metacontroller copied to clipboard
Full implementation of the customize hook
Implementation of
This is based on the rebased branch from #143.
Closes: #98
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I signed it!
So there's good news and bad news.
:thumbsup: The good news is that everyone that needs to sign a CLA (the pull request submitter and all commit authors) have done so. Everything is all good there.
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The bad news is that it appears that one or more commits were authored or co-authored by someone other than the pull request submitter. We need to confirm that all authors are ok with their commits being contributed to this project. Please have them confirm that here in the pull request.
That's probably @mikebryant's commit. Would you confirm that it may be included in this PR?
Yup, fine by me :)
@enisoc This seems to have stalled, would someone be able to help from the google side?
any updates here?
Just to be sure: Is there something I still need to do, before this can be merged? From my point of view this can be reviewed and merged, but apparently that's not happening.
the probem is Also Google didn't recognised that you've signed the CLA.
@Kritzefitz hi, what about moving it forward ?
or maybe it would be suitable to make this change against ?
@grzesuav I would really like to move this forward, but as @luisdavim already mentioned, the future of the maintenance of metacontroller is currently discussed in #184. I'm afraid this merge request (or others) won't be merged until a solution for the future maintenance is found.
I guess re-targeting the changes from this PR against metac would make the changes available there sooner, than waiting for the maintenance situation of metacontroller to get resolved would. However, I currently don't really have the time to port the changes over to another project and I'm still hoping that #184 will come to a reasonable conclusion for the maintanance of metacontroller.
However, if you like, you may of course feel free to try to port the changes to metac yourself.
@grzesuav it's probably better if you open this against the metac fork.
@Kritzefitz thanks for explanation :). When I was posting this message I wasn't aware that there is some process in progress. Unfortunately I do not now go-lang therefore not sure I can create PR against forked repo. Will try but not sure if they aren't any discrepancies.
There is a similar implementation in Metac
by the name GenericController