filestack copied to clipboard
ReferenceError: filestack is not defined
I'm using grapesjs in a starter vue project. Here is the code
import 'grapesjs/dist/css/grapes.min.css'
import grapesjs from 'grapesjs'
import gjsPresetWebpage from 'grapesjs-preset-webpage'
// i18n
import zh from 'grapesjs/locale/zh'
// filestack
import pluginFileStack from 'grapesjs-plugin-filestack'
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
data () {
return {
editor: {},
msg: 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App'
mounted () {
this.editor = grapesjs.init({
// Indicate where to init the editor. You can also pass an HTMLElement
container: '#gjs',
// Get the content for the canvas directly from the element
// As an alternative we could use: `components: '<h1>Hello World Component!</h1>'`,
fromElement: true,
// Size of the editor
height: '500px',
width: 'auto',
i18n: {
locale: 'zh', // default locale
detectLocale: false, // by default, the editor will detect the language
localeFallback: 'zh', // default fallback
messages: { zh }
// Disable the storage manager for the moment
// storageManager: {
// type: 'remote',
// stepsBeforeSave: 10,
// urlStore: 'http://store/endpoint',
// urlLoad: 'http://load/endpoint',
// params: {}, // Custom parameters to pass with the remote storage request, eg. CSRF token
// headers: {} // Custom headers for the remote storage request
// },
// Default configurations
storageManager: {
id: 'gjs-', // Prefix identifier that will be used on parameters
type: 'local', // Type of the storage
autosave: true, // Store data automatically
autoload: true, // Autoload stored data on init
stepsBeforeSave: 1 // If autosave enabled, indicates how many changes are necessary before store method is triggered
plugins: [gjsPresetWebpage, pluginFileStack],
pluginsOpts: {
'gjs-plugin-filestack': {}
it shows error
ReferenceError: filestack is not defined
at eval (grapesjs-preset-webpage.min.js?3094:15)
at eval (grapes.min.js?e1c1:11)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.init (grapes.min.js?e1c1:11)
at VueComponent.mounted (HelloWorld.vue?18db:29)
at invokeWithErrorHandling (vue.esm.js?efeb:1863)
at callHook (vue.esm.js?efeb:4228)
at Object.insert (vue.esm.js?efeb:3148)
at invokeInsertHook (vue.esm.js?efeb:6357)
at Vue.patch [as __patch__] (vue.esm.js?efeb:657