Google Code Exporter
Google Code Exporter
``` According "VMware Lifecycle Product Matrix" ESX(i)3.5 has reached End of Extended Support: 2013/05/21 ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 15 Jun 2013 at 6:08
``` I too am having this issue and would love to see a fix for it. Any updates on this particular issue? ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 29 Jan...
``` Does anybody has ideas how to workaround this? ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 19 Feb 2015 at 2:26
``` Sorry, I can't figure out how to change this to an "Enhancement", this is not a defect. ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 25 Jan 2013 at 7:39
``` I want to create a Host which gives following errors. How create it ?? AttributeError: PerfCompositeMetric instance has no attribute 'entity' IF there is no VMs, I will get...
Original comment by `[email protected]` on 2 Oct 2012 at 12:23 - Added labels: **Type-Enhancement** - Removed labels: **Type-Defect**
``` Thanks. I'm happy to try to test for you if it helps. ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 31 Jul 2012 at 6:23
``` Implemented using sspi module from Tested with ESXi 4.1. Patch attached. ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 16 Mar 2014 at 6:36 Attachments: - [pysphere-passthrough.patch](
``` Also works with standalone ESXi 5.0/Win 2008 R2 SP1/Python 2.7.5/Pywin32 218 ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 18 Mar 2014 at 2:25
``` Usage: >>> from pysphere import VIServer >>> server = VIServer() >>> server.connect('servername', passthrough=True) ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 18 Mar 2014 at 5:40