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Handle Compilation for 0 / 1 Transactions in Glow Contract
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on May 24, 2021, 15:17
Currently compilation does not handle the case where first transaction is also the last.
Reproducing the issue
#lang glow
@interaction([Sender, Recipient])
let transfer = (price : Nat) => {
deposit! Sender -> price;
withdraw! Recipient <- price;
only has 1 transaction, because there is no interaction (e.g. @publish! A -> x
) with the contract after its initial creation-and-destruction step (the only transaction).
The compiler does not currently handle this, and compilation fails when running the contract via glow start-interaction
From the Trace below, this occurs when we do lookup-live-variables
and call hash-ref
which compiles down to (##structure-ref ...)
In thread primordial:
0 clan/exception#call-with-logged-exceptions__%
1 ##dynamic-env-bind
2 mukn/glow/runtime/program#lookup-live-variables
3 mukn/glow/runtime/participant-runtime#create-frame-variables
4 mukn/glow/runtime/participant-runtime#prepare-create-contract-transaction
5 mukn/glow/runtime/participant-runtime#deploy-contract
6 mukn/glow/runtime/participant-runtime#run-active-code-block
7 mukn/glow/runtime/participant-runtime#execute-1
8 mukn/glow/runtime/participant-runtime#execute
9 ##dynamic-env-bind
10 mukn/glow/runtime/reify-contract-parameters#run
11 mukn/glow/cli/interaction#start-interaction__%
12 ##dynamic-env-bind
13 ##call-with-values
14 clan/exit#call-print-exit
15 ##dynamic-env-bind
16 ##start-main
17 ##kernel-handlers
*** ERROR IN clan/exception#call-with-logged-exceptions__% -- (Argument 1) Instance of #<type #81 ci> expected
(##structure-ref #f 2 '#<type #81 ci> #f)
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on May 24, 2021, 15:21
changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on May 24, 2021, 15:21
changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on May 24, 2021, 15:24
changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on May 24, 2021, 15:37
changed the description
In GitLab by @kwanzknoel on May 24, 2021, 16:00
changed the description