Google Code Exporter

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``` in r64: Some enhancements as a start to make the code python 3 compatible Removed unused imports (in ZSI) Removed dead code from ZSI First changes to make pysphere...

``` Any update on when a python 3 version would be available? ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 7 Jun 2012 at 9:00

``` Any information on the Python 3 support? Or maybe there has been some development done on "THE" python vsphere library... ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 15 Aug 2013...

``` I think we should support python 2.7.9 and python 3.4.2.. that is better ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 25 Dec 2014 at 3:02

``` [deleted comment] ```

``` Is a python 3.4 compatible version of pysphere available ? Any update on this would be of great help. We are working with Python 3.4 and cannot go back...

``` Actually, in recent repros the issue is manifesting after this sequence of calls: if vm.is_powered_on(): run('sudo halt') time.sleep(30) vm.power_off() vm.delete_named_snapshot('name') vm.create_snapshot('newname') vm.power_on() wait_for_vm() ... ... Repeat above, fail on...

``` Try to use keep_session_alive() instead of is_connected(). Its docstring says """Asks sever time, usefull for keeping alive a session. Returns False if the session expired""" ``` Original comment by...

``` yes, I also get the same problem, how do you reslove this proble, can you tell me. my e-mai: [email protected] ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 10 Jun 2014...

``` hello, I had resolve this problem, my code as follow: import pysphere def getHostByName(server, name): mor = None for host_mor, host_name in server.get_hosts().items(): if host_name == name: mor =...