magic-modules copied to clipboard
Maintenance window
Release Note Template for Downstream PRs (will be copied)
Hello! I am a robot. Tests will require approval from a repository maintainer to run.
@hao-nan-li, a repository maintainer, has been assigned to review your changes. If you have not received review feedback within 2 business days, please leave a comment on this PR asking them to take a look.
You can help make sure that review is quick by doing a self-review and by running impacted tests locally.
Re-roll as I will be on leave.
Hey! I'm closing this PR as a part of a cleanup of older inactive PRs, using a threshold of PRs last updated over 3 months ago. This doesn't represent rejection of the change, and feel free to comment for me to reopen it if you plan to pick it back up, or feel free to start a new PR with the same changes in the future.