carlo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
carlo copied to clipboard

carlo will not launch on win10

Open mu-yu opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

Accoding to some bug/feature in puppeteer, carlo/puppeteer will not launch on win10 sometimes. see:

here is how to fix I found: when launch puppeteer, add an option ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-extensions'], to puppeteer.launch in this line

mu-yu avatar Mar 20 '19 03:03 mu-yu

Adding the option "ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-extensions']," does not appear to resolve the problem. Is this issue being addressed or are there any other short term work around?

ThomasMcGarry101 avatar May 29 '19 09:05 ThomasMcGarry101

Adding the option "ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-extensions']," does not appear to resolve the problem. Is this issue being addressed or are there any other short term work around?

The option shoud put into the source of carlo where carlo init the pptr, not the code of yours where init carlo.Carlo doesn't have this option at the moment.


mu-yu avatar May 30 '19 01:05 mu-yu