Glowstone-Legacy copied to clipboard
Block placement (stairs, etc.)
BlockTypes representing stairs, slabs, logs, leaves, ladders, and other assorted blocks with facing need to be created to allow these to be placed correctly. The placeBlock
function should be overridden to modify the passed BlockState to set data based on the player's facing or the face placed against as needed.
Blocks involved:
- [x] Torches
- [ ] Redstone torches
- [x] Logs
- [ ] Leaves
- [x] Slabs
- [ ] Tall flowers
- [ ] Pistons
- [x] Stairs
- [X] Sign posts and wall signs
- [x] Doors
- [ ] Rails
- [x] Ladders
- [x] Furnaces
- [x] Chests / Ender chests
- [x] Dispensers
- [x] Droppers
- [x] Hoppers
- [x] Levers
- [x] Buttons
- [ ] Pumpkins / Jack o'Lanterns
- [ ] Redstone repeaters / comparators
- [x] Trap doors
- [x] Vines
- [x] Fence gates
- [ ] Cocoa beans
- [ ] Tripwire hooks
- [x] Heads
- [x] Hay
- [x] Quartz
- [x] Beds
- [ ] Anvils
- [x] Banners
Edit (turt2live): Issue scope expanded to general placement problems including data not being set (leaves, etc) and not just facing directions.
Torches are covered in #116 "Redstone support" (yes, both RS and non-RS)
Note: Currently torches are client-side blocks. Not sure about other blocks.
Added beds to main checklist.
Currently working on a Skull implementation, just FYI.
@ZephireNZ so are 2 other people, just a heads up.
Oh, dang. Race to the finish line? :P
Who are the other two?
@ZephireNZ I would suggest joining the dev chat on IRC to get access to that board :P