magic-modules copied to clipboard
add compute healthcheck tests
adding new tests for
compute: added testes field to `` resource
Hello! I am a robot. Tests will require approval from a repository maintainer to run.
@BBBmau, a repository maintainer, has been assigned to review your changes. If you have not received review feedback within 2 business days, please leave a comment on this PR asking them to take a look.
You can help make sure that review is quick by doing a self-review and by running impacted tests locally.
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
: Diff ( 4 files changed, 54 insertions(+))
Let us update the title according to the recommended format like "Add support for google_compute_autoscaler to TGC"
Let us update the title according to the recommended format like "Add support for google_compute_autoscaler to TGC"
@rileykarson changes to title made