I have been an R guy all along and picked up JS recently. I have used the candleStick Pattern package built in R by R-Forge. Please see the JS equivalent...
@rongierlach Were you able to implement a canvas version of the order book?
Thank you
I tried the below code in gatsby-node.js I have a 1:n mapping against category to post ``` // Find unique list of categories across all posts const categoryBaseList = result.data.allContentfulTestBlog.edges...
It did not work
I think I am close thanks to all your help. Below is my detailed code. 1. Paginated Index page generated (as expected) 2. Non-paginated tag pages generated (as expected) 3....
Yes. Will provide by EOD
Please find the output below ``` categorSet_Count: undefined categoryList_Count: 7 categorySet: Set { 'Grand opening', 'another one', 'moar', 'random', 'test3', 'tech', 'gatsby' } categoryList: [ 'Grand opening', 'another one', 'moar',...
Peeling a little deeper, I think the addFrame is not working for my canvas. It is giving a frame32 which is always an array of 0 values [0, 0, 0,...
Next I attempted to convert my canvas to png like in the demo and then use your library ``` function saveForGif(doc, container, encoder) { const bgTextNode = container.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("#bg-text"); saveAsPng.svgAsDataUri(bgTextNode, {},...