Google Code Exporter
Google Code Exporter
``` Makes sense. Feel free to close this issue then. I commented on the NekoHTML bug and will try to follow up there. ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 21...
``` i am wanting to use hotsax as the parser and just drop in the BoilerpipeHTMLContentHandler. making me depend on anything but the core engine and letting me pick the...
``` I don't think this makes sense - a project's Maven dependency file should contain all of its dependencies. If two dependencies reference the same dependency, as you fear with...
``` Ian, thanks for your comment. Please provide a patch that takes care of that. I will be more than happy to add this feature. Best, Christian ``` Original comment...
``` Will this issue be ever resolved? Getting started with Boilerpipe is a real pain thanks to this undocumented missing dependencies jazz. Either specify them or clearly document how people...
``` This is seriously broken. One one side you include some classes from the nekohtml but running a simple test with ArticleExtractor breaks with NoClassDef from nehkohtml. On the other...
``` This is the class not found exception: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.cyberneko.html.HTMLConfiguration ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 28 Jun 2012 at 7:00
``` Adding the following to the pom of boilerpipe should fix the problem: xerces xerces 2.4.0 net.sourceforge.nekohtml nekohtml 1.9.17 ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 24 Nov 2012 at 2:33
``` The nekohtml "patched" classes change the nekohtml functionality. If you have Nekohtml on your classpath and use it at another part of a larger system, it can break previously...
``` Guys .. Its very easy to use boiler pipe in your maven project, just include dependency like below in your project's pom.xml. boilerpipe-m2-repo ... de.l3s.boilerpipe boilerpipe 1.2.0 xerces...