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An unofficial GoXLR App replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS

GoXLR Configuration Utility

A tool to configure and use a TC-Helicon GoXLR or GoXLR Mini without requiring windows.

This application assumes you have working audio with your GoXLR device, either out of the box, or via our install sript. Check out the main GoXLR on Linux repository for info.

Project State

For the current list of features that are supported, as well as what's still left to be done, checkout the Roadmap in this repository.


As of the 0.3.0 release, the GoXLR Utility is packaged for use on several distributions. These can be found under assets on the releases page.

These releases are still somewhat experimental, as the time taken to test across all distros and versions is extreme. For the time being, we've limited our tests to recent popular distributions:

The .deb files have been tested on Ubuntu and Pop!_OS 22.04
The .rpm files have been tested on Fedora Workstation 36

Note: Post install, you will need to unplug and replug your GoXLR into your computer, so that permissions are correctly applied.

These packages may work on other Debian / RPM based flavours, feel free to try them, and if they work (or don't), please let us know!

In addition, the GoXLR Utility is now available in the Arch User Repository for use in Arch based distributions.

If you require the utility to run on an unsupported platform, jump to Manual Compilation below.


Running the daemon

The daemon is the 'brains' of the project, it's responsible for handling profiles, button presses, configuration and other changes. As such, it needs to be running at all times for the GoXLR to function.

You can start the daemon by executing goxlr-daemon. The daemon has a couple of possible command line parameters which can be viewed using goxlr-daemon --help.

For the best experience, you should configure goxlr-daemon to automatically start on login, for information on how to achieve this, please consult your distributions' documentation.

If the daemon can't connect to your GoXLR device, check your device permissions (see 'Setting Permissions' below).

You should not run the GoXLR Daemon as root!

Interacting with the GoXLR

There are two methods for communicating with the daemon and the GoXLR, goxlr-client (a command-line configuration utility), and the embedded Web UI.


The GoXLR Client allows for complete configuration of the GoXLR via the command line. This could be useful for situations where automation of commands and configurations are needed, or you simply don't like the provided UI!

The option list for the CLI is pretty extensive, but reasonably well documented, all parameters, options and their descriptions can by found via goxlr-client --help

Web UI

Introduced in 0.2.0, the GoXLR daemon now has a web configuration utility available (by default) at http://localhost:14564. It's been designed to behave as close to the Windows application as possibly, and as such should have a familiar design and work as you would expect it to.

If you're not a fan of the WebUI, or would prefer to turn it off, you can start the goxlr-daemon process with the --http-disable flag

The UI is still a heavy work in progress, if you'd like to assist, feel free to contribute to its Github Repo.

Manual Compilation

Setting Permissions

Copy 50-goxlr.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and then reload with sudo udevadm control --reload-rules.

You will need to unplug and replug the GoXLR afterwards, to allow the new permissions to take effect.

Building from source


  • Install Rust
  • Install libusb
    • Debian/Ubuntu: apt install libusb-dev
    • Arch/Manjaro: pacman -S libusb
  • Have a GoXLR :)


The easiest way to build is by using the following commands to compile and install the executables:

  • cargo install --path daemon for the daemon
  • cargo install --path client for the client to interact with the daemon Tab-complete files for your terminal of choice will be available after building.

If you'd prefer not to install, you can use cargo build and access the binaries in the target/ directory.


This project is also not supported by, or affiliated in any way with, TC-Helicon. For the official GoXLR software, please refer to their website.