Jeremy Gollehon

Results 44 comments of Jeremy Gollehon

For a anyone following along I hacked around this issue with a most supremely placed try/catch. ```javascript const ownedAssets = useStoreState((state) => { try { return state.assets.getStakedAssetsByAddress(theAddress); } catch {...

Hi @ctrlplusb thanks for the response. We're using Expo so I'll put together an example on and post here when ready.

OK. I'm back with the example @ctrlplusb. Here's the snack. [easy-peasy-persist-computed-bug]( I set the store up the same way we do our production app. You will notice we build a...

Same. Just tried to switch over to easy-peasy's `persist`. It seems so much easier but kept running into issues before finding this thread. Should have searched first!

Does anyone know why `setItem` isn't being called? I'm trying to create a local patch but looking at the code I don't quite understand what's causing it to not be...

Hi @ctrlplusb I had to switch back to `redux-persist` for now. This is an iOS issue. Here is a Snack reproduction. [easy-peasy-persist-bug]( Run it with the Android emulator and `SET_ITEM`...

Thanks for the info @duygiangdg! You can see your workaround in affect by running the iOS simulator here. [easy-peasy-persist-bug-workaround]( 👍

> I think LayoutProvider should be wrapped inside useRef. Because otherwise it will be recreated every render `const layoutProvider = useRef(new LayoutProvider(() => 0,() => {})).current` SUPER helpful... thank you!!!...

I did it with one of the built in scenes, Savana Sunset, just to be sure. It also errors with this message. ``` error: type 2 address: /scenes/GtIrG7Jc2ICLMsB description: body...