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An example universal JS application written with the 3REE stack, React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express. A stack for building apps, front and back end, with just Javascript.

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Please be aware that this pull request was automatically created using [gtf](https://github.com/schneiderl/gtf) You should be able to merge this with no other problems. In case the proposed changes do not...

My npm install always returns with an error and all the workarounds I found haven't worked. Clone Log: ``` sudo git clone https://github.com/GordyD/3ree.git Cloning into '3ree'... remote: Counting objects: 603,...

It was appending the values one after another. Now the Average and Cumulative values are fine.

Does anyone have any good resources on an auth example, the only one I know that exists is really messy.

https://github.com/postcss/postcss https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer and css-modules too https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules

Hi @GordyD, this is a create repo and had a question, since you simulate users, have you thought about integrating real user auth as JWT tokens so that a user...