713330301.516 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: InitDefaultPublicLibraries for_preload=0: libandroid.so:libaaudio.so:libamidi.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcamera2ndk.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libdl.so:libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libjnigraphics.so:liblog.so:libmediandk.so:libm.so:libnativewindow.so:libOpenMAXAL.so:libOpenSLES.so:libRS.so:libstdc++.so:libsync.so:libvulkan.so:libwebviewchromium_plat_support.so:libz.so
1713330301.516 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-1 for other apk /system_ext/priv-app/ShannonIms/ShannonIms.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/system_ext/priv-app/ShannonIms/lib/arm64:/system/lib64:/system_ext/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.shannon.imsservice:/system_ext/priv-app/ShannonIms:/system/lib64:/system_ext/lib64
1713330301.516 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: InitExtendedPublicLibraries: libedgetpu_dba.google.so
1713330301.517 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: InitVendorPublicLibraries: libOpenCL.so:libOpenCL-pixel.so:libedgetpu_client.google.so:libedgetpu_util.so:lib_aion_buffer.so:lib_jpg_encoder.so:libgxp.so
1713330301.517 10112 27326 27326 D nativeloader: InitProductPublicLibraries:
--------- switch to events
1713330301.518 10113 23262 23294 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=55,Unix Time Ns=1713330301518398s,Elapsed Time Ns=57544033040.304s,Uptime Time Ns=57544033040.67s]
--------- switch to system
1713330301.519 1000 1477 12520 W NotificationService: Toast already killed. pkg=app.grapheneos.logviewer token=android.os.BinderProxy@50abb0f
--------- switch to events
1713330301.520 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=65,Unix Time Ns=1713330301519186s,Elapsed Time Ns=57544033805.196s,Uptime Time Ns=57544033805.685s]
--------- switch to system
1713330301.531 1000 1477 12520 W WindowManager: Attempted to add a toast window with unknown token android.os.Binder@d7b449c. Aborting.
--------- switch to main
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: Error while attempting to show toast from android
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@5678c90 is not valid; is your activity running?
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView(ViewRootImpl.java:1480)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:410)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:154)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.widget.ToastPresenter.addToastView(ToastPresenter.java:351)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.widget.ToastPresenter.show(ToastPresenter.java:254)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at com.android.systemui.toast.ToastUI$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(go/retraceme ff6c91cbd2fa4e96aaf7beee3e24db29d9dd75c665873da3e0eba9fd165e36f6:336)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at com.android.systemui.toast.ToastUI$ToastOutAnimatorListener.onAnimationEnd(go/retraceme ff6c91cbd2fa4e96aaf7beee3e24db29d9dd75c665873da3e0eba9fd165e36f6:12)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.Animator$AnimatorListener.onAnimationEnd(Animator.java:711)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.Animator$AnimatorCaller$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.call(D8$$SyntheticClass:0)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.Animator.callOnList(Animator.java:669)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.Animator.notifyListeners(Animator.java:608)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.Animator.notifyEndListeners(Animator.java:633)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.AnimatorSet.endAnimation(AnimatorSet.java:1443)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.AnimatorSet.doAnimationFrame(AnimatorSet.java:1230)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.AnimationHandler.doAnimationFrame(AnimationHandler.java:344)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.AnimationHandler.-$$Nest$mdoAnimationFrame(Unknown Source:0)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.animation.AnimationHandler$1.doFrame(AnimationHandler.java:87)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1397)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1408)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:1008)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:934)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1382)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8532)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at com.android.internal.os.ExecInit.main(ExecInit.java:50)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.nativeFinishInit(Native Method)
1713330301.532 10113 23262 23262 W ToastPresenter: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.main(RuntimeInit.java:359)
1713330301.542 10112 27326 27326 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
1713330301.543 10112 27326 27326 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[]
1713330301.543 10112 27326 27326 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[]
1713330301.543 10112 27326 27326 V GraphicsEnvironment: Global.Settings values are invalid: number of packages: 0, number of values: 0
1713330301.544 10112 27326 27326 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
1713330301.554 10112 27326 27326 I SHANNON_IMS: 0001 [CONT] ImsContentProvider:onCreate() (ImsContentProvider%onCreate:48)
1713330301.560 10112 27326 27356 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.factorytest"
--------- switch to events
1713330301.556 10112 27326 27326 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:23146): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:27326_2" name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=161 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
--------- switch to main
1713330301.556 10112 27326 27326 W binder:27326_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:23146): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=161 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
--------- switch to events
1713330301.556 10112 27326 27326 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:23147): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:27326_2" name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=161 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
--------- switch to main
1713330301.556 10112 27326 27326 W binder:27326_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:23147): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=161 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
--------- switch to events
1713330301.556 10112 27326 27326 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:23148): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:27326_2" name="u:object_r:hdmi_config_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=229 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hdmi_config_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
--------- switch to main
1713330301.556 10112 27326 27326 W binder:27326_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:23148): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:hdmi_config_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=229 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hdmi_config_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
1713330301.560 10112 27326 27356 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.support_one_handed_mode"
1713330301.560 10112 27326 27356 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.hdmi.cec_audio_device_forward_volume_keys_system_audio_mode_off"
--------- switch to events
1713330301.560 10112 27326 27326 I auditd : avc=type=1400 audit(0.0:23149): avc: denied { read } for comm="binder:27326_2" name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=161 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
--------- switch to main
1713330301.560 10112 27326 27326 W binder:27326_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:23149): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=161 scontext=u:r:vendor_ims_app:s0:c112,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.shannon.imsservice
1713330301.563 10112 27326 27356 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.fw.mu.headless_system_user"
1713330301.565 1000 1477 1585 W JavaBinder: BinderProxy is being destroyed but the application did not call unlinkToDeath to unlink all of its death recipients beforehand. Releasing leaked death recipient: com.android.server.wm.EmbeddedWindowController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
1713330301.565 1000 1477 1585 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients:
1713330301.574 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~U-qtGKc7BcC2Wrr6dhWBvQ==/com.google.android.gm-0Ns9JofVbaKXD3dz_JVQcA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.575 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~U-qtGKc7BcC2Wrr6dhWBvQ==/com.google.android.gm-0Ns9JofVbaKXD3dz_JVQcA==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.575 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~U-qtGKc7BcC2Wrr6dhWBvQ==/com.google.android.gm-0Ns9JofVbaKXD3dz_JVQcA==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.575 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~U-qtGKc7BcC2Wrr6dhWBvQ==/com.google.android.gm-0Ns9JofVbaKXD3dz_JVQcA==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.577 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.577 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~vtI9OnowJKNcI5d-ZnpHhg==/chat.simplex.app-WCr0YxUTlILZOGmGRngJeA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.579 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~glGD0FaK-THW1XX2kjj35w==/com.facebook.orca-2YOfjl8AZ5dgt-oTVTy6qA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.583 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.585 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call release.
1713330301.589 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.590 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.591 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.593 10113 23262 23262 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11@6c7e99a
1713330301.593 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
--------- switch to system
1713330301.594 1000 1477 12169 D CoreBackPreview: Window{82fcd0d u0 ClipboardOverlay}: Setting back callback null
--------- switch to main
1713330301.596 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.596 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /system/priv-app/InputDevices/InputDevices.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.596 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/base.apk' with 2 weak references
1713330301.597 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_DynamiteModulesA.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.597 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_DynamiteModulesA.config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.597 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_DynamiteModulesA.config.xxhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_DynamiteModulesC.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_DynamiteModulesC.config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_DynamiteModulesC.config.xxhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_GoogleCertificates.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_MapsDynamite.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_MapsDynamite.config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_MapsDynamite.config.xxhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_MeasurementDynamite.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_MeasurementDynamite.config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_config.en.apk' with 2 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~srHjWsqm9URxKkxAp3Fj_Q==/com.google.android.gms-bJYvD_HntG8HCIiM617HVw==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk' with 2 weak references
1713330301.598 1000 1477 12520 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '82fcd0d ClipboardOverlay (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
1713330301.599 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.599 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_InstallTime.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.599 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_InstallTimeI.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.599 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_InstallTimeII.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_InstallTimeIII.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_InstallTimeIV.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_config.es.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~_WAOic7KmbjxsL8u-hKH9Q==/com.blizzard.diablo.immortal-ZDzBZlkB6kjrfKcPmU_aEA==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~x66S3sU47dWhxHvph92ASQ==/com.mail.mobile.android.mail-Y6AKe5ZtmRysFjdDyIIY4Q==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~x66S3sU47dWhxHvph92ASQ==/com.mail.mobile.android.mail-Y6AKe5ZtmRysFjdDyIIY4Q==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~x66S3sU47dWhxHvph92ASQ==/com.mail.mobile.android.mail-Y6AKe5ZtmRysFjdDyIIY4Q==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~x66S3sU47dWhxHvph92ASQ==/com.mail.mobile.android.mail-Y6AKe5ZtmRysFjdDyIIY4Q==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.600 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~AfmCs3gS7zGyuXLwqxKklA==/com.reddit.frontpage-KooAFdMUyveGOkYjMf5e6Q==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.601 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~AfmCs3gS7zGyuXLwqxKklA==/com.reddit.frontpage-KooAFdMUyveGOkYjMf5e6Q==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.601 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~AfmCs3gS7zGyuXLwqxKklA==/com.reddit.frontpage-KooAFdMUyveGOkYjMf5e6Q==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.602 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~AfmCs3gS7zGyuXLwqxKklA==/com.reddit.frontpage-KooAFdMUyveGOkYjMf5e6Q==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.602 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~2I35C6_qPgnk8ODf02-DSw==/com.skype.raider-wXz6EpXEZnVm3pomOzzh9A==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.604 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~Ih0UFzkaY0w1f-849yb5uQ==/com.tql.carrierdashboard-2yxrdtWM0QNkqmG808kp7Q==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.605 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~Ih0UFzkaY0w1f-849yb5uQ==/com.tql.carrierdashboard-2yxrdtWM0QNkqmG808kp7Q==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.605 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~Ih0UFzkaY0w1f-849yb5uQ==/com.tql.carrierdashboard-2yxrdtWM0QNkqmG808kp7Q==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.605 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~Ih0UFzkaY0w1f-849yb5uQ==/com.tql.carrierdashboard-2yxrdtWM0QNkqmG808kp7Q==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.605 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~rRXcIk1M8YX5IPDbsaGJiA==/de.gmx.mobile.android.mail-T8Xgw7Hyau-lfPjLlCjq0Q==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.605 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~rRXcIk1M8YX5IPDbsaGJiA==/de.gmx.mobile.android.mail-T8Xgw7Hyau-lfPjLlCjq0Q==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.605 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~rRXcIk1M8YX5IPDbsaGJiA==/de.gmx.mobile.android.mail-T8Xgw7Hyau-lfPjLlCjq0Q==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.605 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~rRXcIk1M8YX5IPDbsaGJiA==/de.gmx.mobile.android.mail-T8Xgw7Hyau-lfPjLlCjq0Q==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.606 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ZzkqWWAEUIDJmNQ05bEcTg==/de.tutao.tutanota-FWv0kbRqr02_HTu01AXSPw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.606 1000 1477 12532 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '[Gesture Monitor] clipboard overlay (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
1713330301.606 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~L-d6tAJ5rSKSTpB_NFhRBQ==/org.telegram.messenger.web-S9RJxVhw8ijE2eg1pWbUFg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.607 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~yMktfGCOGQj_GqgnXq8U2Q==/org.thoughtcrime.securesms-T_HuBAK2OlkV9oP4yizjbA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.607 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /product/priv-app/Contacts/Contacts.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.608 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IsHLwKk8eUCyzLMaZFElkw==/com.google.android.keep-2q4GRdk947uGdr-Y6QxOsg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.608 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IsHLwKk8eUCyzLMaZFElkw==/com.google.android.keep-2q4GRdk947uGdr-Y6QxOsg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.608 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IsHLwKk8eUCyzLMaZFElkw==/com.google.android.keep-2q4GRdk947uGdr-Y6QxOsg==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.608 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IsHLwKk8eUCyzLMaZFElkw==/com.google.android.keep-2q4GRdk947uGdr-Y6QxOsg==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.608 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~0VHsrrK9CxBQEYCShp3F-w==/org.mozilla.firefox-HonZiKUrojm10pt4LT-JAw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.609 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~0VHsrrK9CxBQEYCShp3F-w==/org.mozilla.firefox-HonZiKUrojm10pt4LT-JAw==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.609 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~0VHsrrK9CxBQEYCShp3F-w==/org.mozilla.firefox-HonZiKUrojm10pt4LT-JAw==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.609 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~hmy1HDH18PVz8gW5ztnclA==/org.torproject.torbrowser-0jZnU5Ceau2LnoWodynkGw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.610 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~xsRghzRwT27jcd9Z9PStYQ==/us.spotco.fennec_dos-BAyZMVrUPRFJURWh9zg8qQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.611 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~vyUPgGByp_3ulDSq8pGnug==/app.vanadium.browser-AGGFoUZsFlmAZVqoS3jCVw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.611 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~S1VBtoQE9dtyDQp0XvV0Dg==/app.vanadium.trichromelibrary_636705433-gJNG_Pr_pOrxEMRVc04rlQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.612 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~NPqPfqdHkhKDZ9z1oHXWaA==/com.fidelity.android-cSJjUeNVWJwgAeF-30tpOA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.612 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~e3H7zWjf94ejEY6kH_G1hg==/com.netflix.mediaclient-9HCF_-vyCBF0i4vtWTqH3Q==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.613 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~e3H7zWjf94ejEY6kH_G1hg==/com.netflix.mediaclient-9HCF_-vyCBF0i4vtWTqH3Q==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.613 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~e3H7zWjf94ejEY6kH_G1hg==/com.netflix.mediaclient-9HCF_-vyCBF0i4vtWTqH3Q==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.613 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~e3H7zWjf94ejEY6kH_G1hg==/com.netflix.mediaclient-9HCF_-vyCBF0i4vtWTqH3Q==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.613 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~GUoDPoGHKupsqW7rlzqbEQ==/org.fdroid.fdroid-lSJ-EFxcS01QpPwn7nKe2w==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.614 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~S5bt8TKrSMfWCXRo381NVA==/org.videolan.vlc-4xQi2zjqmCIN2CItw8Ie2g==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.614 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ATihMZdTEo-YiollpOOYGw==/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox-fusfT2W-WpA8l3QAtCMbZQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.615 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ATihMZdTEo-YiollpOOYGw==/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox-fusfT2W-WpA8l3QAtCMbZQ==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.615 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ATihMZdTEo-YiollpOOYGw==/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox-fusfT2W-WpA8l3QAtCMbZQ==/split_lens_ondevice_engine_play_ml_module.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.616 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call release.
1713330301.616 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.616 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.617 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '/product/overlay/com.android.systemui.auto_generated_rro_product_adevtool__.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.626 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /product/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.627 1000 1477 1586 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~zawz8R9oR-Sx27aBMRdbSw==/org.futo.voiceinput-5ByvAVmKtksrAUDPpFAckQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
1713330301.644 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7088 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.644 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7089 [0][SHAN] supportService, previous vops: 1, rat: 14, mRatGeneration: 4, RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%supportService:317)
1713330301.644 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7090 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.646 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7457 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_IMS_SUPPORT_SERVICE} : VoPS : 1 EMC : 1 SIM_IDX : 0 RAT : 14 REG_STATE : 1 CELL_ID : 828440 LAC/TAC : 777 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:306)
1713330301.646 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7458 [CONN] #:ORNG:# supportService [VoPS : 1/ EMC : 1/ RAT_INFO : 14/ REG_STATE : 1/ CELL_ID : 828440/ LAC-TAC Info : 777] [SLID:0 ] (ImsConnectivityMgr$RegistrationListener%supportService:2903)
1713330301.655 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.655 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.656 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.658 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.658 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call release.
1713330301.663 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.664 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.664 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.664 1000 1477 1586 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
1713330301.665 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7091 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.665 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7092 [0][SHAN] supportService, previous vops: 1, rat: 14, mRatGeneration: 4, RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%supportService:317)
1713330301.666 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7093 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.666 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7462 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_IMS_SUPPORT_SERVICE} : VoPS : 1 EMC : 1 SIM_IDX : 0 RAT : 14 REG_STATE : 1 CELL_ID : 828440 LAC/TAC : 777 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:306)
1713330301.667 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7463 [CONN] #:ORNG:# supportService [VoPS : 1/ EMC : 1/ RAT_INFO : 14/ REG_STATE : 1/ CELL_ID : 828440/ LAC-TAC Info : 777] [SLID:0 ] (ImsConnectivityMgr$RegistrationListener%supportService:2903)
1713330301.690 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7094 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.690 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7095 [0][SHAN] supportService, previous vops: 1, rat: 14, mRatGeneration: 4, RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%supportService:317)
1713330301.690 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7096 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.691 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7467 [DATA] Received mCellStatus [ 1 ] [ band : 2] (RilIndImsPhysicalChannelConfigs%update:44)
1713330301.691 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7468 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_CONFIGS} : band : 2 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:306)
1713330301.697 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7471 [DATA] Received mCellStatus [ 1 ] [ band : 2] (RilIndImsPhysicalChannelConfigs%update:44)
1713330301.698 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7472 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_PHYSICAL_CHANNEL_CONFIGS} : band : 2 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:306)
1713330301.700 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7475 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_IMS_SUPPORT_SERVICE} : VoPS : 1 EMC : 1 SIM_IDX : 0 RAT : 14 REG_STATE : 1 CELL_ID : 828440 LAC/TAC : 777 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:306)
1713330301.701 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7476 [CONN] #:ORNG:# supportService [VoPS : 1/ EMC : 1/ RAT_INFO : 14/ REG_STATE : 1/ CELL_ID : 828440/ LAC-TAC Info : 777] [SLID:0 ] (ImsConnectivityMgr$RegistrationListener%supportService:2903)
1713330301.732 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7097 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.732 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7098 [0][SHAN] supportService, previous vops: 1, rat: 14, mRatGeneration: 4, RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%supportService:317)
1713330301.732 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7099 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.733 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7480 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_IMS_SUPPORT_SERVICE} : VoPS : 1 EMC : 1 SIM_IDX : 0 RAT : 14 REG_STATE : 1 CELL_ID : 828440 LAC/TAC : 777 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:306)
1713330301.734 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7481 [CONN] #:ORNG:# supportService [VoPS : 1/ EMC : 1/ RAT_INFO : 14/ REG_STATE : 1/ CELL_ID : 828440/ LAC-TAC Info : 777] [SLID:0 ] (ImsConnectivityMgr$RegistrationListener%supportService:2903)
1713330301.755 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7100 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.755 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7101 [0][SHAN] supportService, previous vops: 1, rat: 14, mRatGeneration: 4, RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%supportService:317)
1713330301.755 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7102 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.756 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7485 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_IMS_SUPPORT_SERVICE} : VoPS : 1 EMC : 1 SIM_IDX : 0 RAT : 14 REG_STATE : 1 CELL_ID : 828440 LAC/TAC : 777 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:306)
1713330301.757 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7486 [CONN] #:ORNG:# supportService [VoPS : 1/ EMC : 1/ RAT_INFO : 14/ REG_STATE : 1/ CELL_ID : 828440/ LAC-TAC Info : 777] [SLID:0 ] (ImsConnectivityMgr$RegistrationListener%supportService:2903)
1713330301.779 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7103 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
1713330301.781 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7104 [0][SHAN] supportService, previous vops: 1, rat: 14, mRatGeneration: 4, RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%supportService:317)
1713330301.781 10106 2363 15997 D SHANNON_RCS: 7105 [0][SHAN] RegistrationState: Name: REGISTERED Value: 0 (RcsRegistrationImpl%getRegistrationState:145)
--------- switch to events
1713330301.843 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=11,Unix Time Ns=1713330301843688s,Elapsed Time Ns=57544358308.94s,Uptime Time Ns=57544358309.265s]
1713330301.843 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=9,Unix Time Ns=1713330301843729s,Elapsed Time Ns=57544358347.148s,Uptime Time Ns=57544358347.392s]
--------- switch to system
1713330301.844 10113 23262 23474 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=1767
--------- switch to main
1713330301.859 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: go to state Overview
1713330301.859 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: current animation cancelled
1713330301.859 10109 2681 2681 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_ONRESUME
1713330301.859 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: Notifying listeners for state transition start to state: Overview
1713330301.859 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: overview state enabled state has changed: true
1713330301.860 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: Notifying 5 listeners for end transition for state: Overview
--------- switch to system
1713330301.860 10113 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
--------- switch to main
1713330301.860 10109 2681 2681 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_GESTURE
1713330301.864 1000 890 890 D usf_sensor_hal: accelerometer: Enter Batch. period = 200000000, latency = 0.
1713330301.865 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 2189: USF: Received reconfig sampling request for ICM45631 Accelerometer.
1713330301.866 1000 890 890 D usf_sensor_hal: IMU temperature: Enter Batch. period = 666667000, latency = 0.
1713330301.867 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 2189: USF: Received reconfig sampling request for ICM45631 Temperature.
1713330301.867 1000 890 890 D usf_sensor_hal: accelerometer: Enter Flush
--------- switch to system
1713330301.869 10113 23262 24577 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.detachNavigationBarFromApp
--------- switch to events
1713330301.890 10112 2392 2392 I service_manager_stats: [call_count=200,total_time=167ms,duration=319.572s]
--------- switch to main
1713330301.944 10112 2392 2392 W SHANNON_IMS: 7506 [RULE] WiFi connect: false, WiFi button: false (WiFiConnectivity%isWiFiEnabled:246)
1713330301.948 10112 2392 2392 W SHANNON_IMS: 7508 [RULE] VOC is NOT ready, isValidConnection() is false [WiFiConnectivity STATE:falseSLID:0 ] (WiFiConnectivity%isVocReady:103)
1713330301.988 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7513 [CALL] isEmcAvailable for true (ImsCallManager%isEmcAvailable:1467)
1713330302.004 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7515 [CALL] isEmcAvailable for true (ImsCallManager%isEmcAvailable:1467)
1713330302.019 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7517 [CALL] isEmcAvailable for true (ImsCallManager%isEmcAvailable:1467)
1713330302.029 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330302.029 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330302.031 1000 513 27367 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330302.031 1000 513 27368 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330302.033 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7519 [CALL] isEmcAvailable for true (ImsCallManager%isEmcAvailable:1467)
1713330302.046 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7521 [CALL] isEmcAvailable for true (ImsCallManager%isEmcAvailable:1467)
1713330302.062 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7523 [CALL] isEmcAvailable for true (ImsCallManager%isEmcAvailable:1467)
1713330302.119 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57557.063: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.554320 hpa, duration = 159.999996 ms
1713330302.120 1080 860 879 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
1713330302.120 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.554320 hPa (bucket: 12), duration = 160.000000 ms (bucket: 14).
1713330302.120 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57557.064: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.129415 hpa, duration = 80.000001 ms
1713330302.120 1080 860 879 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
1713330302.121 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
1713330302.121 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.129416 hPa (bucket: 3), duration = 80.000000 ms (bucket: 7).
1713330302.122 1080 860 879 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
1713330302.122 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57557.066: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.826212 hpa, duration = 159.999996 ms
1713330302.123 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
1713330302.123 1080 860 879 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
1713330302.123 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57557.067: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.159623 hpa, duration = 201.000005 ms
1713330302.123 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.826212 hPa (bucket: 16), duration = 160.000000 ms (bucket: 14).
1713330302.123 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
1713330302.123 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.159624 hPa (bucket: 4), duration = 201.000000 ms (bucket: 18).
1713330302.124 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
1713330302.845 10112 2392 3513 W SHANNON_IMS: 7524 [CONN] Timer IMS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_TIMER expired (ConnectionTimer$ConnectionTimerTask%run:70)
1713330302.907 10112 2392 3513 W SHANNON_IMS: 7535 [RULE] WiFi connect: false, WiFi button: false (WiFiConnectivity%isWiFiEnabled:246)
1713330302.911 10112 2392 3513 W SHANNON_IMS: 7537 [RULE] VOC is NOT ready, isValidConnection() is false [WiFiConnectivity STATE:falseSLID:0 ] (WiFiConnectivity%isVocReady:103)
1713330303.030 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330303.030 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330303.032 1000 513 27370 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330303.033 1000 513 27371 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330304.032 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330304.033 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330304.035 1000 513 27372 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330304.035 1000 513 27373 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330304.184 1000 1477 3100 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330304.184 1000 1477 3100 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330304.185 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7542 [PROX] Received onSignalStrengthsChanged [CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-85 rsrp=-105 rsrq=-12 rssnr=7 cqiTableIndex=1 cqi=8 ta=34 level=2 parametersUseForLevel=0, CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [0] ssRsrp = -104 ssRsrq = -12 ssSinr = 6 level = 2 parametersUseForLevel = 0 timingAdvance = 2147483647 }] [SLID:0 APM:false] (ImsConnectivityProxyListener$ImsPhoneStateListener%onSignalStrengthsChanged:418)
1713330304.186 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330305.034 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330305.034 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330305.037 1000 513 27374 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330305.037 1000 513 27375 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330305.128 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x40, serialized output size 7
1713330305.128 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/7 bytes of payload)
1713330305.128 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330305.128 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
--------- switch to events
1713330305.129 1000 1477 1961 I input_interaction: Interaction with: 81ce1ce com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher (server), a2861c8 com.android.systemui.wallpapers.ImageWallpaper (server), [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server),
1713330305.130 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=25,Unix Time Ns=1713330305130433s,Elapsed Time Ns=57547645053.123s,Uptime Ns=57547645053.53s,]
1713330305.130 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=67,Unix Time Ns=1713330305130500s,Elapsed Time Ns=57547645118.471s,Uptime Ns=57547645118.675s,]
--------- switch to main
1713330305.213 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:693fea6b: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW
1713330305.213 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:693fea6b: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED
1713330305.213 10109 2681 2681 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{6af44c5 VFED..C.. ........ 364,0-643,108 #7f090058 app:id/action_screenshot aid=1073741919} is not served.
1713330305.213 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:c809274a: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW
1713330305.213 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:c809274a: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED
1713330305.214 10109 2681 2681 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{4f27e1a GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f09005b app:id/action_split aid=1073741921} is not served.
--------- switch to events
1713330305.214 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=65,Unix Time Ns=1713330305214115s,Elapsed Time Ns=57547728734.723s,Uptime Ns=57547728735.13s,]
--------- switch to main
1713330305.222 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330305.222494 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:342] DeepPress candidate dropped due to large touch displacement (=42.7566)
1713330305.222 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330305.222694 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:413] Event stream classified as kNone
1713330305.547 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x0, serialized output size 5
1713330305.548 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/5 bytes of payload)
1713330305.548 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330305.548 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
1713330305.592 1000 1314 27376 D Vibrator: waitForComplete: Vibrator is already off
--------- switch to events
1713330305.646 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=65,Unix Time Ns=1713330305646306s,Elapsed Time Ns=57548160926.17s,Uptime Time Ns=57548160926.78s]
--------- switch to main
1713330305.699 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330306.036 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330306.036 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330306.040 1000 513 27377 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330306.040 1000 513 27378 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330306.268 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x40, serialized output size 7
1713330306.269 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/7 bytes of payload)
1713330306.269 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330306.269 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
--------- switch to events
1713330306.278 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=25,Unix Time Ns=1713330306278028s,Elapsed Time Ns=57548792659.854s,Uptime Ns=57548792660.952s,]
1713330306.280 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=67,Unix Time Ns=1713330306278447s,Elapsed Time Ns=57548793071.19s,Uptime Ns=57548793072.817s,]
--------- switch to main
1713330306.347 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:65157238: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW
1713330306.347 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:65157238: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED
1713330306.347 10109 2681 2681 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{6af44c5 VFED..C.. ........ 364,0-643,108 #7f090058 app:id/action_screenshot aid=1073741919} is not served.
1713330306.348 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a170e4d5: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW
1713330306.348 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a170e4d5: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED
1713330306.348 10109 2681 2681 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{4f27e1a GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f09005b app:id/action_split aid=1073741921} is not served.
1713330306.348 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330306.348523 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:342] DeepPress candidate dropped due to large touch displacement (=41.4201)
1713330306.349 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330306.348981 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:413] Event stream classified as kNone
--------- switch to events
1713330306.349 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=65,Unix Time Ns=1713330306348825s,Elapsed Time Ns=57548863446.515s,Uptime Ns=57548863447.655s,]
--------- switch to main
1713330306.678 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-0:41693.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-1:41058.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-10:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-2:40617.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-3:40192.1 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-4:39336.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-5:41632 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-6:40805.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-7:42091.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-8:42243.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-9:42448.1 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 charge_therm:49638 disp_therm:43655 neutral_therm:52739 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47848 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330306.684 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: cellular-emergency:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 cellular-emergency:42456.6
1713330306.684 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST:42.3112 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE:42311.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST:42311.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-0:42311.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-1:41738.5 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-2:41594.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-3:42243.6 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 charge_therm:49638 disp_therm:43655 neutral_therm:52739 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47848 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330306.684 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST power_budget=1803.64 err=-1.31122 s_power=2383 time_elapsed_ms=7008 p=-279.29 i=-300.071 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330306.684 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST power budget=1111.46 after (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3296.09 mW, cdev_weight: 0.210000) is excluded
1713330306.684 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST binded power rails: (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3296.09 mW, cdev_weight: 0.210000)
1713330306.685 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38.7453 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38745.3 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-0:38378.1 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-1:37258.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-2:38745.3 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 charge_therm:49638 disp_therm:43655 neutral_therm:52739 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47848 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330306.685 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-HINT:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-HINT:42456.6
1713330306.685 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-HIGH:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-HIGH:42456.6
1713330306.685 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-HIGH power_budget=1004.34 err=0.543365 s_power=600 time_elapsed_ms=7008 p=217.346 i=186.999 d=0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330306.685 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM:42456.6
1713330306.685 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM power_budget=800 err=-3.45663 s_power=800 time_elapsed_ms=7008 p=-1382.65 i=-2200 d=0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330306.685 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM binded power rails: (S4M_VDD_CPUCL0: 440.95 mW)(S2M_VDD_CPUCL2: 55.92 mW)(S3M_VDD_CPUCL1: 257.17 mW)
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: soc_therm:47.848 raw data: soc_therm:47848
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-GPU:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-GPU:42456.6
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-MID:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-MID:42456.6
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-MID power_budget=1245.52 err=-1.45663 s_power=700 time_elapsed_ms=7008 p=-582.654 i=1128.17 d=0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED:42.3112 raw data: IS_WLC:0 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE:42311.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED:42311.2 thb_hda:0
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED power_budget=711.965 err=-4.31122 s_power=2527 time_elapsed_ms=7008 p=-513.035 i=-1302 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED power budget=514.199 after (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3296.09 mW, cdev_weight: 0.060000) is excluded
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED binded power rails: (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3296.09 mW, cdev_weight: 0.060000)
1713330306.686 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU:42456.6
1713330306.687 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU power_budget=3900 err=2.54337 s_power=800 time_elapsed_ms=7008 p=763.01 i=2600 d=0 budget transient=0 control target=3
1713330306.687 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU binded power rails: (S4M_VDD_CPUCL0: 440.95 mW)(S2M_VDD_CPUCL2: 55.92 mW)(S3M_VDD_CPUCL1: 257.17 mW)(S2S_VDD_G3D: 48.35 mW)
1713330306.719 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330306.734 1000 2912 3053 D IwlanDataService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&DUN&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=8794Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=8794Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> AdminUids: [10218] SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
1713330306.734 1000 2912 3053 D IwlanDataService: Network 100 connected using transport MOBILE
1713330306.736 1000 2912 3054 D IwlanNetworkService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100
1713330306.737 10106 2363 3611 D SHANNON_RCS: 7106 [0][PROX][TELE] onCapabilitiesChanged, Network: 100, NetworkCapabilities: [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&DUN&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=8794Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=8794Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> UnderlyingNetworks: Null] (DefaultNetworkCallback%onCapabilitiesChanged:76)
1713330306.740 1000 2967 3063 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100
1713330306.741 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330306.742 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330306.742 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330306.743 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330306.748 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330306.774 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330306.835 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x0, serialized output size 5
1713330306.835 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/5 bytes of payload)
1713330306.835 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330306.835 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
1713330306.869 1000 1314 27383 D Vibrator: waitForComplete: Vibrator is already off
--------- switch to events
1713330306.989 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=65,Unix Time Ns=1713330306989010s,Elapsed Time Ns=57549503635.277s,Uptime Time Ns=57549503635.887s]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.038 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330307.039 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330307.044 1000 513 27384 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330307.044 1000 513 27385 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330307.538 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: charge_therm:49.638 raw data: charge_therm:49638
1713330307.544 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.546 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.548 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.549 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.550 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.551 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.551 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.552 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.553 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.554 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.554 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.555 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.556 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.557 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.557 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.558 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.559 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.559 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.560 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.561 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.561 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.562 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.563 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.563 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.564 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.564 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.565 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.566 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.567 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.567 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.568 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.569 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.570 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.570 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.571 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.571 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.572 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.573 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.573 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.574 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.575 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.575 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.576 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.576 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.577 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.577 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.578 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.579 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.579 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.580 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.580 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.581 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.582 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.582 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.583 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.583 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.584 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.585 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.585 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.586 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.587 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.587 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.588 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.588 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.589 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.590 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.590 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.591 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.591 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.592 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.593 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.593 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.594 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.595 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.595 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.596 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.596 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.597 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.598 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.598 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.599 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.599 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.600 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.601 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.602 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.602 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.603 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.604 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.604 1073 2255 3810 E BpfNetMapsReader: getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices
--------- switch to events
1713330307.605 1000 1477 12525 I am_wtf : [User=0,PID=2255,Process Name=com.android.networkstack.process,Flags=680050253,Tag=BpfNetMapsReader,Message=getDataSaverEnabled is not expected to be called on pre-V devices]
--------- switch to main
1713330307.626 1000 1477 12525 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330307.627 1000 1477 12525 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330307.628 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7545 [PROX] Received onSignalStrengthsChanged [CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-83 rsrp=-105 rsrq=-12 rssnr=-1 cqiTableIndex=1 cqi=6 ta=34 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=0, CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [0] ssRsrp = -106 ssRsrq = -13 ssSinr = 0 level = 1 parametersUseForLevel = 0 timingAdvance = 2147483647 }] [SLID:0 APM:false] (ImsConnectivityProxyListener$ImsPhoneStateListener%onSignalStrengthsChanged:418)
1713330307.632 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330307.719 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330307.881 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: cam_therm:40.409 raw data: cam_therm:40409
1713330307.890 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: disp_therm:43.655 raw data: disp_therm:43655
1713330307.890 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-USB-UI:1 raw data: USB-MINUS-NEUTRAL:-8901 USB-MINUS-QUIET:1764 USB_QUIET_RFFE:1421.56 VIRTUAL-USB-UI:1 VIRTUAL-USB-UI-SUB0:0 VSYS_PWR_RFFE:57.0729 neutral_therm:52739 quiet_therm:42074 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330307.890 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: quiet_therm:42.074 raw data: quiet_therm:42074
1713330307.891 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: usb_pwr_therm:43.838 raw data: usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330307.891 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:1 raw data: USB-MINUS-NEUTRAL:-8901 USB-MINUS-QUIET:1764 USB_QUIET_RFFE:1421.56 VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:1 VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING-SUB0:0 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330307.891 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: north_therm:39.652 raw data: north_therm:39652
1713330308.043 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330308.043 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330308.051 1000 513 27387 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330308.052 1000 513 27388 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330308.616 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x40, serialized output size 7
1713330308.617 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/7 bytes of payload)
1713330308.617 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330308.617 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
--------- switch to events
1713330308.626 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=25,Unix Time Ns=1713330308626016s,Elapsed Time Ns=57551140647.444s,Uptime Ns=57551140649.926s,]
1713330308.626 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=67,Unix Time Ns=1713330308626400s,Elapsed Time Ns=57551141021.793s,Uptime Ns=57551141022.566s,]
--------- switch to main
1713330308.664 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:914769e5: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW
1713330308.664 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:914769e5: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED
1713330308.664 10109 2681 2681 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{6af44c5 VFED..C.. ........ 364,0-643,108 #7f090058 app:id/action_screenshot aid=1073741919} is not served.
1713330308.665 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:86c3852: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW
1713330308.665 10109 2681 2681 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:86c3852: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED
1713330308.665 10109 2681 2681 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{4f27e1a GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f09005b app:id/action_split aid=1073741921} is not served.
--------- switch to events
1713330308.665 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=65,Unix Time Ns=1713330308665546s,Elapsed Time Ns=57551180165.511s,Uptime Ns=57551180165.999s,]
--------- switch to main
1713330308.679 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330308.678575 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:342] DeepPress candidate dropped due to large touch displacement (=43.6871)
1713330308.679 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330308.679136 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:413] Event stream classified as kNone
1713330308.731 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330309.047 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330309.052 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330309.054 1000 513 27394 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330309.054 1000 513 27395 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330309.234 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x0, serialized output size 5
1713330309.234 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/5 bytes of payload)
1713330309.234 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330309.234 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
1713330309.278 1000 1314 27396 D Vibrator: waitForComplete: Vibrator is already off
--------- switch to events
1713330309.375 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=65,Unix Time Ns=1713330309374807s,Elapsed Time Ns=57551889433.008s,Uptime Time Ns=57551889433.577s]
--------- switch to main
1713330309.471 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: vsc_controller.cc, 532: VSC: [Significant Motion] requestSensorEvents: sensor 0x20002, period=18446744073709 l
1713330309.478 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 1677: USF: Received start sampling request for ICM45631 Motion Detect (active:1).
1713330309.478 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 488: USF: Icm45631Device: Sensor 3, period 640000000 ns, latency 0 ns.
1713330309.478 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 1437: USF: Icm45631Device: FIFO enabled: 1, ODR: 50, WM: 3, Intr: 17.
1713330309.481 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: vsc_controller.cc, 550: VSC: [Significant Motion] stopSensorEvents: sensor 0x10001
1713330309.482 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 1677: USF: Received start sampling request for ICM45631 Accelerometer (active:5).
1713330309.482 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 488: USF: Icm45631Device: Sensor 0, period 20000000 ns, latency 66666666 ns.
1713330309.484 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 1437: USF: Icm45631Device: FIFO enabled: 1, ODR: 50, WM: 3, Intr: 17.
1713330309.752 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330309.853 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x40, serialized output size 7
1713330309.853 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/7 bytes of payload)
1713330309.853 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330309.854 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
--------- switch to events
1713330309.859 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=25,Unix Time Ns=1713330309859510s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552374135.197s,Uptime Ns=57552374135.889s,]
1713330309.860 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=67,Unix Time Ns=1713330309859697s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552374316.634s,Uptime Ns=57552374317.123s,]
--------- switch to main
1713330309.912 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 488: USF: Icm45631Device: Sensor 3, period 0 ns, latency 9223372036854775807 ns.
1713330309.912 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 1437: USF: Icm45631Device: FIFO enabled: 1, ODR: 50, WM: 3, Intr: 17.
1713330309.915 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 1685: USF: Received stop sampling request for ICM45631 Motion Detect (active:-1).
1713330309.915 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 2141: USF: Sampling configuration 4759 not found.
1713330309.916 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor_client.cc, 145: USF: Received kErrNotFound when disabling one shot sensor.
1713330309.916 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: vsc_controller.cc, 550: VSC: [Significant Motion] stopSensorEvents: sensor 0x20002
1713330309.916 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: vsc_controller.cc, 532: VSC: [Significant Motion] requestSensorEvents: sensor 0x10001, period=20 latency=3200m
1713330309.916 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 1677: USF: Received start sampling request for ICM45631 Accelerometer (active:5).
1713330309.916 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 488: USF: Icm45631Device: Sensor 0, period 20000000 ns, latency 86666666 ns.
1713330309.916 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: icm45631_device.cc, 1437: USF: Icm45631Device: FIFO enabled: 1, ODR: 50, WM: 3, Intr: 17.
1713330309.928 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x0, serialized output size 5
1713330309.928 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/5 bytes of payload)
1713330309.928 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330309.928 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
1713330309.929 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330309.929458 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:413] Event stream classified as kNone
--------- switch to events
1713330309.931 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=25,Unix Time Ns=1713330309930862s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552445484.318s,Uptime Time Ns=57552445484.929s]
1713330309.931 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=67,Unix Time Ns=1713330309930931s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552445549.667s,Uptime Time Ns=57552445549.829s]
1713330309.933 1000 1477 12525 I wm_task_moved: [TaskId=1,Root Task ID=1,Display Id=0,ToTop=1,Index=9]
--------- switch to system
1713330309.933 1000 1477 12525 W ActivityTaskManager: callingPackage for (uid=-1, pid=-1) has no WPC
--------- switch to events
1713330309.935 1000 1477 12525 I wm_task_moved: [TaskId=1768,Root Task ID=1768,Display Id=0,ToTop=1,Index=9]
1713330309.935 1000 1477 12525 I wm_task_to_front: [User=0,Task=1768,Display Id=0]
1713330309.936 1000 1477 12525 I wm_focused_root_task: [User=0,Display Id=0,Focused Root Task Id=1768,Last Focused Root Task Id=1,Reason=moveTaskToFront findTaskToMoveToFront]
1713330309.936 1000 1477 12525 I wm_pause_activity: [User=0,Token=124532749,Component Name=com.github.android/.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity,User Leaving=userLeaving=true,Reason=pauseBackTasks]
1713330309.939 10190 25757 25757 I wm_on_paused_called: [Token=124532749,Component Name=com.github.android.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity,Reason=performPause,time=0ms]
--------- switch to main
1713330309.940 10109 2681 2681 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_TASK_LAUNCH_TAP
--------- switch to events
1713330309.940 10109 2681 2681 I wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called: [Token=227013490,Component Name=com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,Reason=topStateChangedWhenResumed]
--------- switch to system
1713330309.941 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#618): android.os.BinderProxy@d89ac54 TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_FRONT, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1768 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57516372 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@31827fd} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{8264cf2 app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8ecaf43, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@aff39c0, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 618 }
1713330309.941 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#618) android.os.BinderProxy@d89ac54: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8ecaf43, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@aff39c0, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }
--------- switch to events
1713330309.945 1000 1477 12169 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [User=0,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity,Reason=resumeTopActivity - onActivityStateChanged]
1713330309.946 1000 1477 12169 I wm_add_to_stopping: [User=0,Token=124532749,Component Name=com.github.android/.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity,Reason=makeInvisible]
1713330309.947 1000 1477 12169 I wm_resume_activity: [User=0,Token=82823184,Task ID=1768,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity]
1713330309.949 10092 23089 23089 I wm_on_restart_called: [Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,Reason=performRestart,time=0ms]
1713330309.949 10092 23089 23089 I wm_on_start_called: [Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,Reason=handleStartActivity,time=0ms]
1713330309.949 1000 1477 1654 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,window_time_0,802,33]
1713330309.950 10092 23089 23089 I wm_on_resume_called: [Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,Reason=RESUME_ACTIVITY,time=0ms]
1713330309.950 10092 23089 23089 I wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called: [Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,Reason=topWhenResuming]
--------- switch to system
1713330309.952 10113 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onActivityRestartAttempt: ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity}
--------- switch to main
1713330309.956 1000 578 578 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients:
1713330309.980 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_patch: low-latency-playback routing:
1713330309.980 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_patch: dev: 0x2
--------- switch to system
1713330309.989 10113 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={Rect(0, 1422 - 1008, 2244)}
--------- switch to main
1713330309.989 10092 23089 23089 D VRI[LogcatActivity]: Start draw after previous draw not visible
1713330309.990 1041 932 21674 D audioserver: logFgsApiBegin: FGS Logger Transaction failed, -129
1713330309.990 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[LogcatActivity]#6(BLAST Consumer)6: File name too long
1713330309.991 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[LogcatActivity]#6(BLAST Consumer)6: File name too long
1713330309.992 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_output_stream: update stream 1 active 1 gain 0.042168
1713330309.992 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: prepare low-latency-playback
1713330309.992 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_soundtrigger: st_uc_monitor:uc:low-latency-playback active
1713330309.992 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: low-latency-playback:
1713330309.992 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: rx:
1713330309.992 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: #0: OUT_SPEAKER_BE_CFG 0
1713330309.992 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[LogcatActivity]#6(BLAST Consumer)6: File name too long
1713330309.992 1041 854 10620 W audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 1, state: 2, device: 4
1713330309.992 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker
--------- switch to events
1713330309.992 1000 1477 1663 I input_focus: [window=Focus request 632857d app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,reason=reason=UpdateInputWindows]
--------- switch to main
1713330309.993 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[LogcatActivity]#6(BLAST Consumer)6: File name too long
1713330309.994 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[LogcatActivity]#6(BLAST Consumer)6: File name too long
1713330309.994 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc_route: speaker 1
1713330309.995 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: hostless-ulC spk-vi
1713330309.997 1041 854 10620 W audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 2, state: 3, device: 4
1713330309.997 1041 854 10620 I audio_hw_playback_thermal_throttle_control: Update Temperature: kIdle to kPolling
1713330309.997 1041 854 10620 I audio_hw_playback_thermal_throttle_control: Update: start recording adapted info amcs
1713330309.997 1041 854 1342 D audio_hw_battery_adaptive_audio_control: ProcessPlaybackTunerControl: update playback tuner 1
1713330309.997 1041 854 1342 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery: UpdateBatteryThrottleState: update tuning!
1713330309.997 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_soundtrigger: st_comm_aud_event_monitor:codec dev:4 active
1713330309.997 1041 854 10620 I audio_hw_aoc: Mode Ambient is already selected
1713330309.997 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playbackP
1713330309.998 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc_route: low-latency-playbackP 1
1713330309.998 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-post
1713330309.998 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc_route: speaker-post 1
1713330309.998 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0xbd [cntr = 5157]
1713330309.998 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Source 1 mastered by sink 0
1713330309.998 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:AT Map:2 (LL:0), 1 EPs active, Power: Yes, Config: No
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Mixer 0 configuration changed: (2)
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Sink 0 Configuration changed: ULL (enabled)
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:AHWSinkSPKR started: 48 samples (32-bit,2 ch,48 kHz) block 384 ts_en 0
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[AHWSinkSPKR] DL resync B: 2660, A:2660. wo: 2852, target offset: 192 (align 164) -> ro:192
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Speaker TDM Started with Clk: 6144 KHz, FS: 48 KHz, Slots: 4 (4 ch used) DMA:1+2
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0xbd, rc: 0
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[AHWSinkSPKR] mix overrun by 3840
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer AMixSPKR: 480 samples (0002/0002) (ON SC)
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0: 1: 0x405ee470
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:AMixSPKR PostProcessing Config: WAVES
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer configuration updated
1713330309.999 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:[Idle Tracker] long no idle:[22] average between idle:[0.462801ms] max no idle:[219.049021ms]
1713330310.001 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer state changed
1713330310.007 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: waves_usecase_event: low-latency-playback start
1713330310.007 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: waves_usecase_event: trigger to update tuning when first track is running.
1713330310.007 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: update_sink_info_from_usecases: sink 1 VOL/Stream update 0.000000(4294967295) -> 0.042168(1)
1713330310.007 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action: Process: send link law 1 38.672401 38.672401
1713330310.008 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00ce, tag: 0xbe [cntr = 5158]
1713330310.008 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller_audio_output.cc, 1791: audio_playback1 set threshold 11520
1713330310.008 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x012a, tag: 0xb0, rc: 0
1713330310.009 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: soc_therm:47.848 raw data: soc_therm:47848
1713330310.009 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: north_therm:39.652 raw data: north_therm:39652
1713330310.009 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: smpl_gm:0 raw data: smpl_gm:0
1713330310.009 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: vdroop2:0 raw data: vdroop2:0
1713330310.010 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:1 raw data: USB-MINUS-NEUTRAL:-8901 USB-MINUS-QUIET:1764 VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:1 VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING-SUB0:0 usb_pwr_therm:43838
--------- switch to system
1713330310.010 1000 1477 1935 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28630 st.brothas.mtgoxwidget for 6
--------- switch to events
1713330310.010 1000 1477 1948 I am_unfreeze: [Pid=28630,Process Name=st.brothas.mtgoxwidget,6]
--------- switch to main
1713330310.010 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: vdroop1:0 raw data: vdroop1:0
1713330310.010 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: send_waves_tuning: instance_id = 1, tuning_id = 2
1713330310.011 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc: aoc_send_rtc_mixer_tuning: block_id = 16, comp_id = 2
1713330310.011 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: BCL_AUDIO_BAACL:0 raw data: BCL_AUDIO_BAACL:0 battery:42600 soc:1
1713330310.011 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: batoilo:0 raw data: batoilo:0
1713330310.011 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: soc:1 raw data: soc:1
1713330310.012 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38.7453 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38745.3 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-0:38378.1 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-1:37258.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-2:38745.3 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 charge_therm:49638 disp_therm:43655 neutral_therm:52739 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47848 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330310.012 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0xa1 [cntr = 5159]
1713330310.012 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: FLASH_LED_REDUCE:0 raw data: FLASH_LED_REDUCE:0 battery:42600 battery_cycle:99 vdroop1:0
1713330310.012 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: usb_pwr_therm:43.838 raw data: usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330310.012 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: quiet_therm:42.074 raw data: quiet_therm:42074
1713330310.013 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudOutCtrlH0: ipc: C-AO-H0, cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0xa9, rc: 0
1713330310.014 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_tu, cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0xa9, rc: 0
1713330310.014 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: cellular-emergency:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-0:41693.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-1:41058.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-10:42456.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-2:40617.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-3:40192.1 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-4:39336.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-5:41632 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-6:40805.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-7:42091.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-8:42243.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-9:42448.1 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 cellular-emergency:42456.6 charge_therm:49638 disp_therm:43655 neutral_therm:52739 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47848 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330310.014 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-USB-UI:1 raw data: USB-MINUS-NEUTRAL:-8901 USB-MINUS-QUIET:1764 VIRTUAL-USB-UI:1 VIRTUAL-USB-UI-SUB0:0 usb_pwr_therm:43838
1713330310.014 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: disp_therm:43.655 raw data: disp_therm:43655
1713330310.014 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: charge_therm:49.638 raw data: charge_therm:49638
1713330310.014 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: cam_therm:40.409 raw data: cam_therm:40409
--------- switch to events
1713330310.014 1000 1477 1961 I input_focus: [window=Focus leaving recents_animation_input_consumer (server),reason=reason=Waiting for window because NOT_VISIBLE]
--------- switch to main
1713330310.014 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: critical-battery-cell:0 raw data: battery:42600 battery_cycle:99 critical-battery-cell:0 vdroop1:0
1713330310.015 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42.4566 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42456.6
1713330310.017 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0xbf [cntr = 5160]
1713330310.018 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0xbf, rc: 0
1713330310.024 1041 854 1343 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery: UpdateThermistors: update link law: 1 38.745274 38.745274
1713330310.024 1041 854 1343 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery: UpdateThermistors: update tuning!
1713330310.024 1041 854 1417 D audio_hw_waves: update_tuning_from_custom_action
1713330310.024 1041 854 1417 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action: Process: send link law 1 38.745274 38.745274
--------- switch to system
1713330310.026 1000 1477 1660 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{2092c61 app.grapheneos.gmscompat/10065 Fgs #72198} whose proc state 3 is better than process ProcessState{77d90b3 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/10412 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox} proc state 14 (3 skipped)
--------- switch to main
1713330310.033 10113 23262 23297 V SnapshotDrawerUtils: Drawing snapshot surface sizeMismatch=true
--------- switch to system
1713330310.035 1000 1477 1660 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged
--------- switch to main
1713330310.052 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330310.053 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330310.055 1000 513 27400 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330310.055 1000 513 27401 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
--------- switch to events
1713330310.059 1000 1477 1654 I sysui_multi_action: content=[319,120,321,110,322,104,325,57552,757,761,758,9,759,2,806,app.grapheneos.logviewer,871,app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,904,app.grapheneos.logviewer,905,0,1320,9,1321,23]
--------- switch to system
1713330310.059 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#618) android.os.BinderProxy@d89ac54: {id=618 t=TO_FRONT f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@1fe884a} m=TO_FRONT f=MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0xea0fc9f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@a22c3bb} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1767)/@0x97e31ec sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330310.060 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition (#618) android.os.BinderProxy@d89ac54@0 ready while (#617) android.os.BinderProxy@c92f34b@0 is still animating. Notify the animating transition in case they can be merged
1713330310.060 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.merge
1713330310.060 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: closing pausing taskId=1767
1713330310.061 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: opening new leaf taskId=1768 wasClosing=false
1713330310.061 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.merge: empty pausing tasks
1713330310.063 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.merge: calling onTasksAppeared
1713330310.064 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition was merged: (#618) android.os.BinderProxy@d89ac54@0 into (#617) android.os.BinderProxy@c92f34b@0
--------- switch to main
1713330310.068 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: current animation cancelled
--------- switch to system
1713330310.072 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: Sent Transition (#618) createdAt=04-16 22:05:09.934 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = TO_FRONT, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1768 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57516372 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{26267e6 Task{56d3f09 #1768 type=standard A=10092:app.grapheneos.logviewer}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{1728127 app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@80da450, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@bbf8649, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 618 }
1713330310.072 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null }
1713330310.072 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: info={id=618 t=TO_FRONT f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[
1713330310.072 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{26267e6 Task{56d3f09 #1768 type=standard A=10092:app.grapheneos.logviewer}}} m=TO_FRONT f=MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0x51c8928 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},
1713330310.072 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{e4d5afe Task{5908daa #1767 type=standard A=10190:com.github.android}}} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1767)/@0x67f95b2 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}
1713330310.072 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: ]}
1713330310.088 1000 1477 12169 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to events
1713330310.109 1000 1477 1961 I input_focus: [window=Focus entering 632857d app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity (server),reason=reason=Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_VISIBLE]
--------- switch to main
1713330310.112 1000 1477 12525 I ImeTracker: app.grapheneos.logviewer:4e22d43f: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW
1713330310.115 10190 25757 25757 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=ImeCallback=ImeOnBackInvokedCallback@159080235 Callback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@33db1c8
--------- switch to system
1713330310.116 1000 1477 12532 D CoreBackPreview: Window{d1d5bc5 u0 com.github.android/com.github.android.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@db0b57c, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false}
--------- switch to events
1713330310.138 10190 25757 26417 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [CUJ Type=81,Unix Time Ns=1713330310137859s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552652480.087s,Uptime Ns=57552652480.412s,Tag=1@[email protected]]
--------- switch to main
1713330310.152 10163 28630 28694 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.UpdateWidgetWorker start updating widget. Type = TWO_X_ONE id = 6
--------- switch to system
1713330310.160 10113 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: onKeepClearAreasChanged: restricted={}, unrestricted={}
--------- switch to main
1713330310.203 1041 932 1604 D audioserver: logFgsApiEnd: FGS Logger Transaction failed, -129
1713330310.205 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_waves: update_sink_info_from_usecases: update amcs, instance id 1, volume 197 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1713330310.205 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_output_stream: update stream 1 active 0 gain 0.000000
1713330310.219 10163 28630 28689 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=3ce850d6-b6ee-4340-8a4d-a721dea0ec54, tags={ st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.UpdateWidgetWorker, TWO_X_ONE_6 } ]
1713330310.224 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.middle.MiddleWidgetProvider onUpdate
1713330310.244 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.WidgetUtils setupNextUpdate widgetType = TWO_X_ONE widgetId = 6 refreshInterval=ONE_MIN
1713330310.254 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.WidgetUtils Next update widget (alarm) TWO_X_ONE in 16.04.2024 22:06
1713330310.256 10190 25757 25757 I ImeTracker: app.grapheneos.logviewer:4e22d43f: onCancelled at PHASE_CLIENT_ANIMATION_CANCEL
1713330310.258 10190 25757 25757 I ImeTracker: com.github.android:7a25bad3: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_BY_INSETS_API
1713330310.258 10190 25757 25757 I ImeTracker: com.github.android:7a25bad3: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED
1713330310.259 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[Idle Tracker] long no idle:[0] average between idle:[0.132991ms] max no idle:[17.563560ms]
--------- switch to events
1713330310.267 10190 25757 26417 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [CUJ Type=81,Unix Time Ns=1713330310265445s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552780068.547s,Uptime Time Ns=57552780069.035s]
1713330310.267 10190 25757 26417 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=81,Unix Time Ns=1713330310265562s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552780181.421s,Uptime Time Ns=57552780181.706s]
--------- switch to main
1713330310.268 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.middle.MiddleWidgetProvider updateWidget: id: 6 btc | usd | Kraken
--------- switch to system
1713330310.312 1000 1477 12532 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore: 678aa94 #u0a163/105450 st.brothas.mtgoxwidget/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
--------- switch to main
1713330310.368 10190 25757 25780 I com.github.android: NativeAlloc concurrent mark compact GC freed 7555KB AllocSpace bytes, 51(10MB) LOS objects, 75% free, 20MB/82MB, paused 1.176ms,2.561ms total 159.027ms
--------- switch to system
1713330310.416 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=false userLeave=false willFinishToHome=false state=1
1713330310.416 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: normal finish
1713330310.416 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.cleanup
1713330310.417 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#617) android.os.BinderProxy@c92f34b@0
--------- switch to events
1713330310.418 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=11,Unix Time Ns=1713330310418261s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552932883.244s,Uptime Time Ns=57552932883.61s]
1713330310.418 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=9,Unix Time Ns=1713330310418299s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552932917.831s,Uptime Time Ns=57552932918.238s]
1713330310.418 10109 2681 2834 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [CUJ Type=66,Unix Time Ns=1713330310418301s,Elapsed Time Ns=57552933519.841s,Uptime Time Ns=57552933520.166s]
--------- switch to system
1713330310.421 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: Finish Transition (#617): created at 04-16 22:05:01.031 collect-started=0.257ms started=0.506ms ready=8.778ms sent=43.005ms finished=9388.965ms
--------- switch to events
1713330310.422 1000 1477 12635 I wm_add_to_stopping: [User=0,Token=227013490,Component Name=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,Reason=makeInvisible]
1713330310.423 1000 1477 12635 I wm_pause_activity: [User=0,Token=227013490,Component Name=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,User Leaving=userLeaving=false,Reason=pauseBackTasks]
1713330310.423 10109 2681 2681 I wm_on_paused_called: [Token=227013490,Component Name=com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,Reason=performPause,time=0ms]
1713330310.426 1000 1477 1654 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,window_time_0,802,0]
1713330310.427 1000 1477 1660 I wm_stop_activity: [User=0,Token=227013490,Component Name=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher]
--------- switch to system
1713330310.427 1000 1477 3100 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330310.428 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: Finish Transition (#618): created at 04-16 22:05:09.934 collect-started=0.078ms request-sent=3.885ms started=17.407ms ready=17.382ms sent=117.785ms finished=492.7ms
--------- switch to main
1713330310.429 10190 25757 25757 D VRI[IssueOrPullRequestActivity]: visibilityChanged oldVisibility=true newVisibility=false
--------- switch to system
1713330310.430 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
1713330310.430 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
1713330310.430 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: [49970202] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback
--------- switch to events
1713330310.430 1000 1477 1663 I wm_wallpaper_surface: [Display Id=0,Visible=0,Target=Window{81ce1ce u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}]
--------- switch to main
1713330310.431 10109 2681 2681 D BaseDepthController: setSurface:
1713330310.431 10109 2681 2681 D BaseDepthController: mWaitingOnSurfaceValidity: false
1713330310.431 10109 2681 2681 D BaseDepthController: mSurface: null
1713330310.431 10109 2681 2681 D BaseDepthController: mSurface is null and mCurrentBlur is: 0
1713330310.432 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: go to state Normal
1713330310.432 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: current animation cancelled
1713330310.432 10190 25757 25757 D AutofillManager: view not autofillable - has multiline input type
1713330310.432 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: Notifying listeners for state transition start to state: Normal
1713330310.432 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: overview state enabled state has changed: false
1713330310.433 10109 2681 2681 D BaseDepthController: mSurface is null and mCurrentBlur is: 0
1713330310.433 10109 2681 2681 D BaseDepthController: mSurface is null and mCurrentBlur is: 0
--------- switch to system
1713330310.435 1000 1477 3100 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330310.435 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: Notifying 5 listeners for end transition for state: Normal
1713330310.436 1000 890 890 D usf_sensor_hal: accelerometer: Enter Batch. period = 200000000, latency = 2000000000.
1713330310.437 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 2189: USF: Received reconfig sampling request for ICM45631 Accelerometer.
1713330310.438 1000 890 890 D usf_sensor_hal: IMU temperature: Enter Batch. period = 666667000, latency = 2000000000.
1713330310.439 root 1104 1104 D AOC : A3:MSG: usf_sensor.cc, 2189: USF: Received reconfig sampling request for ICM45631 Temperature.
1713330310.441 10109 2681 2681 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_ONSTOP
--------- switch to events
1713330310.442 10109 2681 2681 I wm_on_stop_called: [Token=227013490,Component Name=com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,Reason=STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM,time=12ms]
1713330310.445 1000 1477 1660 I wm_stop_activity: [User=0,Token=124532749,Component Name=com.github.android/.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity]
--------- switch to system
1713330310.449 1000 1477 12520 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330310.452 1000 1477 12637 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330310.454 1000 1477 12637 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
1713330310.458 1000 1477 12525 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330310.462 10190 25757 25757 D VRI[IssueOrPullRequestActivity]: Not drawing due to not visible
1713330310.464 10109 2681 2681 D VRI[QuickstepLauncher]: Not drawing due to not visible
1713330310.466 10109 2681 2681 D b/279059025: go to state Normal
--------- switch to system
1713330310.468 10113 23262 23292 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=234
--------- switch to events
1713330310.487 10190 25757 25757 I wm_on_stop_called: [Token=124532749,Component Name=com.github.android.issueorpullrequest.IssueOrPullRequestActivity,Reason=STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM,time=1ms]
--------- switch to main
1713330310.635 10163 28630 29067 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.Utils getResponse code = 200
1713330310.658 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.middle.UpdateMiddleWidgetRatesTask onPostExecute
1713330310.693 10095 10634 10634 D VRI[InputMethod]: Not drawing due to not visible
1713330311.054 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330311.054 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330311.062 1000 513 27403 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330311.063 1000 513 27404 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330311.106 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_rtlogger_data_analysis: Left/Top impedance: 597154
1713330311.106 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_rtlogger_data_analysis: Right/Bottom impedance: 667007
1713330311.106 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_bdlogger_data_analysis: Left/Top Max temp: 0x14bc00 ==> 82.937500 C
1713330311.106 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_bdlogger_data_analysis: Left/Top Max exc: 0x39999 ==> 0.449999 mm
1713330311.107 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_bdlogger_data_analysis: Left/Top dsp heartbeat = 0x4b542
1713330311.107 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_bdlogger_data_analysis: Right/Bottom Max temp: 0x130224 ==> 76.033447 C
1713330311.107 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_bdlogger_data_analysis: Right/Bottom Max exc: 0x3ffff ==> 0.499998 mm
1713330311.107 1041 854 1346 D audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_bdlogger_data_analysis: Right/Bottom dsp heartbeat = 0x4b568
--------- switch to system
1713330311.119 1000 1477 1948 D ActivityManager: freezing 3407 com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module
--------- switch to events
1713330311.121 1000 1477 1948 I am_freeze: [Pid=3407,Process Name=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module]
--------- switch to system
1713330311.246 1000 1477 1731 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{57a03ea com.android.microdroid.empty_payload/10118} -> PackageSetting{5b89862 st.brothas.mtgoxwidget/10163} BLOCKED
--------- switch to main
1713330311.254 1000 1477 1731 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330311.258 1000 1477 1477 W TrustManagerService: Skipping agent ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.auth.trustagent.ActiveUnlockTrustAgent} because package does not have permission android.permission.PROVIDE_TRUST_AGENT.
1713330311.259 1000 1477 1477 W TrustManagerService: Skipping agent ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.auth.trustagent.GoogleTrustAgent} because package does not have permission android.permission.PROVIDE_TRUST_AGENT.
1713330311.260 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[Idle Tracker] long no idle:[0] average between idle:[0.132991ms] max no idle:[17.563560ms]
1713330311.267 radio 2479 2479 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onPackageModified: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget
1713330311.270 radio 2479 2479 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0
1713330311.270 radio 2479 2479 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1
1713330311.273 radio 2479 2882 D EuiccConnector: handleMessage: E msg.what=1
1713330311.273 radio 2479 2882 D EuiccConnector: processMsg: UnavailableState
1713330311.275 radio 2479 2882 W EuiccConnector: No valid EuiccService implementation found
1713330311.276 radio 2479 2882 D EuiccConnector: handleMessage: X
1713330311.287 10113 23262 23262 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: ServiceConfig reloaded, count: 0
--------- switch to system
1713330311.288 1000 1477 1948 D ActivityManager: freezing 10061 com.android.settings
1713330311.289 1000 1477 1948 D ActivityManager: Reschedule freeze for process 10061 com.android.settings (outstanding txns), timeout=2793
--------- switch to events
1713330311.290 1000 1477 2093 I service_manager_slow: [time=16ms,service=user]
--------- switch to system
1713330311.294 1000 1477 1477 W RemoteDisplayProvider: Ignoring remote display provider service because it does not have the REMOTE_DISPLAY_PROVIDER permission: com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.cast.media.CastRemoteDisplayProviderService_Persistent
1713330311.296 1000 1477 2086 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 27369 com.android.permissioncontroller for 6
--------- switch to events
1713330311.297 1000 1477 1948 I am_unfreeze: [Pid=27369,Process Name=com.android.permissioncontroller,6]
--------- switch to main
1713330311.302 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.middle.MiddleWidgetProvider onUpdate
1713330311.305 1000 1477 1962 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS
1713330311.305 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.WidgetUtils setupNextUpdate widgetType = TWO_X_ONE widgetId = 6 refreshInterval=ONE_MIN
1713330311.307 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.WidgetUtils Next update widget (alarm) TWO_X_ONE in 16.04.2024 22:06
1713330311.309 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.middle.MiddleWidgetProvider updateWidget: id: 6 btc | usd | Kraken
1713330311.310 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredServicesCache: invalidate : 0
1713330311.316 nfc 11584 11584 I RegisteredServicesCache: current user: 0, is managed profile : false
1713330311.316 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredServicesCache: update valid otherService: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.nearby.mediums.nearfieldcommunication.NfcAdvertisingService} AIDs: [F00000FE2C]
1713330311.316 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredServicesCache: Existed other service
1713330311.317 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredServicesCache: update valid otherService: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.pay.hce.service.PayHceService} AIDs: [4F53452E5641532E3031, A000000476D0000111]
1713330311.317 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredServicesCache: Existed other service
1713330311.317 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredServicesCache: update valid otherService: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.dck.service.DckNfcApduService} AIDs: [A000000809434343444B467631]
1713330311.317 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredServicesCache: Existed other service
1713330311.332 10123 27369 27447 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user sensitive for uid 10163
1713330311.343 nfc 11584 11584 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating
1713330311.343 1068 2338 24798 D SecureElementService: getReaders() for com.android.nfc
1713330311.359 1000 1477 1660 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330311.360 1000 1477 1660 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330311.366 1068 2338 24798 I SecureElement-Terminal-SIM2: isNfcEventAllowed: No access rules for checking.
1713330311.391 radio 2479 2941 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget
1713330311.433 10109 2681 2857 D PackageUpdatedTask: mAllAppsList.updatePackage st.brothas.mtgoxwidget
1713330311.455 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57566.397: [AR] walking: 76.078432
1713330311.464 10109 2681 2681 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_COUNT
1713330311.657 10163 28630 28703 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.Utils getResponse code = 200
1713330311.669 10163 28630 28630 I BitcoinWidget: st.brothas.mtgoxwidget.widget.middle.UpdateMiddleWidgetRatesTask onPostExecute
1713330311.759 10074 19054 19054 D PkgChangeListener: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED packageName st.brothas.mtgoxwidget
1713330312.059 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330312.059 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330312.065 1000 513 27411 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330312.066 1000 513 27412 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330312.140 1080 860 879 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
1713330312.140 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57567.080: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.342718 hpa, duration = 280.999988 ms
1713330312.140 1080 860 879 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
1713330312.140 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57567.080: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.341784 hpa, duration = 321.000009 ms
1713330312.141 1080 860 879 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
1713330312.141 1080 1109 1474 I CHRE : @ 57567.081: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.181561 hpa, duration = 159.999996 ms
1713330312.142 1000 1477 12525 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.142 1000 1477 12525 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.143 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.342718 hPa (bucket: 8), duration = 281.000000 ms (bucket: 24).
1713330312.146 10112 2392 2392 I SHANNON_IMS: 7547 [PROX] Received onSignalStrengthsChanged [CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-91 rsrp=-112 rsrq=-12 rssnr=-2 cqiTableIndex=1 cqi=8 ta=34 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=0, CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [0] ssRsrp = -106 ssRsrq = -13 ssSinr = 3 level = 2 parametersUseForLevel = 0 timingAdvance = 2147483647 }] [SLID:0 APM:false] (ImsConnectivityProxyListener$ImsPhoneStateListener%onSignalStrengthsChanged:418)
1713330312.146 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
1713330312.147 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.341784 hPa (bucket: 8), duration = 321.000000 ms (bucket: 27).
1713330312.148 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
1713330312.148 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.181562 hPa (bucket: 4), duration = 160.000000 ms (bucket: 14).
1713330312.150 1000 890 1757 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
1713330312.160 1000 2912 3054 D IwlanNetworkService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100
1713330312.160 1000 2912 3053 D IwlanDataService: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100 [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&DUN&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=3549Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=3549Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> AdminUids: [10218] SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
1713330312.160 1000 2912 3053 D IwlanDataService: Network 100 connected using transport MOBILE
1713330312.160 1000 2967 3063 D IwlanNetworkStatusTracker: onCapabilitiesChanged: 100
1713330312.162 10106 2363 3611 D SHANNON_RCS: 7107 [0][PROX][TELE] onCapabilitiesChanged, Network: 100, NetworkCapabilities: [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&DUN&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=3549Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=3549Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> UnderlyingNetworks: Null] (DefaultNetworkCallback%onCapabilitiesChanged:76)
1713330312.163 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.163 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.164 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.165 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.169 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.177 10113 23262 23262 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled
1713330312.185 1000 1477 2023 W IPCThreadState: Sending oneway calls to frozen process.
1713330312.259 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[Idle Tracker] long no idle:[0] average between idle:[0.132991ms] max no idle:[17.563560ms]
1713330312.567 1000 871 871 I android.hardware.health-service.zuma: Recording a sample at time 57555
--------- switch to system
1713330312.594 10113 23262 27413 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
--------- switch to main
1713330313.062 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330313.063 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330313.069 1000 513 27414 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330313.070 1000 513 27415 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330313.182 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0xc0 [cntr = 5161]
1713330313.182 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0xc0, rc: 0
1713330313.190 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer AMixSPKR Input 1 RB overflow. Resyncing.
1713330313.200 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw: shutdown: low-latency-playback
1713330313.200 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_aoc_route: speaker-post 0
1713330313.201 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0xc1 [cntr = 5162]
1713330313.201 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Unregistered Source 1 from Sink 0
1713330313.202 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:AT Map:0 (LL:0), 0 EPs active, Power: Yes, Config: No
1713330313.202 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_aoc_route: low-latency-playbackP 0
1713330313.202 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Mixer 0 configuration changed: (0)
1713330313.202 1041 854 12957 W audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 3, state: 3, device: 4
1713330313.202 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Sink 0 Configuration changed: ULL (disabled)
1713330313.202 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0xc1, rc: 0
1713330313.202 1041 854 12957 I audio_hw_playback_thermal_throttle_control: Update Temperature: kPolling to kIdle
1713330313.202 1041 854 12957 I audio_hw_playback_thermal_throttle_control: Update: stop recording adapted info amcs
1713330313.202 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer AMixSPKR: 480 samples (0000/0000) (OFF SC)
1713330313.203 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer configuration updated
1713330313.203 1041 854 12957 I audio_hw_legacy_audio_metric_wrapper: WriteAdaptedInfo:feature id = ADAPTED_INFO_MEDIA_PLAYBACK_THERMAL_THROTTLE, active number = 1, active duration(ms) = 3205
1713330313.203 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:[Idle Tracker] long no idle:[22] average between idle:[0.463601ms] max no idle:[219.049021ms]
1713330313.203 1041 854 1342 D audio_hw_battery_adaptive_audio_control: ProcessPlaybackTunerControl: update playback tuner 2
1713330313.203 1041 854 1342 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery: UpdateBatteryThrottleState: update tuning!
1713330313.203 1041 854 1417 D audio_hw_waves: update_tuning_from_custom_action
1713330313.204 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_aoc_route: speaker 0
1713330313.206 1041 854 12957 W audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 4, state: 2, device: 4
1713330313.206 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_soundtrigger: st_comm_aud_event_monitor:codec dev:4 inactive
1713330313.206 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_soundtrigger: st_uc_monitor:uc:low-latency-playback inactive
1713330313.207 1041 854 12957 I audio_hw_aoc: Mode Ambient is already selected
1713330313.207 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_waves: waves_usecase_event: low-latency-playback stop
1713330313.699 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-0:41719.9 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-1:41101.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-10:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-2:40550 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-3:40215.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-4:39339 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-5:41684.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-6:40758.7 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-7:42001.5 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-8:42291.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SUB-9:42457.6 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 charge_therm:49757 disp_therm:43701 neutral_therm:52382 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47968 usb_pwr_therm:43792
1713330313.706 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: cellular-emergency:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 cellular-emergency:42498.4
1713330313.707 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST:42.3573 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE:42357.3 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST:42357.3 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-0:42357.3 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-1:41725.2 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-2:41630.6 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-SUB-3:42291.4 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 charge_therm:49757 disp_therm:43701 neutral_therm:52382 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47968 usb_pwr_therm:43792
1713330313.707 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST power_budget=1757.17 err=-1.35731 s_power=2383 time_elapsed_ms=7017 p=-289.106 i=-336.719 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330313.708 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST power budget=1062.64 after (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3307.33 mW, cdev_weight: 0.210000) is excluded
1713330313.708 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-PERSIST binded power rails: (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3307.33 mW, cdev_weight: 0.210000)
1713330313.709 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38.7078 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38707.8 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-0:38395.9 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-1:37242.1 VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER-SUB-2:38707.8 battery:42600 cam_therm:40409 charge_therm:49757 disp_therm:43701 neutral_therm:52382 north_therm:39652 quiet_therm:42074 soc_therm:47968 usb_pwr_therm:43792
1713330313.709 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-HINT:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-HINT:42498.4
1713330313.709 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-HIGH:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-HIGH:42498.4
1713330313.710 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-HIGH power_budget=990.157 err=0.501625 s_power=600 time_elapsed_ms=7017 p=200.65 i=189.507 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330313.710 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM:42498.4
1713330313.710 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM power_budget=800 err=-3.49837 s_power=800 time_elapsed_ms=7017 p=-1399.35 i=-2200 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330313.710 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-LIGHT-ODPM binded power rails: (S4M_VDD_CPUCL0: 258.58 mW)(S2M_VDD_CPUCL2: 37.82 mW)(S3M_VDD_CPUCL1: 267.16 mW)
1713330313.711 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: soc_therm:47.968 raw data: soc_therm:47968
1713330313.711 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-GPU:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-GPU:42498.4
1713330313.711 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-MID:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-MID:42498.4
1713330313.711 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-MID power_budget=1221.33 err=-1.49837 s_power=700 time_elapsed_ms=7017 p=-599.35 i=1120.68 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330313.712 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED:42.3573 raw data: IS_WLC:0 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE:42357.3 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED:42357.3 thb_hda:0
1713330313.712 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED power_budget=706.48 err=-4.35731 s_power=2527 time_elapsed_ms=7017 p=-518.52 i=-1302 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=2
1713330313.712 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED power budget=508.041 after (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3307.33 mW, cdev_weight: 0.060000) is excluded
1713330313.712 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WIRED binded power rails: (PARTIAL_SYSTEM_POWER: 3307.33 mW, cdev_weight: 0.060000)
1713330313.713 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU:42498.4
1713330313.713 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU power_budget=3900 err=2.50163 s_power=800 time_elapsed_ms=7017 p=750.488 i=2600 d=-0 budget transient=0 control target=3
1713330313.713 1000 1819 1826 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CPU-GPU binded power rails: (S4M_VDD_CPUCL0: 258.58 mW)(S2M_VDD_CPUCL2: 37.82 mW)(S3M_VDD_CPUCL1: 267.16 mW)(S2S_VDD_G3D: 33.21 mW)
1713330313.916 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x40, serialized output size 7
1713330313.917 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/7 bytes of payload)
1713330313.917 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330313.917 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
--------- switch to events
1713330313.924 1000 1477 1961 I input_interaction: Interaction with: 632857d app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity (server), [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server),
--------- switch to main
1713330314.003 root 1298 1703 I twoshay.sensorfusion: Bitmask value: 0x0, serialized output size 5
1713330314.003 root 1298 1703 I CHRE : Sending bitmask message to nanoapp (96 bytes w/5 bytes of payload)
1713330314.003 root 1298 1703 W CHRE : Tried sending a message, but don't have a valid socket handle
1713330314.003 root 1298 1703 E CHRE : Failed to send message
1713330314.004 9999 2197 2216 I deeptouch: I0000 00:00:1713330314.004292 2216 tf_lite_classifier.cc:413] Event stream classified as kNone
--------- switch to events
1713330314.020 1000 1477 12637 I wm_task_created: TaskId=1769
1713330314.024 1000 1477 12637 I wm_task_moved: [TaskId=1769,Root Task ID=1769,Display Id=0,ToTop=1,Index=10]
1713330314.025 1000 1477 12637 I wm_task_to_front: [User=0,Task=1769,Display Id=0]
1713330314.025 1000 1477 12637 I wm_create_task: [User=0,Task ID=1769,Root Task ID=1769,Display Id=0]
1713330314.025 1000 1477 12637 I wm_create_activity: [User=0,Token=126652002,Task ID=1769,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity,Action=NULL,MIME Type=NULL,URI=NULL,Flags=403177472]
1713330314.026 1000 1477 12637 I wm_task_moved: [TaskId=1769,Root Task ID=1769,Display Id=0,ToTop=1,Index=10]
1713330314.027 1000 1477 12637 I wm_pause_activity: [User=0,Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity,User Leaving=userLeaving=true,Reason=pauseBackTasks]
--------- switch to system
1713330314.029 1000 1477 12637 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity} with LAUNCH_MULTIPLE from uid 10092 (BAL_ALLOW_VISIBLE_WINDOW) result code=0
1713330314.030 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#619): android.os.BinderProxy@9ad284 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1769 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57556543 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@4280a6d} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{587d6a2 app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 619 }
--------- switch to events
1713330314.031 10092 23089 23089 I wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called: [Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,Reason=topStateChangedWhenResumed]
1713330314.032 10092 23089 23089 I wm_on_paused_called: [Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity,Reason=performPause,time=0ms]
1713330314.033 1000 1477 12532 I wm_add_to_stopping: [User=0,Token=82823184,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity,Reason=makeInvisible]
1713330314.033 1000 1477 12532 I wm_restart_activity: [User=0,Token=126652002,Task ID=1769,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity]
--------- switch to main
1713330314.035 1000 578 578 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients:
--------- switch to events
1713330314.035 1000 1477 12532 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [User=0,Component Name=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity,Reason=minimalResumeActivityLocked - onActivityStateChanged]
1713330314.036 1000 1477 1654 I sysui_multi_action: content=[757,803,799,window_time_0,802,4]
1713330314.040 1000 1477 1663 I input_focus: [window=Requesting to set focus to null window,reason=reason=UpdateInputWindows]
--------- switch to system
1713330314.045 1000 1477 12532 D CoreBackPreview: Window{3d6144f u0 Splash Screen app.grapheneos.logviewer}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@6dff0e5, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false}
--------- switch to main
1713330314.048 10092 23089 23089 D LogcatActivity: command: logcat --buffer=main,system,crash,events -d --dividers --format=epoch,printable,uid,descriptive *:V
1713330314.050 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[logviewer]#29(BLAST Consumer)29: File name too long
1713330314.052 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[logviewer]#29(BLAST Consumer)29: File name too long
1713330314.054 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[logviewer]#29(BLAST Consumer)29: File name too long
1713330314.056 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[logviewer]#29(BLAST Consumer)29: File name too long
1713330314.057 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_patch: low-latency-playback routing:
1713330314.057 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_patch: dev: 0x2
1713330314.057 1000 579 594 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[logviewer]#29(BLAST Consumer)29: File name too long
--------- switch to events
1713330314.061 1000 1477 1961 I input_focus: [window=Focus leaving 632857d app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity (server),reason=reason=NO_WINDOW]
--------- switch to system
1713330314.061 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#619) android.os.BinderProxy@9ad284: {id=619 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@30233a1} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1769)/@0xf7197fa sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@33139c6} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0x50811ab sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#619) android.os.BinderProxy@9ad284@0
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@5e72f0a
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@f80437b
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@a4e6598
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@1e5c1f1
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@15131d6
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@e459c57
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@b904344
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=619 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@30233a1} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1769)/@0xf7197fa sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@33139c6} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0x50811ab sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@e808ddf, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@1708a2c, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#619) to null
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
1713330314.062 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=619 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@30233a1} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1769)/@0xf7197fa sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@33139c6} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0x50811ab sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}]}
1713330314.063 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@4ed68dd animAttr=0x9 type=OPEN isEntrance=false
1713330314.064 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@2b0b23 animAttr=0x8 type=OPEN isEntrance=true
1713330314.065 10113 23262 23292 V WindowManagerShell: animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@b838c2d
--------- switch to main
1713330314.066 1041 932 932 D audioserver: logFgsApiBegin: FGS Logger Transaction failed, -129
1713330314.067 1041 854 12957 D audio_hw_output_stream: update stream 1 active 1 gain 0.042168
1713330314.067 1000 1477 3193 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330314.068 1000 1477 3929 W ServiceManagerCppClient: Waited one second for android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default (is service started? Number of threads started in the threadpool: 32. Are binder threads started and available?)
1713330314.071 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: prepare low-latency-playback
1713330314.071 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_soundtrigger: st_uc_monitor:uc:low-latency-playback active
1713330314.071 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: low-latency-playback:
1713330314.071 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: rx:
1713330314.071 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw: #0: OUT_SPEAKER_BE_CFG 0
1713330314.071 1041 854 10620 W audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 1, state: 2, device: 4
1713330314.071 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker
1713330314.072 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc_route: speaker 1
1713330314.072 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: hostless-ulC spk-vi
1713330314.073 1041 854 10620 W audio_hw_35l41: cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 2, state: 3, device: 4
1713330314.073 1041 854 10620 I audio_hw_playback_thermal_throttle_control: Update Temperature: kIdle to kPolling
1713330314.073 1041 854 10620 I audio_hw_playback_thermal_throttle_control: Update: start recording adapted info amcs
1713330314.073 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_soundtrigger: st_comm_aud_event_monitor:codec dev:4 active
1713330314.073 1041 854 10620 I audio_hw_aoc: Mode Ambient is already selected
1713330314.073 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playbackP
1713330314.074 1041 854 1342 D audio_hw_battery_adaptive_audio_control: ProcessPlaybackTunerControl: update playback tuner 1
1713330314.074 1041 854 1342 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery: UpdateBatteryThrottleState: update tuning!
--------- switch to system
1713330314.074 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: Sent Transition (#619) createdAt=04-16 22:05:14.017 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=1769 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { flg=0x18080000 cmp=app.grapheneos.logviewer/.LogcatActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{app.grapheneos.logviewer/app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=57556543 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{812a5c8 Task{c06abf3 #1769 type=standard A=10092:app.grapheneos.logviewer}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 113 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{f23b661 app.grapheneos.logviewer.LogcatActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 619 }
1713330314.074 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null }
1713330314.074 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: info={id=619 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[
1713330314.074 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{812a5c8 Task{c06abf3 #1769 type=standard A=10092:app.grapheneos.logviewer}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1769)/@0xedd87ba sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0},
1713330314.074 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{26267e6 Task{56d3f09 #1768 type=standard A=10092:app.grapheneos.logviewer}}} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=1768)/@0x51c8928 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1008, 2244) d=0}
1713330314.074 1000 1477 1654 V WindowManager: ]}
--------- switch to main
1713330314.074 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc_route: low-latency-playbackP 1
1713330314.074 1041 854 10620 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-post
1713330314.074 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc_route: speaker-post 1
1713330314.075 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0xc2 [cntr = 5163]
1713330314.075 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Source 1 mastered by sink 0
1713330314.075 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:AT Map:2 (LL:0), 1 EPs active, Power: Yes, Config: No
1713330314.075 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Mixer 0 configuration changed: (2)
1713330314.075 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Sink 0 Configuration changed: ULL (enabled)
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:AHWSinkSPKR started: 48 samples (32-bit,2 ch,48 kHz) block 384 ts_en 0
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[AHWSinkSPKR] DL resync B: 2660, A:2660. wo: 2852, target offset: 192 (align 164) -> ro:192
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:Speaker TDM Started with Clk: 6144 KHz, FS: 48 KHz, Slots: 4 (4 ch used) DMA:1+2
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0xc2, rc: 0
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[AHWSinkSPKR] mix overrun by 3840
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer AMixSPKR: 480 samples (0002/0002) (ON SC)
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0: 1: 0x405ee470
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:AMixSPKR PostProcessing Config: WAVES
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer configuration updated
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:[Idle Tracker] long no idle:[22] average between idle:[0.463601ms] max no idle:[219.049021ms]
1713330314.076 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:Mixer state changed
1713330314.078 1000 513 27422 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330314.078 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: soc_therm:47.968 raw data: soc_therm:47968
1713330314.078 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: north_therm:39.652 raw data: north_therm:39652
1713330314.078 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: smpl_gm:0 raw data: smpl_gm:0
1713330314.078 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: vdroop2:0 raw data: vdroop2:0
1713330314.078 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:1 raw data: USB-MINUS-NEUTRAL:-8590 USB-MINUS-QUIET:1718 VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:1 VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING-SUB0:0 usb_pwr_therm:43792
1713330314.078 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: vdroop1:0 raw data: vdroop1:0
1713330314.079 1000 513 27421 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "aidl/android.hardware.uwb.IUwb/default": error code: 0x20
1713330314.079 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: BCL_AUDIO_BAACL:0 raw data: BCL_AUDIO_BAACL:0 battery:42600 soc:1
1713330314.079 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: batoilo:0 raw data: batoilo:0
1713330314.079 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: soc:1 raw data: soc:1
1713330314.079 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38.7078 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN-SPEAKER:38707.8
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: FLASH_LED_REDUCE:0 raw data: FLASH_LED_REDUCE:0 battery:42600 battery_cycle:99 vdroop1:0
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: usb_pwr_therm:43.792 raw data: usb_pwr_therm:43792
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: quiet_therm:42.074 raw data: quiet_therm:42074
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: cellular-emergency:42.4984 raw data: cellular-emergency:42498.4
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-USB-UI:1 raw data: USB-MINUS-NEUTRAL:-8590 USB-MINUS-QUIET:1718 VIRTUAL-USB-UI:1 VIRTUAL-USB-UI-SUB0:0 usb_pwr_therm:43792
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: disp_therm:43.701 raw data: disp_therm:43701
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: charge_therm:49.757 raw data: charge_therm:49757
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: cam_therm:40.409 raw data: cam_therm:40409
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: critical-battery-cell:0 raw data: battery:42600 battery_cycle:99 critical-battery-cell:0 vdroop1:0
1713330314.080 1000 1819 1819 I pixel-thermal: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42.4984 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN:42498.4
1713330314.081 1041 854 1343 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery: UpdateThermistors: update link law: 1 38.707840 38.707840
1713330314.081 1041 854 1343 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery: UpdateThermistors: update tuning!
--------- switch to system
1713330314.081 1000 1477 12525 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0
--------- switch to main
1713330314.082 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: waves_usecase_event: low-latency-playback start
1713330314.082 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: waves_usecase_event: trigger to update tuning when first track is running.
1713330314.083 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: update_sink_info_from_usecases: sink 1 VOL/Stream update 0.000000(4294967295) -> 0.042168(1)
1713330314.083 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves_cust_action: Process: send link law 1 38.707840 38.707840
1713330314.085 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_waves: send_waves_tuning: instance_id = 1, tuning_id = 2
1713330314.085 1041 854 10620 D audio_hw_aoc: aoc_send_rtc_mixer_tuning: block_id = 16, comp_id = 2
1713330314.086 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00ce, tag: 0xc3 [cntr = 5164]
1713330314.086 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller_audio_output.cc, 1791: audio_playback1 set threshold 11520
1713330314.086 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x012a, tag: 0xb4, rc: 0
1713330314.086 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0xa2 [cntr = 5165]
1713330314.088 root 1104 1104 D AOC : H0:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudOutCtrlH0: ipc: C-AO-H0, cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0xaa, rc: 0
1713330314.088 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_tu, cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0xaa, rc: 0
--------- switch to system
1713330314.090 1000 1477 1948 D ActivityManager: freezing 10061 com.android.settings
1713330314.090 1000 1477 1948 D ActivityManager: Reschedule freeze for process 10061 com.android.settings (outstanding txns), timeout=1000
--------- switch to main
1713330314.092 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 275: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0xc4 [cntr = 5166]
1713330314.092 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:MSG: controller.cc, 899: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0xc4, rc: 0
1713330314.125 root 1104 1104 D AOC : F1:[Idle Tracker] long no idle:[0] average between idle:[0.132991ms] max no idle:[17.563560ms]
Seeing similar but not identical behavior. I got a chain of SystemUI errors very similar to the above, followed by a system crash and reboot. after reboot, the following is shown:
type: crash
SystemUptimeMs: 403177347
Process: system_server
Build: google/bluejay/bluejay:14/AP1A.240405.002/2024040900:user/release-keys
Crash-Handler: com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$KillApplicationHandler
Loading-Progress: 1.0
Dropped-Count: 0
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 16 byte allocation with 903216 free bytes and 882KB until OOM, target footprint 536870912, growth limit 536870912; giving up on allocation because <1% of heap free after GC.
at com.android.server.statusbar.StatusBarManagerService.notifyBarAttachChanged(StatusBarManagerService.java:1523)
at com.android.server.statusbar.StatusBarManagerService.-$$Nest$mnotifyBarAttachChanged(StatusBarManagerService.java:0)
at com.android.server.statusbar.StatusBarManagerService$DeathRecipient.binderDied(StatusBarManagerService.java:203)
at android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient.binderDied(IBinder.java:320)
at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(BinderProxy.java:726)
I have the same issue as @David-Prock (ANR Input dispatching timed out). I think I managed to track down the cause: I have reduce motion enabled in the accessibility options. I turned motion back on for a few days, and I didn't have a single crash. Then I turned it back on, and sure enough, I have a couple crashes a day again.
@David-Prock can you confirm if you have "Remove animations" enabled?
I never changed or messed with any Reduce Motion or Animation settings
Well damn, there goes my excellent theory
I haven't gotten the error in quite some time. But I think I found an option in settings to not prompt on certain kinds of errors, and I set that, I think that's what I did.
@LilaHexe0 Need to open a new issue about your problem with motion reduction.