qml-colors icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
qml-colors copied to clipboard

This library should have never been created


Made by Ukrainian License

Struggling with colors?

Are you sick and tired of poorness of Qt Quick's color datatype as much as I am? Ever wanted to have an easier way of doing simple color transformations in QML bindings like following?

Rectangle { id: r1; color: 'red' }

Rectangle {
	// oh god, I just wanted to add some transparency
	color: Qt.rgba(r1.color.r, r1.color.g, r1.color.b, 0.8)

What if you could write it like this?

Rectangle {
	color: rgba(r1.color, 0.8)

Or even like this?

Rectangle {
	color: $.fadeOut(r1.color, 20 .percent)

Interested? Then welcome aboard! Let's see some examples.

With this library you can…

…construct color objects

in many various ways

Rectangle {
	color: rgba('indigo', 0.8)  // ⇒ #cc4b0082 (as ARGB)
Rectangle {
	color: q`#036`  // ⇒ #003366
Rectangle {
	color: q`r:${128} g:${0} b:${255}`  // ⇒ #8000ff

And even imperatively out of color-properties

Item {
	Component.onCompleted: {
		const c = q`yellow`       // It looks like a string, but it's an object!

		// this is expected
		console.log(q`yellow`)    // ⇒ #ffff00

		// but let's try this
		console.log(q`yellow`.r)  // ⇒ 1.0
		console.log(q`yellow`.g)  // ⇒ 1.0
		console.log(q`yellow`.b)  // ⇒ 0.0

…use units

Rectangle {
	color: $.adjustHue('#036', +45['°'])   // ⇒ #1a0066
Rectangle {
	color: cc`#036`.lighten(60 .percent).color  // ⇒ #99ccff

…rely on a whole bunch of auxiliary color functions

Rectangle {
	color: $.mix('#036', '#d2e1dd', 75['%'])  // ⇒ #355f84
Rectangle {
	color: $.scale('#d2e1dd', {hsl: {l: -10['%'], s: +10['%']}})  // ⇒ #b3d4cb
Rectangle {
	color: $.desaturate('#f2ece4', 20 .percent)  // ⇒ #eeebe8

…chain as many transformations as you need

Rectangle {
			.adjustHue(-105 .deg)
			.desaturate(20 .percent)
			.mix('red', 85 .percent)
			.adjust({alpha: -30 .percent})
			.color                          // ⇒ #b33cc341

…work with colors imperatively

Rectangle {
	color: {
		let newColor = cc`darkorange`
		console.log(newColor)  // ⇒ #ffa500
		console.log(newColor.hue, newColor.saturation)  // ⇒ 0.108 1.0
		newColor.hue = 20 .deg
		newColor.saturation = 65 .percent
		console.log(newColor)  // ⇒ #d2642d
		return newColor.color

…and maybe something else

but I don't even remember.

Wanna use it?

Convinced? Get started now!

Not yet? Anyway, read the documentation and you'll change your mind.