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Always stopped by time delta

Open spikeyhair opened this issue 11 months ago • 3 comments

I already commented the time delta in config.yml but whenever I run the bot, it is still stopping at time delta: [03/17 15:56:06] INFO | Time delta has set to 00:00:02.

How do I resolve this?

This is the last part of config.yml: ##############################################################################



#working-hours: [10.15-16.40, 18.15-22.46] #time-delta: 10-15 #repeat: 280-320 #total-sessions: 1 # -1 or commented for infinite sessions

even after i changed to this, still the same: working-hours: [0.00-23.59] time-delta: 1-3 #repeat: 1-5 #total-sessions: 1 # -1 or commented for infinite sessions

I notice every time I run the bot, the time delta is different: [03/17 16:00:05] INFO | Time delta has set to 00:00:38. [03/17 16:10:05] INFO | Time delta has set to 00:02:25. [03/17 16:11:01] INFO | Time delta has set to 00:03:49. [03/17 16:11:10] INFO | Time delta has set to -00:01:22.

spikeyhair avatar Mar 17 '24 07:03 spikeyhair

Time delta is random, does it works the fist time you start the bot? If yes use the new parameter restart-atx-agent: true in your config file

mastrolube avatar Mar 17 '24 15:03 mastrolube

Thanks. After added the "restart-atx-agent: true" in the config.yml, it works but it only opens the IG and said it was crashed. Actually, the app still open and didn't crash. Could it be my IG app is on the latest version? My current IG version is 322.

[03/17 23:46:48] INFO | Bot is updated. [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | GramAddict v.3.2.11 [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | Loading plugins . . . [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - ActionUnfollowFollowers: Handles the functionality of unfollowing your followers [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - ClonedApp: Adds support for cloned apps [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - CoreArguments: Simply adds core arguments [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - DataAnalytics: Generates a PDF analytics report of current username session data [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractBloggerPostLikers: Handles the functionality of interacting with a blogger [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractBloggerFollowers_Following: Handles the functionality of interacting with a bloggers followers/following [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractBloggerPostLikers: Handles the functionality of interacting with a blogger post likers [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractOwnFeed: Handles the functionality of interacting with your own feed [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractHashtagLikers: Handles the functionality of interacting with a hashtags likers [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractHashtagPosts: Handles the functionality of interacting with a hashtags post owners [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractPlaceLikers: Handles the functionality of interacting with a places likers [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - InteractPlacePosts: Handles the functionality of interacting with a places post owners [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - LikeFromURLs: Likes a post from url. The urls are read from a plaintext file [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - RemoveFollowersFromList: Remove account followers from a list of usernames [03/17 23:46:48] INFO | - TelegramReports: Generate reports at the end of the session and send them using telegram /Users/kevincheng/path/to/new/virtual/environment/lib/python3.9/site-packages/adbutils/ DeprecatedWarning: forward_list is deprecated as of 0.15.0 and will be removed in 1.0.0. return self._client.forward_list(self._serial) [03/17 23:46:49] INFO | Time delta has set to 00:00:04. [03/17 23:46:49] INFO | Kill atx agent. [03/17 23:46:49] INFO | Restarting atx agent. [03/17 23:46:49] INFO | atx-agent restarted successfully. [W 240317 23:46:49 init:218] [pid:3374] atx-agent has something wrong, auto recovering [D 240317 23:46:49 init:322] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] device R52R800KCKL is online [D 240317 23:46:49 init:755] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] kill atx-agent [I 240317 23:46:50 init:156] uiautomator2 version: 2.16.14 [D 240317 23:46:50 init:167] Shell: ('/data/local/tmp/atx-agent', 'server', '--stop') [D 240317 23:46:50 init:295] Real version: [0, 10, 0], Expect version: [0, 10, 0] [D 240317 23:46:50 init:167] Shell: ('/data/local/tmp/atx-agent', 'server', '--nouia', '-d', '--addr', '') [I 240317 23:46:50 init:350] Check atx-agent version [D 240317 23:46:50 init:359] Forward: local:tcp:49886 -> remote:tcp:7912 [D 240317 23:46:51 init:359] Forward: local:tcp:49886 -> remote:tcp:7912 [D 240317 23:46:51 init:362] atx-agent version 0.10.0 [D 240317 23:46:51 init:365] device wlan ip: [D 240317 23:46:51 init:661] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] kill process(ps): uiautomator /Users/kevincheng/path/to/new/virtual/environment/lib/python3.9/site-packages/packaging/ DeprecationWarning: Creating a LegacyVersion has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release warnings.warn( [D 240317 23:46:52 init:682] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 40.0s [D 240317 23:46:53 init:682] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 39.0s [D 240317 23:46:53 init:696] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] show float window [D 240317 23:46:54 init:682] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 37.8s [D 240317 23:46:55 init:682] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 36.8s [I 240317 23:46:55 init:643] [pid:3374] [R52R800KCKL] uiautomator back to normal [03/17 23:46:55] INFO | Screen timeout is fine! [03/17 23:46:56] INFO | -------- START: 23:46:55 - 2024/03/17 -------- [03/17 23:46:56] INFO | Device screen ON and unlocked. [03/17 23:46:56] INFO | Open Instagram app. [03/17 23:46:57] INFO | Ready for botting!🤫 [03/17 23:46:59] INFO | FastInputIME is the default keyboard. [03/17 23:46:59] INFO | Instagram version: 322. [03/17 23:46:59] WARNING | You have a newer version of IG then the one tested! (Tested version: 300. [03/17 23:46:59] WARNING | Using an untested version of IG would cause unexpected behavior because some elements in the user interface may have been changed. Any crashes that occur with an untested version are not taken into account. [03/17 23:46:59] WARNING | If you press ENTER, you are aware of this and will not ask for support in case of a crash. [03/17 23:46:59] WARNING | If you want to avoid pressing ENTER next run, add allow-untested-ig-version: true in your config.yml file. (read the docs for more info)

[03/17 23:47:38] ERROR | Exception: App has crashed / has been closed! [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Crash saved as crashes/ [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | If you want to report this crash, please upload the dump file via a ticket in the #lobby channel on discord [03/17 23:47:40] INFO |

[03/17 23:47:40] INFO | [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | TOTAL [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Completed sessions: 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total duration: 0:00:45 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total interactions: (0) 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Successful interactions: (0) 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total followed: (0) 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total likes: 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total comments: 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total PM sent: 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total watched: 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | Total unfollowed: 0 [03/17 23:47:40] INFO | This bot is backed with love by me for free. If you like using it, consider donating to help keep me motivated:

spikeyhair avatar Mar 17 '24 15:03 spikeyhair

OK, I downgraded to the tested version (300. and it works.

spikeyhair avatar Mar 17 '24 16:03 spikeyhair