magic-modules copied to clipboard
adding new tests for
adding new tests for
compute: added tests field to `` resource
Hello! I am a robot. Tests will require approval from a repository maintainer to run.
@rileykarson, a repository maintainer, has been assigned to review your changes. If you have not received review feedback within 2 business days, please leave a comment on this PR asking them to take a look.
You can help make sure that review is quick by doing a self-review and by running impacted tests locally.
There's a mismatch between the release note and PR title and the change you've made. Do you have a bug or issue you can link for context?
You're right, just edited the release note and fixed it. Actually, I'm just working on some tests related to some assets. You can expect more PRs from me in the next few days. Thanks for the review!
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
: Diff ( 4 files changed, 75 insertions(+))
@dvfons: I'm seeing a CLA issue on your new commit, can you resolve that? Thanks!
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
: Diff ( 4 files changed, 75 insertions(+))
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
: Diff ( 4 files changed, 75 insertions(+))
all tests fixed
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
: Diff ( 5 files changed, 78 insertions(+))
@GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-team This PR has been waiting for review for 7 days. Please take a look! Use the label disable-review-reminders
to disable these notifications.
@rileykarson Can you review it again?
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
: Diff ( 5 files changed, 78 insertions(+))
@GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-team This PR has been waiting for review for 2 weeks. Please take a look! Use the label disable-review-reminders
to disable these notifications.