kaniko icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kaniko copied to clipboard

Snyk can't scan kaniko-produced images

Open markszabo opened this issue 2 years ago • 16 comments

Actual behavior

Snyk fails to scan docker images produced by kaniko:

➜ cat Dockerfile 
FROM alpine
RUN echo 'abc' > /test.txt
➜ /kaniko/executor -f Dockerfile --no-push --destination=outimage --tarPath=out.tar
INFO[0000] Resolved base name alpine to alpine          
INFO[0011] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
➜ snyk test --docker docker-archive:out.tar
Invalid Docker archive
➜ snyk test --docker oci-archive:out.tar
Invalid OCI archive

However docker loading the same image make snyk work:

➜ docker load -i out.tar
8aa28e0db101: Loading layer [==================================================>]     152B/152B
Loaded image: outimage:latest
➜ snyk test --docker outimage:latest       

Testing outimage:latest...
✔ Tested 14 dependencies for known issues, no vulnerable paths found.

According to our scan, you are currently using the most secure version of the selected base image

Expected behavior

I expect kaniko to produce images that can be scanned with snyk

To Reproduce

See above.

Additional Information


We found that if the archive is copied with skopeo, then snyk can work with it:

➜  snyk test --docker docker-archive:out.tar                                                                         
Invalid Docker archive
➜  skopeo copy docker-archive:out.tar docker-archive:out2.tar
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 8d3ac3489996 done  
Copying blob 93ebe7ef63a5 done  
Copying config 52727ba68e done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
➜  snyk test --docker docker-archive:out2.tar

Testing docker-archive:out2.tar...
✔ Tested 14 dependencies for known issues, no vulnerable paths found.

According to our scan, you are currently using the most secure version of the selected base image

Triage Notes for the Maintainers

Description Yes/No
Please check if this a new feature you are proposing
  • - [ ]
Please check if the build works in docker but not in kaniko
  • - [x]
Please check if this error is seen when you use --cache flag
  • - [ ]
Please check if your dockerfile is a multistage dockerfile
  • - [ ]

markszabo avatar Mar 10 '22 01:03 markszabo

Can you share the invalid tar file, and the valid one produced by skopeo copying? Diffing them may help uncover what the problem is.

imjasonh avatar Mar 10 '22 01:03 imjasonh

Sure! Here is the file produced by kaniko: out.tar.gz and here is after copying with skopeo: out2.tar.gz (both got renamed to .tar.gz from .tar as Github doesn't support .tar files)

markszabo avatar Mar 10 '22 01:03 markszabo

I think I had a meeting with developers form Snyk . We spoke about changing the kaniko tar format to adhere to https://snyk.io/blog/container-image-formats.

However, we havent seen any movement from them.

tejal29 avatar Mar 10 '22 20:03 tejal29

Related to https://groups.google.com/g/kaniko-users/c/TKE1xy7Neyo/m/2nMYl4W0AAAJ

tejal29 avatar Mar 10 '22 21:03 tejal29

I think this issue is also related to scanning docker images using Synopsis Black Duck, I am getting a similar issue " Exception thrown while getting image packages: Could not parse the image manifest file"

idoham avatar Mar 28 '22 08:03 idoham

There was a potentially similar issue with Dive (https://github.com/wagoodman/dive/issues/318).

Docker and Kaniko use different naming conventions for the config files. Dive assumed all config files would end in .json and would filter based on name. Kaniko uses the format sha254:<hash> as the file name and was filtered. Additionally, Kaniko stores layers as tar.gz, rather than plain tar files.

Looking at @markszabo's example files, we can see similar differences:

Kaniko file structure

> tar xvf out.tar.gz -C kaniko/

Skopeo file structure

> tar xvf out2.tar.gz -C skopeo/

cantoboon avatar Apr 04 '22 09:04 cantoboon

Is there any further update on this issue?

MatthiasRoels avatar May 11 '23 09:05 MatthiasRoels

Any news on this??

R3DRUN3 avatar Jun 07 '23 09:06 R3DRUN3

snyk appears to fail on ~50% of images. Another: docker.io/library/busybox:latest via Docker Desktop UI on Apple silicon.


skull-squadron avatar Jul 24 '23 21:07 skull-squadron

does Synk supports or scans kaniko produced images ? any further update on this ?

svilambi avatar Sep 29 '23 13:09 svilambi

I'm seeing the same issue on my end, any updates?

kevin-secops-lt avatar Oct 02 '23 16:10 kevin-secops-lt

I would like to see this fixed, one way or another, as well please.

cmanfre4 avatar Dec 20 '23 22:12 cmanfre4

The only way I was able to get this to work is by doing the below, the solution assumed you are using aws ecr as the repo & kaniko image to build out your docker images.

Automation Pipelines General Overview:

  1. Build Image w/ Kaniko
  2. Skopeo - this tools here will allow you to pull from the ecr via a tar file (this is compatible w/ snyk)
  3. Snyk Cli Command -snyk container test --severity-threshold=high -fail-on=all oci-archive:image.tar
  4. Retag mechanism - tag it as a temp tag first, if scan is succesfull (i.e no vulns), retag back to what is the production like docker tag

This is an obvious work around, but since the team has no direction as to when it will get fixed, this is the solution I'm leveraging for automated docker scans in the pipeline.

The entire solution can be put into a docker container btw, i.e install the snyk cli + skopeo tool on a docker container.

Command for skopeo to get the ECR Token and make the call to aws ecr to pull the image layers: def ECR_TOKEN = sh(script: "aws ecr get-login-password --region ${DOCKER_REGION} --profile ${AWS_PROFILE}", returnStdout: true).trim() sh "set +x && skopeo copy --src-creds=AWS:${ECR_TOKEN} docker://${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_REPOSITORY}:${IMAGE_TAG} oci-archive:image.tar"

@cmanfre4 @svilambi @skull-squadron @R3DRUN3 @MatthiasRoels

kevin-secops-lt avatar Dec 20 '23 22:12 kevin-secops-lt

I was able to get it to work by doing skopeo copy docker-archive:$tar_from_kaniko oci-archive:$oci_archive_out which doesn't need ECR or any remote registry.

jameshartig avatar Mar 26 '24 06:03 jameshartig

If anybody is looking for an example repro, have a kaniko built image which snyk container test fails to scan. The skopeo copy workaround does work, but I have to use docker-archive:... for both the input and output (if I try oci-archive: for the output snyk still cannot scan the resulting tar file).

Source: https://github.com/CMS-Enterprise/batcave-knight-light/tree/main/node-server Build with gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.23.2 on an arm64 arch using the command --context=/app --dockerfile=/app/Dockerfile --verbosity=info --no-push --tar-path=/out/image.tar

Attempting to scan with a locally build version of the snky/snky:alpine image derived from v1.1291.1 (see https://github.com/sflanker/snyk-cli/tree/feat/alpine-arm64-support), using the CLI: snyk container test --exclude-app-vulns --severity-threshold=high docker-archive:image.tar).

Initially I received Invalid OCI archive.

After running skopeo copy docker-archive:image.tar docker-archive:image.docker-to-docker.tar the scan succeeded.

Original archive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12k0ovaUfDfhnzqkPzksTIqi3gs_7eA4R/view?usp=drive_link Converted archive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AeAT01ZZwX8UxEc0A_dA9siv_G0D2bjm/view?usp=sharing

The issue is also reproducible in a CI environment running on amd64 instead of arm.

sflanker avatar Jul 22 '24 20:07 sflanker

It seems likely that this is a problem with snyk, not with Kaniko. Snyk has the same issue with images built using buildx with buildkit and save/exported using the --output type=docker,dest=./image.tar argument.

sflanker avatar Jul 29 '24 20:07 sflanker