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Shared library for Jenkins Pipeline to send slack notifications well formatted

Slack Notifier for Jenkins via Shared Library

This is a shared library for the Jenkins Pipeline. It extracts building information, including a list of changes and tests summary, in the same format as a normal slack plugin does.


The slack plugin should be installed in your Jenkins instance.


By default, this library always sends the following notifications:

  • Failure
  • Unstable
  • Still Failing
  • Back to normal

The "Success" notification is only sent when the environment variable "NOTIFY_SUCCESS" is set to true.


This library receives all its configuration through environment variables

* SLACK_CHANNEL:        Slack channel for sending the notifications. If not set, the global jenkins configuration will be used.
* SLACK_DOMAIN          Slack team domain. Slack channel for sending the notification. If not set, the global jenkins configuration will be used.
* SLACK_CREDENTIALS:    Identifier of the credentials entry stored in the Jenkins's credential store. If not set, the global jenkins configuration will be used.
* CHANGE_LIST:          Includes the change list. False by default.
* TEST_SUMMARY:         Includes the test summary. False by default 
* NOTIFY_SUCCESS:       If true, all succeeded builds will be notified.

API Definition

notifyStart() :     Send a "Build started" notification.
notifyResult():     Send the result of the build (Failure, Stillfailing, etc.).
notifyResultFull(): The same as notifyResult but asumming that all configuration values are true (TEST_SUMMARY, CHANGE_LIST, NOTIFY_SUCCESS).
notifyError(error): Send a message with the value of the error message.

How to use it

Scripted pipeline

def notifier = new org.gradiant.jenkins.slack.SlackNotifier()

try {

 env.SLACK_CHANNEL = 'my-channel'
 env.SLACK_DOMAIN  = 'my-team-domain'
 env.SLACK_CREDENTIALS = 'jenkins-slack-credentials-id'
 env.CHANGE_LIST = 'true'
 env.TEST_SUMMARY = 'true'


 // ...
 // your build steps
 // ...

} catch (err) {
  // Mark the build as failure since it's actually an error
  currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'


  // Throw the error so jenkins can do whatever he does with it
  throw err
} finally {

  // Notify the build result with a list of changes

Declarative pipeline

pipeline {

 environment {
  SLACK_CHANNEL = 'my-channel'
  SLACK_DOMAIN  = 'my-team-domain'
  SLACK_CREDENTIALS = 'jenkins-slack-credentials-id'
  CHANGE_LIST = true

 post {
  failure {
   script {
    new SlackNotifier().notifyResult()