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Common Lisp package providing an SMT object supporting SMT-LIB communication over input and output streams

CL-SMT-LIB -- Common Lisp SMT-Lib Integration

CL-SMT-LIB is a minimal package providing an SMT object encapsulating any SMT solver process supporting SMT-LIB with input and output streams. CL-SMT-LIB provides a reader macro to support reading case sensitive SMT-LIB forms into lisp and writing these forms to an SMT solver process.

The make-smt function takes a program name and command line arguments and returns an smt object holding the process and the input and output streams. This process may be read from and written to like any other stream.

The #! reader macro, defined in the :cl-smt-lib read table using the NAMED-READTABLES package, enables case-sensitive reading of forms into common lisp.

The write-to-smt function facilitates writing case-sensitive forms to the solver.

The following example demonstrates the use of CL-SMT-LIB to launch a solver process, write a query to the solver, and read back the results.

CL-SMT-LIB> (in-readtable :cl-smt-lib)
CL-SMT-LIB> (defparameter smt (make-smt "z3" "-in" "-smt2"))
  :INPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 10" {1002F3AB13}>
  :OUTPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 9" {1002F3A713}>>
CL-SMT-LIB> (write-to-smt smt
              (let ((range 8))
                #!`((set-option :produce-models true)
                    (set-logic QF_BV)

                    (define-fun hamming-weight ((bv (_ BitVec ,RANGE)))
                        (_ BitVec ,RANGE)
                      ,(REDUCE (LAMBDA (ACC N)
                                 `(bvadd ,ACC ((_ zero_extend ,(1- RANGE))
                                               ((_ extract ,N ,N) bv))))
                               (LOOP :FOR I :UPFROM 1 :BELOW (1- RANGE) :COLLECT I)
                               `((_ zero_extend ,(1- RANGE)) ((_ extract 0 0) bv))))
                    (declare-const example1 (_ BitVec ,RANGE))
                    (declare-const example2 (_ BitVec ,RANGE))
                    (assert (= (_ bv3 ,RANGE) (hamming-weight example1)))
                    (assert (= (_ bv3 ,RANGE) (hamming-weight example2)))
                    (assert (distinct example1 example2))
CL-SMT-LIB> (read smt)
CL-SMT-LIB> (read smt)

Since write-to-smt takes any stream as its first argument you can preview the text sent to the smt solver by passing t as the first argument.

CL-SMT-LIB> (write-to-smt t
              (let ((range 8))
                #!`((set-option :produce-models true)
                    (set-logic QF_BV)

                    (define-fun hamming-weight ((bv (_ BitVec ,RANGE)))
                        (_ BitVec ,RANGE)
                      ,(REDUCE (LAMBDA (ACC N)
                                 `(bvadd ,ACC ((_ zero_extend ,(1- RANGE))
                                               ((_ extract ,N ,N) bv))))
                               (LOOP :FOR I :UPFROM 1 :BELOW (1- RANGE) :COLLECT I)
                               `((_ zero_extend ,(1- RANGE)) ((_ extract 0 0) bv))))
                    (declare-const example1 (_ BitVec ,RANGE))
                    (declare-const example2 (_ BitVec ,RANGE))
                    (assert (= (_ bv3 ,RANGE) (hamming-weight example1)))
                    (assert (= (_ bv3 ,RANGE) (hamming-weight example2)))
                    (assert (distinct example1 example2))
(set-option :produce-models true)
(set-logic QF_BV)
(define-fun hamming-weight ((bv (_ BitVec 8))) (_ BitVec 8)
      (bvadd ((_ zero_extend 7) ((_ extract 0 0) bv))
       ((_ zero_extend 7) ((_ extract 1 1) bv)))
      ((_ zero_extend 7) ((_ extract 2 2) bv)))
     ((_ zero_extend 7) ((_ extract 3 3) bv)))
    ((_ zero_extend 7) ((_ extract 4 4) bv)))
   ((_ zero_extend 7) ((_ extract 5 5) bv)))
  ((_ zero_extend 7) ((_ extract 6 6) bv))))
(declare-const example1 (_ BitVec 8))
(declare-const example2 (_ BitVec 8))
(assert (= (_ bv3 8) (hamming-weight example1)))
(assert (= (_ bv3 8) (hamming-weight example2)))
(assert (distinct example1 example2))

The special variable *smt-debug* may be used to copy smt input and output to a stream for debugging. Set *smt-debug* to t to echo all input and output to STDOUT.

The following options should work to define smt objects for popular SMT solvers.

Z3 : (make-smt "z3" '("-in" "-smt2"))

CVC4 : (make-smt "cvc4" '("--lang=smt2"))


The project or effort depicted was sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under contract no. FA8750-15-C-0113. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of AFRL or DARPA.