Change the handler.js to the following. `exports.handler = serverlessExpress({ app: app })`
Yes, by overriding providing the default TaskListTable and TaskListHeader functions. You will need to extend the Task interface if you want to add new columns in the data that you...
The date of the item can have time component. If you set the end date to 12/8/2020 23:59:59, does that work for you?
Ok I see the issue. When the bar is too small to be rendered with the correct width for the duration of the task the element is rendered as a...
The only way to stop this behaviour is to add a flag like `disableSmallTask` that would stop the conversion of tasks into smalltasks. @MaTeMaTuK what do you think?
Pull request submitted to fix issue, but this issue should not happen as a task should not be a dependency of child
The task allows for the background color to be set in the styles for the task []( ``` { start: new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), 1), end: new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), 1,4), name:...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK, I guess that leaves the question as why the tests fail with the 20 Jun 2020 test for me
You should be able to add an errorboundary which should stop the error from crashing the whole website Error Boundary principals []( Typescript version [](
Yes, by overriding providing the default TaskListTable and TaskListHeader functions. You will need to extend the Task interface if you want to add new columns in the data that you...