bot copied to clipboard
Next Session never starts
After a session is finished it will hold till the next session is ready to start. However, the next session never starts. it holds at this:
Ready for botting!🤫 [04/05 10:29:32] INFO | FastInputIME is the default keyboard. [04/05 10:29:32] INFO | Instagram version:
If I click on the emulator and just open and view atx-agent it will continue to this:
[04/05 13:36:54] ERROR | Exception: App has crashed / has been closed! [W 230405 13:36:54 init:492] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] jsonrpc call got: -32001 Jsonrpc error: <java.lang.NullPointerException> data: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'int android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfo.flags' on a null object reference in method 'void androidx.test.uiautomator.UiDevice.setCompressedLayoutHeirarchy(boolean)' at androidx.test.uiautomator.UiDevice.setCompressedLayoutHeirarchy( at com.github.uiautomator.stub.AutomatorServiceImpl.dumpWindowHierarchy( at com.github.uiautomator.stub.AutomatorServiceImpl.dumpWindowHierarchy( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcBasicServer.invoke( at com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcBasicServer.handleObject( at com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcBasicServer.handleJsonNodeRequest( at com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcBasicServer.handleRequest( at com.github.uiautomator.stub.AutomatorHttpServer.serve( at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.serve( at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$HTTPSession.execute( at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$ at , method: dumpWindowHierarchy [D 230405 13:36:56 init:661] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] kill process(ps): uiautomator /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/packaging/ DeprecationWarning: Creating a LegacyVersion has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release warnings.warn( [D 230405 13:36:57 init:682] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 40.0s [D 230405 13:36:59 init:682] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 38.2s [D 230405 13:37:00 init:682] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 37.1s [D 230405 13:37:00 init:696] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] show float window [D 230405 13:37:01 init:682] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 36.0s [D 230405 13:37:02 init:682] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 35.0s [D 230405 13:37:03 init:682] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 34.0s [D 230405 13:37:04 init:682] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: 33.0s [I 230405 13:37:04 init:643] [pid:95055] [emulator-5554] uiautomator back to normal [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Crash saved as crashes/ [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | If you want to report this crash, please upload the dump file via a ticket in the #lobby channel on discord [04/05 13:37:04] INFO |
[04/05 13:37:04] INFO | [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | TOTAL [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Completed sessions: 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total duration: 3:08:33 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total interactions: (0) 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Successful interactions: (0) 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total followed: (0) 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total likes: 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total comments: 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total PM sent: 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total watched: 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | Total unfollowed: 0 [04/05 13:37:04] INFO | This bot is backed with love by me for free. If you like using it, consider donating to help keep me motivated:
I can't figure out why it seems to be timing out or how to fix this issue. I am using an M1 mac w/ Android Studio. The emulator is Pixel 4 w/ Android 12. Any help on this would be much appreciated so i do not need to keep manually starting sessions.
Have you tried the supported version of Instagram? instead of
Yeah, I also tried it with that version too. I think it's something with the atx-agent like it's timing out.
Also came across this:
I suspect you already ran "python3 -m uiautomator2 init" to make sure it's updated. I am on a physical pixel 4a with android 12 and it's not having this issue.
I have my screen on 100% of the time (in developer options) and have screen-sleep: false in the configuration file. If you are on an emulator, you probably do that already, but might be something to try.
I found the same issue using the same setup as yours. You might try commenting out line 347 kill_atx_agent(device) on which kills the atx agent during bot turn off. Worked for me, but haven't fully tested it.
There are a few others in I commented out both and am still testing.
Did you find any fix for this? It happens to me also on Android 12.
Same here, uiautomatro2 check does fix it, but error occurs later.