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[BUG] The Invite doenst works properly on QA. Need to re-deploy smart contracts
**The Invite doenst works properly on Native App.
The users are not able to get reward after both of them were whitelisted. The "Your inviter is not veriied yet" popup is shown.**
- two whitelisted accounts are available without used invite code
Steps to reproduce:
- go to the invite page
- enter the invite code from other account
- observe the result
Actual result: The users are not able to get reward after both of them were whitelisted. The "Your inviter is not veriied yet" popup is shown.
Expected result: The users are able to get reward after both of them were whitelisted
Environment: QA Version 1.33.1-6 (2179)
Devices: Windows 10 // Google Chrome v94 Google Pixel 3a XL // Android 12
Accounts info: Inviter: Mastedseed - "c12bcedf051462641b1c5eabb22e9704c59296e3f5d562b5e3cb3180ed26dbfa" WalletAddress - 0xfB3cAe58d91C29B3213671C3559c57BAEeC152c8
Invited: MasterSeed - "46e1181fb1c643a5453fa1cebbded5a31b44ae852783cca0e3dcea9b768f8a0f" WalletAddress - 0x1B744385E6b2a4ee296DfdA1704b55486EF575f8
Attachments: - logs from web QA - logs from Native QA
@sirpy I've checked - an V2 wallet (GoodWalletClass
) is including on QA:
10-28 13:35:49.526 10421 10551 D ReactNativeJS: { from: 'WalletClassSelector' }, 'Selected wallet class for env', { staging: 'GoodWalletClass' }
10-28 13:36:07.934 10421 10551 I ReactNativeJS: { from: 'GoodWalletV2' }, 'GoodWallet Ready.', { account: '0xdd2CA268371353f3DaA1C45C809083d0B107D8bf' }
Could you please suggest how to test this one:
wrong version of smart contracts addresses , different env smart contracts
Or you may check by yourself ?
@sirpy Wallet initializes with the following addresses:
0-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: { from: 'GoodWalletV2' }, 'GoodWallet initialized with addresses', { networkId: 122,
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: mainnetNetworkId: 3,
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: network: 'staging',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: contractAddresses:
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: { FuseFaucet: '0xDfCb356c9bd420263aC56D7980f409AcE9050896',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: ProxyAdmin: '0x2Ea4aAA8351CfE63B537E81Cd4a13c435B945C1D',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Invites: '0x7d5FC799dE6fB6a30161684f27320BAcAdBf4126',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: ProxyAdmin2: '0x23D8492444DA663fcb2bDa8cA9A0e84989D1f59e',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GoodDollar: '0x100b8fd10ff8DC43fda45E636B4BB1eE6088270a',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: NameService: '0x42397cda22eA9678B99aB044e09943dcd9C1C197',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GReputation: '0xf4467Ad0c9D7D0446B379fE6217111a4690066D1',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: CompoundVotingMachine: '0x35ea7176cfde2D35Dff3E688F7bA45D1d5dF0A76',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: ClaimersDistribution: '0x0f621891827e6F269c812C57dFb333cBD71f9172',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GovernanceStaking: '0x2204149F662193AeEAD934921Be56a81E9f18F24',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: UBIScheme: '0xd2870bA2115DF59fDF5CE8c19Da18b7C22bb4E68',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: ProtocolUpgradeFuse: '0x739B4fAeA11D83050048020E5E55CC8DcCA65d82',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Identity: '0x104efFcBDddae9cd4813b8A05Ecd6A17BaBfE6d9',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Avatar: '0xcA9E4D51bc496F0b661E9fa02d25E4f67Dd88870',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Controller: '0x7CBA0778748960145F3E56b3285255064D86709D',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: AbsoluteVote: '0x7b58A5737440Bc05ca3972fDeFf8ac3bA984536B',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: SchemeRegistrar: '0x0E79f80809180aB8FAE189D4e76fC814672d9a40',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: AdminWallet: '0x8b0Ec4aFaEE9974233c29fa52cC5D2493FB81D45',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: UpgradeScheme: '0xfC9F6F5E3ff7BAAB3fEf82e66f56917D625ba38B',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: OneTimePayments: '0x2b5Ef42bc3D1BEfCbA20E3233DeDadD2439B8Ac2',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: network: 'staging',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: networkId: 122 },
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: mainnetAddresses:
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: { NameService: '0x855e98563268A5901245EDAF5D6DC4a84dE52488',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GReputation: '0x9d527F4509f5d80bb23611B69b28a3809D04ecd4',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: CompoundVotingMachine: '0xb5B0BfDE56baCB64594c115C6cd5fC246011dB5f',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GoodMarketMaker: '0x36cFbb93E8C1B9aAb2Ff413C92e78D12fbAcDc0E',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GoodReserveCDai: '0x11c736655DF25e37D16D3D63dfbc68E2bE9Ad603',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: ExchangeHelper: '0xAaB60FE459C0eB809461d858ce9A98523d826c2A',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GoodFundManager: '0x628Ac069cc7d1a29a111D9CE5bAD329432C481D7',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: StakersDistribution: '0x8CCD0aaF0eCF85994CBd14D4e968CE11E72A2873',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: ProtocolUpgrade: '0x9AF22262897E176b4dcF8e8cabb8FB6ebdA7A98a',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: UniswapV2SwapHelper: '0x83bAed0B819CddEe940F9eaC783E51eb671b5ddF',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: CompoundStakingFactory: '0x13921D84D3D38Fa6Fa43Abd777F7708055D5a2Bd',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: AaveStakingFactory: '0xE1BaC1507C13f927E42d150af0bD2bCd2e93dED9',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: DonationsStaking: '0xC249BC7553dC279369810292eC9eC1150A54C9c8',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: network: 'staging-mainnet',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: networkId: 3,
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: ForeignBridge: '0xEDA39475415f1A2944a467Aa6359CB4C1c3ed50f',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Contribution: '0x7cC2CcDA5483e721778C4040B1DbD23B3Ab1B4A5',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: StakingContracts: [ [ '0x410c9c4688B3f1f065c41F2b86BEc673A9bb7171', 13888 ] ],
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Identity: '0xfb5dAF44cd18Db7b96DB3F9c6E411D65fcf4f372',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: GoodDollar: '0x4738C5e91C4F809da21DD0Df4B5aD5f699878C1c',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Controller: '0x589F7ae100a7dbd80DC512208b7a0F457A041BE6',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: Avatar: '0x3BC91a65f53dACBd2336C04AC060741f70dCd187',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: BancorFormula: '0x57b2c85934Ef1A891eC9b9945f3fdbcf1104c302',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: DAI: '0xB5E5D0F8C0cbA267CD3D7035d6AdC8eBA7Df7Cdd',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: cDAI: '0x6ce27497a64fffb5517aa4aee908b1e7eb63b9ff',
10-28 21:26:12.358 16404 16451 D ReactNativeJS: COMP: '0xf76d4a441e4ba86a923ce32b89aff89dbccaa075' } }
what is logged exactly:
Invites contract ID is 0x7d5FC799dE6fB6a30161684f27320BAcAdBf4126
Network is staging
which is correct according to your Slack message:
Hadar R 2:11 PM NETWORK is fuse for dev, staging for qa and production for prod
Maybe the issue is in some addresses from deployment.json
But it's a part of the @gooddollar/goodcontracts
package which is out of my scope
So we need your help. Thanks
Upd. there's networkMainnet: 'fuse-mainnet'
in the config but i've checked - it doesn't affects anything.
In the wallet class mainnet network name auto generates from the network env var (by adding -mainnet
So yes, most probably the issue is somewhere out of GD app
@vldkh @johnsmith-gooddollar It seems like the staging invites contract is not up to date.
@vldkh please try on dev/prod envs also I remind you that we've agreed that you report an issue status in other envs also, but I dont see that happening
@sirpy @johnsmith-gooddollar There is only an issue with QA env. Invites work properly on DEV and PROD envs.
Tested on: PROD Version 1.33.1 (2127) DEV Version 1.33.1-7 (2198)
Device: Samsung A80 // Android 10
@vldkh @johnsmith-gooddollar It seems like the staging invites contract is not up to date.
@sirpy could you fix this please ?
put it in the backlog assigned to me. we need to redeploy the smart contracts, will take some time
@sirpy done
@sirpy was this fixed ? could it be closed ?
@sirpy checked the invites on prod, and it works only on the celo chain, rewards were received on both accounts So it could be closed