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gRPC load-balancing on GKE using Envoy

Using Envoy to load-balance gRPC services on GKE

This repository contains the code used in the tutorial Using Envoy Proxy to load-balance gRPC services on GKE.

This tutorial demonstrates how to expose multiple gRPC services deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) via a single external IP address using Network Load Balancing and Envoy Proxy. The tutorial uses Envoy Proxy to highlight some of the advanced features it provides for gRPC.

Quick start

  1. Create a self-signed TLS certificate and private key:

    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 \
        -keyout privkey.pem -out cert.pem -extensions san \
        -config \
        <(echo "[req]";
          echo distinguished_name=req;
          echo "[san]";
         ) \
        -subj '/'
  2. Create a Kubernetes Secret called envoy-certs that contains the self-signed TLS certificate and private key:

    kubectl create secret tls envoy-certs --key=privkey.pem --cert=cert.pem \
        --dry-run=client --output=yaml | kubectl apply --filename -
  3. Build the container images for the sample apps echo-grpc and reverse-grpc, and deploy all the resources in this repository to a Kubernetes cluster, using Skaffold:

    export$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
    skaffold run

Test the solution

  1. Install grpcurl:

    go install

    If you don't have the Go distribution installed, you can instead download a binary release.

  2. Get the external IP address of the envoy Kubernetes Service and store it in an environment variable:

    EXTERNAL_IP=$(kubectl get service envoy \
  3. Send a request to the echo-grpc sample app:

    grpcurl -d '{"content": "echo"}' -proto echo-grpc/api/echo.proto \
        -authority -cacert cert.pem -v \
        $EXTERNAL_IP:443 api.Echo/Echo
  4. Send a request to the reverse-grpc sample app:

    grpcurl -d '{"content": "reverse"}' -proto reverse-grpc/api/reverse.proto \
        -authority -cacert cert.pem -v \
        $EXTERNAL_IP:443 api.Reverse/Reverse

Cleaning up

  1. Delete the Kubernetes resources:

    skaffold delete
    kubectl delete secret tls envoy-certs
  2. Delete the container images from Container Registry:

    gcloud container images list-tags$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/echo-grpc \
        --format 'value(digest)' | xargs -I {} gcloud container images delete \
        --force-delete-tags --quiet$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/echo-grpc@sha256:{}
    gcloud container images list-tags$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/reverse-grpc \
        --format 'value(digest)' | xargs -I {} gcloud container images delete \
        --force-delete-tags --quiet$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/reverse-grpc@sha256:{}


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