Gradlon von Känel

Results 18 comments of Gradlon von Känel

Figured it out. docker plugin install --disable --alias seaweedfs-csi:swarm --grant-all-permissions gradlon/swarm-csi-swaweedfs:v1.2.0 docker plugin set seaweedfs-csi:swarm FILER=IP1:8888,IP2:8888 docker plugin set seaweedfs-csi:swarm CACHE_SIZE=512 docker plugin enable seaweedfs-csi:swarm docker volume create --driver gradlon/swarm-csi-swaweedfs:v1.2.0...

@chrislusf @s4ke I can't figure out why it is failing. Any ideas? Code is here ``` Jul 12 15:00:02 builder dockerd[840]: time="2024-07-12T15:00:02.384813636+02:00" level=debug msg="Calling POST /v1.45/volumes/create" spanID=0c2d0a4015fe5925 traceID=d17b16c9a9bcb320497e2c716d3a1dcd Jul...

I found the issue. There was an outdated driver version that was blocking the process. Probably related to this: Now the volume is created(I see a directory in the...

@s4ke The CSI Plugin is working! I mapped most of the supported Driver options. As you can see in the config. I did no excessive testing yet (Works on my...

Do you have any idea how I can pass this as an argument? Somehow i can't find out how to make it work.

How hard would it be to make it configurable?

Ok, that is unfortunate. I wunder, when looking at the code ``` if params == nil { params = make(map[string]string) } glog.V(4).Infof("params:%v", params) capacity := req.GetCapacityRange().GetRequiredBytes() if err := filer_pb.Mkdir(cs.Driver,...

Pull request is ready. The plugin works as expected. I had some issues using it, but they are probably more related to some issue with the CSI implementation itself.