Na'aman Hirschfeld

Results 75 issues of Na'aman Hirschfeld

This is a "standing" refactor ticket. Contributors are welcome to add PRs addressing it, and it is as such a good place to start contributing to the project. PRs addressing...

help wanted
good first issue

This is a "standing" refactor ticket. Contributors are welcome to add PRs addressing it, and it is as such a good place to start contributing to the project. PRs addressing...

help wanted
good first issue

This PR is a WIP. I'm adding it as a draft for two reasons: 1. to allow for comments. 2. to allow maintainers of Sentry to merge it into a...


We currently dont have any explicit mechanism to set cache control headers, and users need to manually set them. It would be good to add a datastructure object similar to...

help wanted
good first issue

Our docs now have a rather basic migration guide. It would be very helpful to have this updated. If need be, we can split it by different frameworks, so a...

help wanted
good first issue

Hi again, So I've noticed that refurb is pretty slow compared to other tools. I would guess its because its using mypy and is not itself compiled. I would therefore...


Hi again @dosisod, One thing I'd like to suggest is adding performance checks. 1. Certain kinds of loops will benefit from being chained using `itertools.chain`, and in general `itertools` offers...


Hiya and thanks for this library. The issue is that it doesn't play nice with type checkers - because its missing a `py.typed` file. The fx is simple - add...


Hi there, I recently tried switching between version 0.12.5-1 (2018) to 0.12.6-1 (2020) of the binary (using this link to download it:, but this appears to cause an issue...

Hi There, Thanks for this great plugin. I encounter an issue when I am trying to use async functions as call handlers for GRPC-JS services. As you can see here:...
