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feat(auth): add auth samples
Here is the summary of changes.
You are about to add 6 region tags.
auth/authenticate_explicit_with_adc.go:17, tag
auth/authenticate_implicit_with_adc.go:17, tag
auth/id_token_from_impersonated_credentials.go:17, tag
auth/id_token_from_metadata_server.go:17, tag
auth/id_token_from_service_account.go:17, tag
auth/verify_google_id_token.go:17, tag
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@quartzmo could you please take a loot once more? Also, I am receiving stange lint error ...
To fix this check, run "goimports -w . && find . -name go.mod -execdir go mod tidy \;"
HEAD detached at pull/2706/merge
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: auth/auth_test.go
modified: auth/id_token_from_impersonated_credentials.go
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Not sure what to do with that
@codyoss could you please help me with an error above?
Looks like you need to run goimports to format the files.
oh, it's updated finally, thanks! waiting for the rest of the review for now :)
@quartzmo could you please take a look once more?
@codyoss could you please approve this?