magic-modules copied to clipboard
Added `CloudQuotas` service and Create `QuotaPreference` Resource
Add new resource google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference
to manage a project's quota preference.
Release Note Template for Downstream PRs (will be copied)
Hello! I am a robot. Tests will require approval from a repository maintainer to run.
@roaks3, a repository maintainer, has been assigned to review your changes. If you have not received review feedback within 2 business days, please leave a comment on this PR asking them to take a look.
You can help make sure that review is quick by doing a self-review and by running impacted tests locally.
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
Terraform GA: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1073 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) Terraform Beta: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1073 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) TF Conversion: Diff ( 1 file changed, 256 insertions(+))
Missing test report
Your PR includes resource fields which are not covered by any test.
Resource: google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference
(2 total tests)
Please add an acceptance test which includes these fields. The test should include the following:
resource "google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference" "primary" {
etag = # value needed
ignore_safety_checks = # value needed
parent = # value needed
quota_config {
annotations = # value needed
quota_preference_id = # value needed
Tests analytics
Total tests: 3467
Passed tests: 3113
Skipped tests: 351
Affected tests: 3
Click here to see the affected service packages
all service packages are affected
Action taken
Found 3 affected test(s) by replaying old test recordings. Starting RECORDING based on the most recent commit. Click here to see the affected tests
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{Tests passed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Debug log]
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{No issues found for passed tests after REPLAYING rerun.}}$
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Tests failed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Error message] [Debug log]
[Error message] [Debug log]
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Please fix these to complete your PR.}}$ View the build log or the debug log for each test
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
Terraform GA: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1073 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) Terraform Beta: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1073 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) TF Conversion: Diff ( 1 file changed, 256 insertions(+))
Missing test report
Your PR includes resource fields which are not covered by any test.
Resource: google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference
(2 total tests)
Please add an acceptance test which includes these fields. The test should include the following:
resource "google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference" "primary" {
etag = # value needed
ignore_safety_checks = # value needed
parent = # value needed
quota_config {
annotations = # value needed
quota_preference_id = # value needed
Tests analytics
Total tests: 3476
Passed tests: 3123
Skipped tests: 351
Affected tests: 2
Click here to see the affected service packages
all service packages are affected
Action taken
Found 2 affected test(s) by replaying old test recordings. Starting RECORDING based on the most recent commit. Click here to see the affected tests
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{Tests passed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Debug log]
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{No issues found for passed tests after REPLAYING rerun.}}$
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Tests failed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Error message] [Debug log]
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Please fix these to complete your PR.}}$ View the build log or the debug log for each test
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
Terraform GA: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1209 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) Terraform Beta: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1209 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) TF Conversion: Diff ( 1 file changed, 223 insertions(+))
Missing test report
Your PR includes resource fields which are not covered by any test.
Resource: google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference
(4 total tests)
Please add an acceptance test which includes these fields. The test should include the following:
resource "google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference" "primary" {
validate_only = # value needed
Tests analytics
Total tests: 3508
Passed tests: 3150
Skipped tests: 356
Affected tests: 2
Click here to see the affected service packages
all service packages are affected
Action taken
Found 2 affected test(s) by replaying old test recordings. Starting RECORDING based on the most recent commit. Click here to see the affected tests
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{Tests passed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Debug log]
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{No issues found for passed tests after REPLAYING rerun.}}$
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Tests failed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Error message] [Debug log]
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Please fix these to complete your PR.}}$ View the build log or the debug log for each test
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
Terraform GA: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1107 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) Terraform Beta: Diff ( 10 files changed, 1107 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)) TF Conversion: Diff ( 1 file changed, 223 insertions(+))
Missing test report
Your PR includes resource fields which are not covered by any test.
Resource: google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference
(3 total tests)
Please add an acceptance test which includes these fields. The test should include the following:
resource "google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference" "primary" {
validate_only = # value needed
Tests analytics
Total tests: 3512
Passed tests: 3153
Skipped tests: 357
Affected tests: 2
Click here to see the affected service packages
all service packages are affected
Action taken
Found 2 affected test(s) by replaying old test recordings. Starting RECORDING based on the most recent commit. Click here to see the affected tests
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{Tests passed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Debug log]
[Debug log]
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{No issues found for passed tests after REPLAYING rerun.}}$
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{All tests passed!}}$ View the build log or the debug log for each test
Hi @roaks3, could you help run /gcbrun? I've addressed comments from the missing test report
and all other tests passed. Thanks!
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
provider: Diff ( 4 files changed, 1075 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-))
provider: Diff ( 4 files changed, 1074 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-))
: Diff ( 1 file changed, 223 insertions(+))
Breaking Change(s) Detected
The following breaking change(s) were detected within your pull request.
- Field
default value changed fromto STU3 on google_healthcare_fhir_store
- reference
If you believe this detection to be incorrect please raise the concern with your reviewer.
If you intend to make this change you will need to wait for a major release window.
An override-breaking-change
label can be added to allow merging.
- The diff processor failed to build. This is usually due to the downstream provider failing to compile.
Tests analytics
Total tests: 2
Passed tests: 1
Skipped tests: 0
Affected tests: 1
Click here to see the affected service packages
- cloudquotas
Action taken
Found 1 affected test(s) by replaying old test recordings. Starting RECORDING based on the most recent commit. Click here to see the affected tests
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Tests failed during RECORDING mode:}}$
[Error message] [Debug log]
$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Please fix these to complete your PR.}}$ View the build log or the debug log for each test
Hi there, I'm the Modular magician. I've detected the following information about your changes:
Diff report
Your PR generated some diffs in downstreams - here they are.
provider: Diff ( 4 files changed, 1078 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-))
provider: Diff ( 4 files changed, 1077 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-))
: Diff ( 1 file changed, 223 insertions(+))
Breaking Change(s) Detected
The following breaking change(s) were detected within your pull request.
- Field
default value changed fromto STU3 on google_healthcare_fhir_store
- reference
If you believe this detection to be incorrect please raise the concern with your reviewer.
If you intend to make this change you will need to wait for a major release window.
An override-breaking-change
label can be added to allow merging.
Missing test report
Your PR includes resource fields which are not covered by any test.
Resource: google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference
(3 total tests)
Please add an acceptance test which includes these fields. The test should include the following:
resource "google_cloud_quotas_quota_preference" "primary" {
validate_only = # value needed
- The diff processor failed to build. This is usually due to the downstream provider failing to compile.
Tests analytics
Total tests: 2
Passed tests: 2
Skipped tests: 0
Affected tests: 0
Click here to see the affected service packages
- cloudquotas
$\textcolor{green}{\textsf{All tests passed!}}$ View the build log
Hmm It seems the unused import is causing a build failure. I added this for a new data source, and no resources exist under the service yet. I've remove the import block.
Ah yep, that is an edge case we run into on occasion. I assume that will be resolved once everything ultimately gets merged.