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Gluu Server UI for managing authentication, authorization and users.

Results 52 oxTrust issues
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Bumps [jetty-webapp](https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project) from 9.4.40.v20210413 to 9.4.44.v20210927. Release notes Sourced from jetty-webapp's releases. 9.4.44.v20210927 Changelog #6883 - Welcome file redirects do not honor the relativeRedirectAllowed option #6870 - Encode control characters...


Both the `displayName` and `id` of the scope should be substring searched. For example, `offline` search returns nothing, even though there is a default scope called `offline_access`



This dropdown needs to be configurable: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3717101/183957751-a4daec9a-96e7-42c4-b96e-622469105123.png) Currently, it is hard-coded: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3717101/183957807-0f9732a4-1445-465f-8def-5ee1241b6948.png)

It is reported that there are LOTS (few millions) files under /var/gluu/identity/removed/ Files named like uuid={some_uuid},ou=cache,o=gluu{timestamp} Each file content is LDIF. We need to check this directory regularly and remove...


Remove UMA from left navigation. 1) Resource would accessible from clients form. 2) UMA scope would be accessible from navigation openID -> scopes.

If there was just one search field that searched all the JSON properties, that would be easier then using the Find feature in the browser. For example, today I was...

This does not belong on the UMA Scope form... Also, can we change the "Add Scope" text to "Save" -- it's confusing here, because you may think there is a...

The hash value of the Redis password is being encrypted by oxTrust instead of the clear text with each "Update" in oxTrust, resulting in the loss of the password. Recorded...

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