carlo copied to clipboard
Error running the app
I get this error:
(node:28817) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Could not start the browser or the browser was already running with the given profile.
OS: Linux 4.14 Chrome: Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
What do you do? Also, your Chrome browser is behind, stable is at 70 for many weeks already.
ohh :joy:
ill be back
I have run the carlo example successfully on a macbook air, but now I am trying to run it on our linux based corp system . (Our nodejs set up is "special" ;-). I also see this error.
The additional issue here is that the carlo window comes up and stays up. So a few attempts later and you have a bunch of zombie windows.
Is there a way to determine which chrome process was launched (so I don't kill all of my other chrome processes)?
Ok at least in my case the problem was that the puppeteer.launch()
property userDataDir
resolved to a write-protected directory.
My workaround was:
const app = await carlo.launch({userDataDir: "/tmp"});
Since the failure mode is very confusing, it may be best if carlo (or better puppeteer) verified that the directory was writable before launching chrome.
Turns out there is another, undocumented, option, localDataDir
which is used both as the default for userDataDir and for another purpose.