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This repository contains an example of how to leverage Cloud Dataflow and BigQuery to view Dialogflow interactions.

Dialogflow Log Parser

This repository contains an example of how to leverage Cloud Dataflow and BigQuery to view Dialogflow interactions.

The Pipeline Steps are as follows:

  1. Dialogflow Interactions are logged to Google Cloud Logging
  2. A Cloud Logging sink sends the log messages to Cloud Pub/Sub
  3. Dataflow process the textpayload and streams it to BigQuery
  4. Access to the log interactions are now available in BigQuery

Dialogflow Log Parser Diagram

Note: Dialogflow Interactions Logging is sent to Cloud Logging as a Text Payload, this code will parse the Text Payload to a structured format within BigQuery which is defined in the Dataflow code.

BigQuery Schema

You can change the schema as required in the Dataflow code to include other key:value pairs extracted from Cloud Logging. Here is a reference to the current schema:

Field name Type
session_id STRING
trace STRING
caller_id STRING
email STRING
timestamp TIMESTAMP
receiveTimestamp TIMESTAMP
resolved_query STRING
string_value STRING
speech STRING
is_fallback_intent STRING
webhook_for_slot_filling_used STRING
webhook_used STRING
intent_name STRING
intent_id STRING
action STRING
source STRING
error_type STRING
insertId STRING
logName STRING
textPayload STRING


  1. Enable the Dataflow API

    gcloud services enable dataflow
  2. Create a Storage Bucket for Dataflow Staging

    gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/
  3. Create a folder in the newly created bucket in the Google Cloud Console Storage Browser called tmp

  4. Create a Pub/Sub Topic

    gcloud pubsub topics create [TOPIC_NAME]
  5. Create a Cloud Logging sink

    gcloud logging sinks create [SINK_NAME] pubsub.googleapis.com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/topics/[TOPIC_NAME] --log-filter="resource.type=global"
  6. Install the Apache Beam GCP Library

    python3 -m virtualenv tempenv
    source tempenv/bin/activate
    pip install apache-beam[gcp]
  7. Create BigQuery dataset

  8. Deploy Dataflow Job

    python3 stackdriverdataflowbigquery.py --project=[YOUR_PROJECT_ID] \ 
    --input_topic=projects/[YOUR_PROJECT_ID]/topics/[YOUR_TOPIC_NAME] \ 
    --runner=DataflowRunner --temp_location=gs://[YOUR_DATAFLOW_STAGING_BUCKET]/tmp \
    --output_bigquery=[YOUR_BIGQUERY_DATASET.YOUR BIGQUERY_TABLE] --region=us-central1
  9. Enable Dialogflow Logs to Cloud Logging

    Enable Log interactions to Dialogflow and Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/history#access_all_logs

Once you enable Enable Log interactions, your new Dialogflow interactions will be available in BigQuery

This is not an officially supported Google product