GoodDAPP copied to clipboard Wallet is the simplest access point to Claim your daily G$. It Is based on web3 and React native web.
## Business Description User should see the redtent offer if he is eligible ## Technical Implementation When user press the claim button we send him to the CheckAvailableOffers component which...
[BUG] All country flags are displayed as the US flag on the Setting page Steps: 1) login into your wallet 2) go to the settings page 3) click on the...
### Description There is a localstorage item added called 'hasStartedFv' to keep track of users completing/not completing FV. After completing FV succesfully this item should be removed so that the...
[BUG, WEB] The text on information modals is shifted down. List of modals: 1) After unsuccessful FV with twin 2) After failing FV 3 times 3) After copying your private...
## Business Description The mods are getting a lot of complaints of people who are using the "Send to" feature and then are sending their tokens in the wrong way,...
Failed to login via passwordless Unexpected response while calling the SMS gateway: 403 Always got a red message during login Steps: 1) go to the 2) login via passwordless...
## Business Description _What the feature is and why we're doing it (business & user benefit)_ The disclosure screen is where we ask the user's permission to read their GoodID...
Missing word "Save" on button during editing name on the Profile page Missing word "Save" on button during editing name on the Profile page Steps: 1) go to and...
[BUG] Unable to connect QA wallet to dapp via WalletConnect Steps: 1) go to the walletconnect page on qa 2) try to connect the wallet via walletconnect Actual result: After...
Sentry reference: Unable to upload profile picture STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1) click on the account icon. 2) Click on the photo field. 3) Click on the photo box. 4)...