babel-plugin-transform-jsbi-to-bigint icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Compile JSBI code that works in today’s environments to native BigInt code.

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Compile JSBI code that works in today’s environments to native BigInt code.


Input using JSBI:

import JSBI from 'jsbi';

const a = JSBI.BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
const b = JSBI.BigInt('42');

JSBI.add(a, b);
JSBI.subtract(a, b);
JSBI.multiply(a, b);
JSBI.divide(a, b);
JSBI.remainder(a, b);
JSBI.exponentiate(a, b);
JSBI.leftShift(a, b);
JSBI.signedRightShift(a, b);
JSBI.bitwiseAnd(a, b);
JSBI.bitwiseOr(a, b);
JSBI.bitwiseXor(a, b);


JSBI.equal(a, b);
JSBI.notEqual(a, b);
JSBI.lessThan(a, b);
JSBI.lessThanOrEqual(a, b);
JSBI.greaterThan(a, b);
JSBI.greaterThanOrEqual(a, b);

JSBI.EQ(a, b);
JSBI.NE(a, b);
JSBI.LT(a, b);
JSBI.LE(a, b);
JSBI.GT(a, b);
JSBI.GE(a, b);

a instanceof JSBI;

JSBI.asIntN(64, JSBI.BigInt('42'));
JSBI.asUintN(64, JSBI.BigInt('42'));

Transpiled output using native BigInts:

const a = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
const b = 42n;

a + b;
a - b;
a * b;
a / b;
a % b;
a ** b;
a << b;
a >> b;
a & b;
a | b;
a ^ b;


a === b;
a !== b;
a < b;
a <= b;
a > b;
a >= b;

a == b;
a != b;
a < b;
a <= b;
a > b;
a >= b;

typeof a === 'bigint';

BigInt.asIntN(64, 42n);
BigInt.asUintN(64, 42n);

See the JSBI documentation for more information.


$ npm install babel-plugin-transform-jsbi-to-bigint


Via .babelrc (recommended)


  "plugins": ["transform-jsbi-to-bigint"]


$ babel --plugins transform-jsbi-to-bigint script.js

Via Node.js API

require('@babel/core').transform(code, {
  'plugins': ['transform-jsbi-to-bigint']

For maintainers

How to publish a new release

  1. On the main branch, bump the version number in package.json:

    npm version patch -m 'Release v%s'

    Instead of patch, use minor or major as needed.

    Note that this produces a Git commit + tag.

  2. Push the release commit and tag:

    git push

    Our CI then automatically publishes the new release to npm.