I created a repo by create-react-app, it uses react-refresh to achieve partial refresh and uses sse to enable HMR for Chrome extension content scripts: [cra-crx-boilerplate](https://github.com/Godiswill/cra-crx-boilerplate)
I also fixed this by react-refresh, here is a [repo](https://github.com/Godiswill/cra-crx-boilerplate).
Hi, here is a [demo](https://github.com/Godiswill/cra-crx-boilerplate), automatic refresh perfectly.
I created a repo by create-react-app, so you can enjoy it. [cra-crx-boilerplate](https://github.com/Godiswill/cra-crx-boilerplate)
Hi, Bro! It works for me. Looks like your ESLint settings conflict with me, please try to fix it by IDE or command line.
Import in your component: `import './global.scss'` Or you can try this: https://webpack.js.org/loaders/sass-loader/#additionaldata